
Ch 13: I Like You

Amilia pov:

"So you're the leader?" I sat up and cleaned the bloody bandages and towels.


What the hell did I get myself into? Rubbing my face I try not to over or under think this situation, I needed to be rational.

"I understand if you want to leave." She stood with her arms crossed, eyes towards the ground, like a scolded child.

"Do you kill people?" I sat myself on the counter, my hands wrangled together.

"Yes. Plenty." She was honest.

"Do you like it?" She stayed quiet for a moment, biting her lip before speaking.

"More than I should, yes." 

She is kind, sweet, caring, cocky, a jackass, funny and yet she kills people. How can… that's not fair to even ask, I mean I've killed people, I keep killing people to get away.

"You may not believe me but I'm sorry. Truly I am." She gritted her teeth, her body language screaming in anger.

"Come here." My voice was quiet, I almost thought she couldn't hear it.

Slowly walking to me she stood in front, her eyes down and her arms crossed still. Sighing, I reached out and pulled her closer, lodging her between my legs. Running my hands down her arms I place them on my thighs.

"Look at me." She huffed and showed me her beautiful eyes. They held so much anger and shame, something she rarely shows.

"I'm sor-" covering her mouth with my hand I shut her up. She was being honest, she was being vulnerable, and I would be a hypocrite to judge her for things I've also done.

"I killed my parents... They abused me till I was 17, I couldn't take it anymore so I killed them. Now every so often a man or woman will come after me to try and take me back there. Or worse." I felt years of guilt and worry fall off my shoulders at finally getting to tell someone this.

She didn't speak but her eyes went wide in shock.

"My uncle is a wealthy businessman that wants me dead because I killed his brother, my father. If I so much as go anywhere near Idaho or put myself out there too much, I'll be found and taken to jail. Or killed." 

The air was tense and thick, neither of us saying anything after my confession. She had nothing in her eyes, a neutral look on her face. I felt ready to leave, being too exposed made my skin crawl.

Lips landed on mine as hands pulled me closer, a deep rumbling from her chest. Moaning into the kiss I pulled her in, wrapping my arms around her.

"Oh god… I need you. You're perfect." Her words made me shiver.

My hands ran across her skin, reaching and touching anything I could. A hiss left her when my hand pressed her wound a little too hard.

"A-Azrael… we should talk about t-this." I moan into the kiss, my lips never leaving.

"Why? You're fucked up, I'm fucked up, we can talk later." Pulling me closer she lifts me into her arms despite her injury.

"Yes but- fuck." She pins me against a wall, her lips attacking my neck.

"Do you really want to talk?" She stops for a moment, the air thick and making me hot.



Whitlock pov:

Laying panting on my living room floor I grabbed a blanket from the couch and half-heartedly tossed it over us. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the coffee table I lit one up and inhaled the smoke.

I could feel Amilia's body close to mine, she stared blankly at the ceiling, no emotion behind her eyes. Taking a breath I hand the cig to her.

"How long have you been running?" A cloud of smoke flows up into the air.

"Six years." She takes a hit, the smoke following after.

"You don't have to keep running if you don't want to…" Sitting up I take the cig from her, sucking in the cancer.

"I do though. I should have left already, that guy that died at work was because of me. He was trying to off me. It won't be long before someone connects some dots." She sounded tired.

"I'll clear it up for you. You can stay longer if you like. If not… I'll help you get to a new place." I didn't want her to leave but I can't stop her, she's too stubborn anyways.

She rolled over and stared at me, propping herself on her elbow. She was so beautiful, so amazing to me. Long black hair that I loved to run my hands through, hazel eyes that made me lose my breath.

"I'm not sure, I don't really want to leave or to keep running but… I can't get caught Az." She looked conflicted, her lips tugged between her teeth.

Putting the cig out I ripped open the bag of chinese food that I picked up from the door, she managed to order the food. Setting out utensils and food I gave her a look of asking her to join me.

Snorting a laugh she moved to sit next to me, both of us leaning against the front of the couch. We ate in silence, both caught up in our heads.

"How'd you get into the Mafia?" She slurped her chow mein.

