
chapter fifteen

Pov Emily.

"Emma, are you not going to tell me what I don't know? Why did Tyler hide this from me?" I asked for the tenth time, trying to get Emma to speak.

After talking to Caroline, I found out that Tyler's mother died in a fire when he was twelve. It was embarrassing for me not to know something so important about my husband, and it made me question why Tyler always said his parents were in New York.

"Tyler and Mr. Mitchell will kill me if they find out I said something... I don't have permission for that," Emma said nervously.

"I'll protect you. They'll never find out," I said seriously.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone? This is very serious..." Emma said, her hands trembling.

"You can trust me, Mia!" I said, holding her hands to calm her.

"Johanna Mitchell died in an arson fire. It all started when Tyler was twelve. He and his father left town to visit grandparents in Texas... Mrs. Johanna had an affair with a drug dealer at that time. The Mitchells weren't part of the criminal
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