


The surroundings fell eerily quiet, as if everyone had vanished for the ceremony or other activities. The worst part was that I had no sense of direction. Whether it was daytime or nighttime, it didn't matter—I always struggled with finding my way. But at that moment, my only goal was to escape from the Mooncrest pack. Even if I had no specific destination in mind, I would figure it out later. The sun was rising, bringing with it the scorching heat of summer. My light dress provided little relief.

As I approached a junction with two narrow lanes, I hesitated, contemplating which path to take. I had already distanced myself a bit from the pack's premises. Maybe Lucian wouldn't realize I had left in time. And by the time he did, it would be too late.

However, just as I took a step forward, a voice echoed from behind me. My heart pounded in my chest as I slowly turned around to see four men standing a few yards away. One of them was the same person who had welcomed me to the pack last night—Lucian's men.

"Get her!" It took me a split second to process those words. Adrenaline surged through my body, and without thinking, I veered to the right lane and started running for my life. The sound of their footsteps chasing after me, blending with the rhythm of my pounding heart, was the only thing I could focus on. "I advise you to stop and save yourself from Alpha Lucian's punishment!" one of them shouted.

I refused to stop. I knew exactly what Lucian was capable of, and I wasn't about to let them capture me. I would rather die than be a pawn in his twisted game or bear his child. My determination burned fiercely within me. Even though my legs felt weak, my wolf's presence strengthened me. Her voice echoed in my head, urging me to keep running and save myself.

I’m glad my wolf Nira choose to support me when I needed her the most. I won’t be able to do it without her. I know she won’t allow Lucian to torment us.

But time was running out. I reached a dead end—a narrow path leading to a cliff. As I turned around, the men had closed in on me. Wicked smiles played on their lips as they slowed their pace. "Don't come any closer!" I warned, desperately scanning my surroundings for anything I could use to defend myself.

My heart raced uncontrollably. "You should have stayed behind, poor girl. None of this would have happened. Lucian wouldn't be angry," the man I recognized among them taunted. My eyes widened when I saw a gun in his hand.

"Don't... come... I won't go back there. I refuse to be a pawn in your games. I will never bear his child!" I shouted defiantly.

"It's not about what you want. It's about what Lucian wants. He wants you to be his child bearer," he said, bursting into laughter. The other men joined in, mocking me. I took advantage of their distraction and shifted to the side, but my heart stopped when a gunshot rang through the air.

"Did you hear that sound? I'll make sure it pierces your heart. Unless, of course, you behave and make things easier for yourself," he threatened. My body trembled with fear. I wasn't ready to die yet. There was so much more I wanted to achieve, and I couldn't give up and go with them.

"Go ahead, shoot me if you can," I mustered the courage to speak. Their eyes widened in shock at my defiance, but it was quickly replaced by another round of laughter.

"I like your spirit. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, girl. Let's strike a deal. I'll help you and convince Lucian to spare you from severe punishment. You know, I'm his Beta. It could save both you and your pride," he offered, moving closer to me. I continued to sidestep away from the cliff, determined not to go with them no matter what.

In one swift motion, he tightly gripped my arms, refusing to let go. "Let me go!" I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice.

"Letting you go would be like giving up my job. If I don't bring you back to the pack, dead or alive, my position means nothing," he replied coldly, causing my body to go rigid as his words sank in.

"Did Lucian order you to do this?" I asked, unable to believe what I was hearing. He wants me back dead or alive?

A glint danced in his eyes. "Of course he did. He wants you back, no matter the cost. We're just following orders to save ourselves and our positions."

I couldn't fathom how heartless Lucian could be, willing to kill someone without a hint of remorse. I had made it clear that I didn't want to bear his child. There are countless other girls he could choose from his harem. Why me? Why was my destiny so cruelly determined? No, I couldn't go back. Never.

Summoning all the strength within me, I jerked my body away, desperate to make a run for it. But a sharp pain seared through my arm, causing me to gasp in agony. My legs grew weak, and I saw a crimson stain where I had been shot. The pounding of my heart intensified as I stumbled backward, accidentally stepping on a large stone. Before I knew it, I was tumbling down the cliff, my body feeling weightless as if floating. The four men's faces peered down from above the cliff.

Lucian wanted to witness my demise. He wanted them to bring me back to the pack, either alive or dead. Well, he got what he wanted. Maybe I was destined never to pursue my dreams, never to see the light of the world again. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the departure of my soul. As it left my body, I descended into an abyss of eternal darkness.

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