"My parents. My mother and father were the leaders before me and I'm set to carry after them." 

"Do you have a good relationship with them?" She eyed me from the corner of her eye.

"Mm, not sure. They weren't very loving or kind but I know they cared. They just had a business and gang to run. They didn't have time for affection or pampering." 

"No hatred for them?" 

"My mother, no, but my father and I don't see eye to eye at times. He had a steady hand in punishment and hatred for me. He would never beat me but he would slap my face or keep me locked up in my room till I learned my lesson."

He wasn't the kindest father, but my home was cold growing up. I resent my father for my upbringing but I have to thank him. I am who I am because of him. He may have hit me, he may have hated me, but I'm a stronger person because of him.

Someone has to carry our family name…

"Sounds pretty demanding of a child." She hugged her knees to her chest.

"It was… still is at times." I smiled despite being uncomfortable with the talk of my family.

Her head landed on my shoulder, leaning on me as we sat in the silence for a moment. Wrapping my arm around her shoulder I keep her close, loving the feel of her close to me.

"I… I like you a lot Amilia. I don't see what you did as wrong or a burden, I think you had to make a hard choice." I whispered, afraid if anything louder it would break the moment.

Wetness landed on my shoulder, it was her tears, she didn't shake or make noise, she just let the tears fall. Running my hand through her hair I tried my best to comfort her, I was never good at it.

"If I leave… Please don't hate me." Her voice was just as quiet, a tone of desperation laced in it.

"I won't. I don't think I can." Pressing a kiss to her temple I let her cry as long as she needed.

"You're too nice." She scoffed, wiping tears from her face.

"I kill people. I don't think nice people do that." We laughed a bit, the irony loud and clear.

"I think you're nice." Her hazel eyes met mine, they shine from her tears.

Leaning in I press a kiss to her lips, this one different. It wasn't fast, needy, or full of lust, it was slow and passionate. I wanted her to feel love, I wanted her to feel safe with me.

"I want you to know everything." Breaking the kiss I rest my forehead on hers.

"Might as well be completely honest." She snorted. We spent the night staying there.

I explained my work in the criminal world, I explained what we did and how long we've done it. I told her of my gang, of the secrets they held, the wounds I carried. I told her everything about my second life and she promised to never tell a soul.

She told me everything about her. The years of abuse, the years of her mother and father hatred taken out on her. The time she spent running, never allowing love or friends. The mental scarring of having to kill, of being numb to life itself, only finding comfort in material things.

She was flawed, heavily flawed, and I thought she was perfect. She wasn't fake, she didn't act one way and present another. She is who she is, flawed, and it mesmerized me.

Eventually we fell asleep, holding each other with a loving embrace. I didn't think I would care like this for another person, not after her…


I woke in the morning to a comforting pressure on my body, a hand tracing my stomach. Amilia laid on me, her eyes following her hands tracing.

"How are you feeling?" Her head craned to look up at me.

"Fine. It's a little sore but I'll be fine." The wound on my side needed changing but it'd be fine regardless.

"Mm, let's get ready. We have work." She detangled herself from me.

Following her lead we went to shower together, lazy touches and kisses as we cleaned up. When out we dried off and dressed accordingly.

I wore an all black suit, leaving a few buttons undone. She wore a maroon button up and black pencil skirt, some heels to make her legs look longer.

"You have clothes here?" I watched her do her makeup.

"Bought them with Max yesterday."

"The I.T tech?" 

"He's a nice guy." She smacked her lips as she applied some matte lipstick.

"Should I be jealous?" Teasing her, I slid behind her, circling my arms around her waist.

"Always. I don't want you to think I won't leave you, cause I will." She gave a coy smile, lightly dragging her manicured nails down my cheek.

"You tease." Kissing her cheek we finish and leave.

Grabbing my keys and wallet we head for the lobby, find my car and get in with me opening her door. Driving off to the office I find paparazzi outside the doors waiting with my security staff coming to the car.

"Wow, what a bad day for you to stay the night." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and took out a pair of sunglasses.

Stepping out I'm nearly blinded by the flashing lights, questions shouted at me as I open her door. They questioned about who she is, the recent murder, the company, many other things but I ignored them. 

