
'... to see you smiling at me'

Claire is not good at drinking, she learned that years ago and that's why she has avoided alcohol (and consequently, parties) like plague ever since she came to college. She doesn't miss the noise, or the crowds, and putting up with jerks and double faced friends, but still… It is lonely, at times like this. 

The only phone calls she has received (and ignored) have been her parents, now that they both realize she lied and didn't go to visit either of them. Of course, this is the result of her own actions, she has been successful in pushing everyone away, even Tessa.

She used to be the life of the party back in high school. As she walks back to her dorm, passing across a building where the loud music reaches her ears, the tune makes its way to her body, and she starts humming without realizing it.

Now, she is just pathetic, that much is clear.


The voice calling for her from behind has become familiar.

Evan is carrying a bag similar to hers, filled with junk food and soda. 

“I thought I saw you leaving the shop. but I wasn’t sure…” He sounds breathless, and it occurs to her that he might have ran to catch her.

“Hi.” She manages to smile. “Yeah, so this is thanksgiving for me.”

He puts his open palms in front of him. “It’s not that different on my front.”

She does not make an effort to continue the conversation, but slows down her pace so they are walking side by side. 

“But I did buy more ice cream than I can possibly eat on my own for today.”

“Sounds tempting, but I am not done marathoning old Disney movies.” Looking at him, though, Claire gets the sense that he is just as lonely as she is. Which is strange, considering he is Evan Brown, even without his father's money backing him up he must be popular on campus. “Do you want to join?”

Inviting guys over isn't like her. Well, not like the new her, anyway. Besides, given her history, trusting a Brown man could backfire badly. And yet, she feels safe right now.

Or maybe, the devil whispers on her shoulder, this is the wicked side of hers that enjoys the idea of taking something from Hannah, taking something from Rick.

“To watch some fairy tale love story?” He raises an eyebrow.


Now that he mentions it, it does sound childish, but who cares? Everyone should love fairy tales, and those who don’t are just too immature to appreciate this art after growing up.

“Sure. Did you already go through The Little Mermaid? Because that’s my favorite one.”


There is this thing about the little mermaid that makes Claire regret choosing this movie, and she glances at Evan with suspicion from time to time. 

Did he suggest this one on purpose?

It all felt very romantic, when she was a little girl, the way the protagonist and her prince found their happily ever after against all odds, and how she pursued her dream even if others around her, even her father, thought her crazy.

“Three days to get true love is an impossible task. She doesn't realize it is a scam only because she is so young and desperate. The tale this movie was based on had a much more realistic ending.”

Young, naive girl who thinks herself in love and gives up her voice, and her life, for some love that turns out to be a fantasy. It feels awfully familiar.

“Having hope is not bad at all. She recovered her voice, and got her happy ending. I think many people draw their dreams from these optimistic fictional models, so it is actually a good thing.”

“Hmmn. If you say so.” She turns away from his stupid, beautiful green eyes, but of course he isn’t done yet.

“You also recovered your voice, Claire. I hope one day the world gets the privilege of you sharing it with them.”

“I know you mean well, but please shut up, Evan.”

There is a soft look on his face, and although his lips are still curved up in a smile, she notices there is a certain air of melancholy in him. He has been like this since they met outside, before she came with the impulsive idea of inviting him to her place. 

“Why didn't you go to visit your mom?”

She remembers him mentioning that his biological mother had been supporting him until recently, so they must have a good relationship, or at least trying to build one.

“I have to keep up with my grades, since I am planning to apply to an internship next semester. Besides, I am trying to save money, and I don't want to be a bother to her right now.”

She waits for him to explain himself. How can he be a bother? Maybe his mother has a new family, that would make sense…

“You probably don't know this, because we never talked about it.” She still knows who the other part of that ‘we’ is, which makes her uncomfortable, but she shakes it off as this is the time to listen to Evan. “My mother left when I was eight. She tried to take us with her, but my father… you know how influential he is. He made her life hell, and then she gave up. For a long time, I could not forgive her for that. But after so many years living with my father, I think I can understand her. So I reached out after leaving Green Valley.”

Yes, Claire knows how intimidating Mr. Brown could be. He always appeared to be such a nice, friendly man, up until the moment she did something that displeased him. How did she dare reject his money and open her mouth? How could she dare to ruin his son's reputation? 

If that was only a glimpse of what that man was capable of, and if Rick turned out the way he did, what was Evans' life behind closed doors?

“You said your mother has been supporting you, so I guess the reunion went well?”

“Yeah, my mom and her family are very welcoming, you know. I also have a younger sister, I met her last year.”

“So what is the problem?”

“My mom is sick. The doctors say it is very likely she can recover because she started the treatment early on, and she is a strong woman.”

Claire frowns. Isn’t that all the more reason to go back home? To have precious moments with his family. Instead, he is here, hiding just like she does.

“So it isn't that you don't want to be a burden. You just reunited with your mom, and you like your new family, but you are afraid you are going to lose her again.”

To Evan's credit, he doesn't try to deny it.

“Let's just watch the movie. We're getting to the reveal scene.”

“You should go to visit your mom.”

“And you should start singing again. I heard there is a cover contest on campus. The radio club actually got some good sponsors and the prizes are quite high.”

“I get it, just shut up and let’s watch the movie.”

The silence is different, however, after he has shared something about his family life. There is a certain intimacy, strange as it feels, now that he is no longer just the guy who reminds her of Green Valley. 

But was he ever just that?


When the movie ends, Evan immediately gets on his feet and says his goodbye at the door. If it were something else, something more, or if she was the high school girl with a crush, then she could take the chance and jump him, right? Part of her wants to, and it is surprising, because it’s the first time in very long that she wants someone. 

“Now this was not how I expected the day to go, but it was fun. Thanks for the company today, and, uhm… see you around, Claire.”

“Likewise. Take care.” This time she doesn’t have to force herself to smile. It comes easily when she looks at the person in front of her.

He is Evan, and although she did not originally intend for them to be friends, maybe this is it. So she won’t ruin it trying to make it into something else. Besides, even if she knows he is definitely more than the Mr. Perfect from her hometown, he is still Hannah’s ex. And he is still Rick’s brother.

“Oh, before I forget…” Evan looks into his backpack, then takes out a folded pamphlet and hands it to her. “Just think about it, will you?”

She raises an eyebrow.

“This cover contest is for duets, Mr. Smarty-pants. Even if I wanted to, and I don’t, I couldn’t do this alone.”

“You could always ask a friend.”

She stares at him blankly.

“You could sing and I could play the guitar. What about that? When you win, you share part of the prize with me.”

He really sounds like he is confident she can win this thing. Besides, since when did he play the guitar?

“Is there something you can’t do?”

He chuckles.

“Well, this is a good chance for you to find out.”

That smile, directed at her, makes her heart flutter.

Is he… flirting right now?

He leaves before she can figure it out.


I would love to hear your comments on this story. If you are reading this far, thank you so much!

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