
Chapter 257

Davyna's POV

(2 Days Later)

I sigh as a slip further down into the bathtub, soaking my aching muscles in the scalding hot water and the overwhelming amount of

bubbles. I need to take time to recover after being a vampire for an extended period of time. Since I've been training with Vincent everyday since I awakened, these baths have become a saving grace each night.

When I'm a vampire, I feel no pain at all, but when I switch back, it's like I got run over by a truck. Vincent says that it could be like this for a while, until my human body adjusts to the strain of the transformation and difference of the athleticism can't even imagine what it's going to feel like when I shift into my wolf for the first time.

I shudder at the thought, but it quickly dissipates as Vincent walks into the bathroom.

"You doing okay in here?" He asks me, coming to kneel by the side of the tub. I nod and smile at him.

"I'm okay, just sore as usual." He leans in a kisses my the
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