The security keeps them off as I lead us inside the building, she seemed uncomfortable. We greeted and waved at people that gave us weird looks inside, guess they weren't expecting her to ride with me.

Taking the elevator up I hear her let out a deep sigh, her face covered in stress and worry.

"Paparazzi?" I asked her, watching the floors pass by.

"I don't need my face being blasted everywhere." She sounded irritated.

"I'm sorry." Crossing my arms I stare straight ahead.

"They're vultures." The door opens and we head in.

She goes to her office without another word and I'm left feeling cold. Going to mine I find the others waiting for me.

"Yo! Where you been Chica. You were supposed to celebrate with us after." Claudio smiled from the couch.

"I even bought a good whiskey." Damien whined, his hands behind his head.

"She was with that little slut of hers?" Lilith filed her nails, eyes staring daggers at me.

"The assistant?" Rose looked up from cleaning her knife.

"The only one." Axe grunted.

Great… they're all here…

"I was with her last night but why does that matter?" Sitting at my desk I opened up files and started up my computer.

"We were supposed to party!" Claudio jumped to his feet, doing a weird little dance.

"Plenty of people died last night, a handful of our own." I kept my eyes on the screen.

"That's never stopped you before." Damien pointed out, a smirk on his face.

"I didn't feel like it." I waved him off.

"Right? No, you just felt like getting your dick sucked instead." Lilith threw her nail file at me.

"We mostly talked." I gave a smile even though she's pissing me off.

"About?" Rose asked, not looking up from her cleaning.

"Life. Hers, mine, my job, the mafia, childhood-"

"YOU TOLD HER!?" Axe slammed his fist on my desk, eyes full of anger.

"Who I decide to tell and not tell isn't your business."

"It very much is. I need to know who knows and who doesn't. How do you know she won't tell or rat us out to the cops?" He's never one to result to anger or violence first but I could tell this easily pissed him off.

"She won't."

"How do you know?!"

"Do you not trust my judgment?"

"I don't trust her!"

"You don't need to, I do."

"If she rats us out or tells anyone I'm gonna fucking kill-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence as I had a gun pointed under his chin in a second. He went quiet, fear in his eyes at my sudden action.

"Holy shit, calm down." Damien shouted from the couch area.

My eyes bore into his, he swallowed thickly, the situation tense and riddled with fear. Smiling, I click the gun, taking the safety off and warning him I would shoot.

"You touch her, threaten her, so much as speak bad to her and I'll shoot you. I'll kill you nice and slow, I don't care if you're my friend Axe. You don't touch her." 

His eyes screamed at me with anger but I didn't want a disobedient dog barking or biting when untold. 

"Am I understood?" Pressing the gun a little harder under his chin he nodded.

"Speak." I didn't have time for games.


Moving the gun away I set it on the desk and leaned back in my chair. The room had grown silent, all of their eyes on me.

"That goes for all of you. Whether you like it or not, she's in my life now, so get used to it." They nodded or grumbled a response.

Axe stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him, he would calm down eventually. Lilith followed him but I didn't care,  the others stayed to talk or lounge around while I worked.

When noon came around the door opened to reveal a stressed out Amilia, she held a tablet in hand. Striding up to my desk she ignored the others and turned the tablet to face me.

"Garza Entertainment wants to do business with us… and they're fucking assholes." She slammed the tablet on my table.

"I see. Was it Mary or Jonathan?" I knew these people well, they are assholes.

"Mary." She pinched the bridge of her nose. Chuckling I look over at the three and motion to the door.

They get up to leave, Claudio and Damien waving goodbye to the stressed woman. When alone she flattened out her skirt and cleared her throat.

"Sorry… She's just such a bitch." Crossing her arms she looked at the cracked screen of the tablet.

Motioning for her to come closer she does, standing to my side I move her in front of me. Holding her hips I lift her onto my desk, spreading her legs as I move closer.

"Would you like help in distressing?" My hands rub up her thighs, feeling the goosebumps rise.

"Don't be cocky." Her hand threads through my hair, gently pulling it.

"Yes ma'am."

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