
Chapter 12

~Where did my sense of reasoning run off to?~


“What the fuck Shawn? You did not even think of letting me know first?” I yelled

“Calm Down Selena” Shawn said in a calm tone

“Calm down my ass! “ I yelled as I stomped out of the car and walked down the road, I heard the car’s door slam close as I heard footsteps behind me and a little mutter of “fuck!”

I increased my walking strides as I shouted at him

“Leave me Alone, Shawn!”

“ I don’t get why you are mad” he Said, but I ignored him.

“This is such a Juvenile behavior, Selena” He said as he caught up with me and I got annoyed by his statement.

“Are . you. Trying. To. call. Me. childish?” I asked as I stopped walking and faced him, giving him a death glare. Saying each word, slowly like a count and with so much effort.

“Yes, I am. The freaking press would be all over you and won’t give you space, except you can deal with all the troubles of Paparazzi… fine! I am getting sick of your attitude towards me. Like what the hell did I
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