


How did he managed to figure me out so quickly?

“So you are stalking me? I knew it”

He laughs lightly and looks down at my luggage.

“Relax, I’m not stalking anybody. It’s pretty obvious.”

“No it isn’t, I’m dressed very casually”

“That’s one point, you wouldn’t be going on a trip or vacation with all that luggage.”

“That doesn’t prove anything, you are making no sense”

“Am I now? Where’s your best friend then, Layla is her name right?”

“She has things to do, she’s a busy person”

“Still, you too seem close, she wouldn’t let you travel without seeing you off”

I was left speechless by his deduction. He caught me red handed.

“So Ruby, where are you headed?”

“I actually don’t know that yet”

“Do you want to sit and talk maybe?”

“You had a business meeting no?”

”I do but my flight doesn’t take off till 8:00.”

“I see, well.. I’m hurt”

“Did I say something I shouldn’t have yesterday?”

“It’s not you; I just feel like every time I make an effort to heal, something just comes along and ruins it.”

“Or someone?”

I take a sharp look at him, Logan seems to be a very observant man

“Maybe, the point is; I shouldn’t have come back here”

“Why do you feel so?”

“Because everything about this place hunts me, it’s not as be beautiful as I remember.”

“Make it beautiful then”


“If there’s someone in your life that makes you feel frustrated, cut the person off totally and be happy”

“I cut the person off years ago but he keeps finding ways to come into my life and make me feel miserable” 

“If I was in your life, I’d never give him the chance to come in and make you miserable. You can’t run away, Ruby.”

“Yes I can, I can and I will.”

“Why haven’t you gone yet then? You don’t even know where you want to go”

I see sadness as I look into Logan’s eyes, the same type of sadness Mason had on his face when I told him about my intention.

“It's something I have to do”

“So you’re planning to leave your family, your friends and me behind because you’re trying to run away from that guy?”

“I’m not running away”

“That’s exactly what you’re doing, Ruby.”

“Why are you so fixated on me? Why me?”

“Because…I fell in love with you at first sight”


“The sudden information I get from Logan causes me to be unable to speak.”

“You’re….in love with me?”

“Wasn’t it obvious? Wasn’t it the reason I asked you to be my mate?”

“You want me?”

“I need you, Ruby. I genuinely do”

Tears roll down my face as he stares at me intently. Logan places his hand on mine and grabs my chin gently with the other hand.

“Wha- what are you doing?”

“I’m showing you what I mean”

My heart starts beating faster than it has ever beat in my life as Logan leans in. The sweet smell of his perfume enchants me and the way his beautiful eyes stare directly into mine charms me.

I initially try to resist him, but I feel weak in the knees and unable to do anything. As his lips approach mine, I close my eyes and accept him.

Logan’s lips presses against mine and I let him in; we share our passionate first kiss and Logan let’s go of my chin and sits properly.

“Your lips taste like candy, it’s sweet.”

I realized it at this point, I had started falling in love with Logan.

“What did we just do?”

My heart beats loud and I don’t even hear myself talk.

You didn’t understand it? I’ll show “you again”

This time he steals a quick kiss from my lips. My whole face turns red with embarrassment as I get off my seat

“Where are you going? You didn’t feel anything? You didn’t feel a spark?”

If only he knew that he had taken my first kiss from me, I felt warm inside and it was like my heart was going to burst.

“I have to find a location to travel to, don’t follow me.”

I walk away and he comes running behind me.

“If you run away, I’ll never see you again.”

“What does it matter to you? You don’t even know me that well”

He grabs my hand.

“I know that I want you, I want you to in my life, Ruby. Please don’t go away.”

Tears run down my cheeks as I look back at him, I feel my emotions slipping out.

“How do I know you’re not just going to change your mind one day and reject me?”

“Because I love you, Ruby. I love you”

Immediately I hear this, my bags fall down and I hug him suddenly.

“I don’t want to go away, I want to stay here with everyone; and I want to give you a chance too!”

He reciprocates and hugs me tightly.

“Then I won’t let you go, I don’t want you to go away from me, don’t go away from your family or your friends.”

“But i- if I stay then this memories will keep making my life miserable, I don’t want to feel that way any longer.”

“Then let me give you new memories, Ruby.”


“Yes, I want to spend all my time with you. Let’s make new memories together.”

He holds up my chin and I stare directly into his eyes with tears running down mine. His words seem sincere.

“Do you promise you won’t hurt me?”

“I promise, I’ll never think about it.”

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips, he reciprocates.

It’s 8:00 already and his flight is announced.

“It seems like I have to go now.”

“Do you really have to go?”

“I hold on to him.”

“I promise, we’

ll go on a picnic when I return.”

I no longer run away, my plans have been changed.

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