
Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Imperfection is beautiful.


"Are you okay?" Ace whispered, rubbing my back soothingly.

I wiped my nose on the back of my hand, sniffing and clinging closer to him. "I think so."

He raised his hands, picking me up from his lap. Fear gripped him hard. No, no. I needed human contact right now. More like Bryan contact. I needed comfort and someone to make be me feel wanted. And at this point he was exactly what I desired desperately. I encircled my arms around his neck, burying my face deeper into his shoulder.

"Not yet, please." I whispered weakly. The plea echoed in the tiny confines of car.

His arms dropped and then wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. His face rubbed against my hair, kissing them lightly. "I am so sorry." Taking my face in his palms he kissed my ear, "Really sorry." He kissed my cheek. "I didn't know this would scare you." He kissed the right corner of my lips, "I won't do that again."

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