
Chapter 006: Unforgettable

Rose won't give up without a fight.

It was really a hard and risky decision and process but she got a positive result.

She was able to run some investigation on her mysterious man and luckily, she got a hint.

Why will she let go of a multi billionaire?

This is just the beginning of her fairy tale story, so she thought.

Though she wants the fame badly, another reason why she was being reluctant is the fact that - he is her first.

She has never had an affair with any man before, so the last thing she did with him still stick in her memory like stigma.

It was hard for her to forget that night even when she was unconscious during the act.

The debts were settled, her mother's health is now stable, life was beginning to be fair to them since they still had some cash remaining.

May invited her to a close by cafe which she went without second thought. She needed to catch some air, she needed an advise from someone close.

"It's unlike you Rose, why didn't you refuse my request this time?" May asked her in surprise.

"The house is too stuffy since I hardly go out. I needed some air" she informed whilst taking a gulp of the wine from the glass.

"So, what's the recent progress? Do you still need a job at the club where I work?" May questioned.

"I do but I don't really think club is the best option" she refused politely.

"But it pay is more and you will have some days off" May urged calmly.

"Do you have any in your grasp?" She asked anxiously.

"Yes" May smiled as she drinks from the glass, then her facial expression changed when a thought slipped through her mind.

"Ahem!" May cleared her throat to gain Rose's attention which worked.

"Have you finally seen the mysterious dandy and gotten rid of the pregnancy?" May asked abruptly.

"Eh -- yes. I have seen the man -- and you were right, he doesn't want the baby but as for aborting it -- I --" she stopped halfway unable to find the right words to fix in.

May angrily hit the table and she shivered in shock.

"Shit!" she cussed in contempt.

"You need the get rid of the baby, Rose. He doesn't want the baby, why keep it?" May exhaled.

"How are you going to take care of the baby alone? Do you think it's easy to become a single mother?" May ranted impatiently, she was concerned about her friend and scared at the same time.

"Calm your nerves down, May. I will deal with this problem alone" she smiled.

"Don't tell me you will keep that thing?" May's tone was now filled with annoyance.

Some patron started staring at them since their discussion was becoming loud.

"Yes, I will keep this thing and you will be a godmother to it" she said bluntly in a sarcastic but serious tone and May scoffed.

"You are terrible" she hit the glass angrily on the table and Rose smiled.

The two friends drink happily and went back to their various houses.

Rose entered into the house and met it's silence and darkness, on her attempt to turn on the bulbs; someone coughed. It was a masculine voice and not from her mother, this triggered her to turn on the electricity bulb sharply.

"Who are you?" She pumped her fist preparing for a fight.

"Can you fight with me?" He scoffed.

She approached him and had a clear view of the figure.

"You!" she squealed in shock.

It was her mysterious man. Max.

"How did you get in?" she was astonished.

"There is nothing I can't get access to" he was being too proud.

"Mum--?" she beckon the check her mother's room but his voice stopped her.

"She is alright" he said and she exhaled.

"What do you want?" she turned to him holding stern glares.

"I only came to confirm if you have gotten rid of that thing inside of you" he bluntly spilled in contempt.

"Thing? I think a ' thing ' is not significant to be monitored. Why bother?" the fact that everyone was referring to her unborn child as a ' thing ' pisses her off. She queried in annoyance.

"As long as I call it a thing, it remains a thing" he stands from the armchair with his furrow brows as he walk towards her.

"I need to see the recent result. Have you taken it out?" He made an anxious come back.

"You are my first affair, this baby is my first child. It happened as a result of my mistake but I will not take it out" she paused.

"If you are not willing to be the father, you are free to leave as I will be taking care of this child alone" she said vividly looking all serious.

She accomodates no fear which surprised Max.

"How dare you!" He grabbed her hand, wrapping it tightly whilst she winced in bits.

"I get to decide whether you keep it or not!" he made facts clear to her in a furious tone.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Daddy. I'm not going to abort my child. Nothing you do will convince me, except --" she stopped speaking.

"Except what?" he questioned.

"You are hurting me" she informed rolling her eyes towards her hand in his tight hold and with anger, he let go of her hand.

"Start speaking" his hands went into his trouser pocket.

"Except you kill me" she informed without blinking, he smirks.

"I see you are fearless. But how about starting the death from your poor mother?" he stared at her scornfully and her jaw dropped.

"My mother?" and then, her attention went back to her mother.

She went straight into her mother's room but it was empty, she searched the whole apartment but her mother was no where to be found.

With wide steps, she approached Max and grabbed his collar looking very angry.

"Where is my mother? What have you done to my mother?!" she tightened her grip in anger not minding if he was a dangerous man or whatsoever. Her mother's health matters.

"Are you ready to speak to me now or not?" his voice was steady.

Her actions didn't move him. He was too big for matters like this.

"Not until you tell me where my mother is and what you have done to her?!" she wasn't willing to listen to him, he pulled her hands from his collar strongly.

"Call me when you want to talk and listen to me!" he snorted in anger and left the apartment.

Rose fell to the ground crying in sadness, she was confused and petrified.

"My mother!"

"Bring my mother back to me" she energetically jumped from the floor in search of her phone.

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Phillip Gutsa
Good good. Very good

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