

It was strange how Amelia knew the layout of the castle. From the moment she climbed down the staircase, she was completely familiar with everything about the ancient fortress. But what still amused her except from the scenario from earlier was how could a lovely maid from early nineteenth century England possibly detect that beneath her ladyship's jewelled exterior there was a New Yorker from the future? Indeed, when she caught a glimpse of herself in the wall mirror, she found it hard to believe herself!

She walked through the candlelit Great Hall, from where another grand staircase led up to the private apartments. She paused in the vast chamber, and looked around. History seemed very tangible in a place like this. The lower walls were panelled in dark oak, above and painted white, and everything was lit by the candles encircling half a dozen wheel-rim chandeliers suspended from a hammerbeam roof. A long table ranged down the centre of the stone-flagged floor, and on its highly polished surface there was a vase beautiful arranged flowers from the castle gardens.

Amelia continued toward the staircase, but paused again, this time to look around the hall. Was she really here? This was so real, it was. 

Gathering her skirt, she went on up the staircase. She reached the door of her apartment, and paused again, her glance moving along to the door of Dane's rooms a little further on. They were married but don't share the same room.

" What was I thinking? This was history. The fact that a man and his wife occupied separate apartments had never signified anything. It wasn't uncommon. " Amelia thought, entered her chamber, and found Katherine's maid, Abigail waiting.

" Your Grace, " Abigail curtsied.

" Abigail. " She glanced around the room. " It feels so real. "

" Because it is. I'm sure you've met Dane. What do you think about him? " Abigail asked, taking a lighted candle through to the dressing room, and soon Amelia heard the chink of porcelain as warm water was poured from a large jug into a bowl. The thought of being attended to by a maid was odd, she was used to doing all the house chores herself when and before she was married to Jacob. 

" He's breathtakingly handsome although he gives me goosebumps, but in a good, sensual way. " Amelia turned to Abigail.

" Goosebimpps? What is that? " Abigail asked, confused. It was obvious she was just hearing that word for the first time.

Amelia almost chuckled but swallowed it back. " I meant cold shivers. I find him both arousing and frightening. The mere gaze of him makes erotic sensations quiver through me. " She explained as she followed Abigail to the dressing room and Abigail smiled a little.

Abigail unhooked the delicate emerald silk gown, removing all her clothing, including her undergarments. She found herself standing completely naked. She felt awkward but decided to go through it and wonder how it would feel being attended by a maid.

She washed her face and hands, but as she did became aware that there was something very important about Katherine that was being withheld from her. She sensed it more than actually knew it, and the feeling was unsettling. What was it? Another skipped chapter or yet again history was wrong. 

Abigail brought a lace-trimmed cream silk nightgown and slipped it over Amelia's head. " You should go to sleep early because Her Grace likes going on a ride very early in the morning. I'm sure you know how to ride a horse? " She said quietly.

Amelia furrowed her brows. There was nothing like that about Katherine or any woman riding a horse in the early nineteenth century. But who was she to question Abigail? She was Katherine's trusted maid and knows everything about her, even the ones that weren't written in history.

" Yes, of course. I know how to ride a horse. My dad taught me at the age of 6 when we were still living in…"

" I know. " Abigail interrupted with a smile.

Clearly taken aback, Amelia decided to ask. " Do women ride horses in the early nineteenth century? "

Abigail didn't reply. This woman was keeping something away from her.

Amelia eyed her. " You're Katherine's maid, and so know her very well indeed, right? "

" Yes. "

" So you must know the reason why Dane despises her? " Amelia said and the woman nodded.

" But I'm not going to tell you yet until the time is right. "

Amelia was beginning to feel annoyed. It seems she wasn't going to tell her anything just yet. " Why do say that? " 

" For there is a reason I used my powers to bring you here. I have the sight to see into the future. " She replied after a moment.

Amelia was dumbfounded. Whatever she'd expected, it hadn't been this. This woman just said she used her powers to bring her here which was very hard to believe. Was there such thing has second sight?

Seeing the expression of doubt on Amelia's face, Abigail smiled. With time, she would understand.


The following day. Around 6 in the morning.

Amelia's eyes flew open. For a moment she didn't know where she was, but then the memory returned. Katherine. She was in the body of Duchess Katherine.

 " Blessed morning your grace, your bath is ready. " Abigail said to her with a bright smile.

Amelia got ready, dressed in a pink silk gown embroidered with daisies and in a black full length hooded robe and long velvet cape, with the help of Abigail, and they both stepped out of the castle towards the barn.

As they walked to the barn, she mumbled. " Do I have to choose a horse or does Katherine have her own personal horse? " 

" No, she doesn't. " Abigail replied.

" If I take a horse as mine, I'd rather no one else rode it. " She told her firmly.

Abigail glanced over at her with a smile but didn't say anything.

The two went into the barn. Amelia asked, pointing to the Hackney. " That horse. Who owns it? " 

" No one owns it. It had never let anyone ride on its back and no one had gotten its attention, as far as I know. " Abigail explained, staring curiously at Amelia.

Amelia and the horse observed one another, and it was she who went to the horse. It was steady and waiting. And Amelia brought out a sugar cube from her pocket and gave it to the horse.

The bribe made Abigail smile. Amelia's hands went over the horse, getting the horse familiar with her. She ran her hands over the horse and talked to it. It was interesting for Abigail to watch and was impressed by how she got to see her get that close to a horse so quickly.

" Theo. That would be your name. " She turned to look at Abigail. " It likes me already. "

" Yes, it does. It's time to go for the ride, your grace. "

Amelia climbed onto the horse and sat astride on it, then grabbed the reins in a light but steady pressure.  As the horse move its head, her hands follow the movement. She gently squeezed her legs and the horse began trotting away.

It's been a while since she had ridden a horse.

She remembered what her father told her when he was teaching her how to ride a horse, "Horses can sense fear and may tense up. The first motion you can build up with your horse is trust. " And that was what she was doing. To her, to ride on a horse is to fly without wings.

The speed was exhilarating. Feeling the weight of the horse underneath her, being carried by each graceful stride, and the wind whipping around as they raced around the barnyard- it was a taste of paradise. 

It just so happened, at the very time Dane and Henry rode into the barnyard and were both astounded to see her riding. The two men witnessed this and their breath was taking away.

Amelia could feel the wind blasting through her hair, it really does feel like she was flying. She felt just as strong, capable, and elegant as her steed, and it shows in how she carried herself during the ride. Her smile was broad and her eyes were bright and a giggle escaped from her lips as she listened to the wind. She was free and there was no sense of fear in her.

Meanwhile, the two men looked stunned and at the same time their heart skipped a beat as they watched her ride with such grace.

Dane's eyes were on her, and he couldn't look away. His heart jolted when he saw her smile. His narrowed eyes lingering on her flushed cheeks as the wind blew her long golden hair. His jaw tautened and he desperately wanted to look away but couldn't. He had seen her smile before, but this was different. There was an unknown spark in his eyes as he continued to stare at her so intently.

How could a woman possibly ride a horse?  This was his first time seeing a woman ride on a horseback in all his years in life. How was this possible? Where and when did she learn how to ride on a horseback?

He could even hear her giggle from afar and they sound like sweet Melody in his ears. 

" Can you see what I'm seeing? Unbelievable! " Henry said to Dane.

To be continued...

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