
12. Finding out the truth..

When Lucas got to the office, one of his colleagues informed him that Spinster wanted to see him, right away.

"I will be with him shortly," Lucas said to his colleague and dropped his items on his desk, then he headed straight to Spinster's office. When he reached the office, he knocked on the door because it was closed.

"Who is it?" Spinster asked from inside the office.

"it's me Lucas," he replied.

"Oh, come in," the head of the group spoke up.

Lucas opened the door and walked in, when he got in, he saw Spinster with Michael, the detective.

"Good day," he greeted.

They both nodded to his greetings, before Spinster revealed the reason as to why he had called Lucas to his office.

"Lucas I called you here to inform you that Matt here, has found out a way that we can use to find out about Donald's disappearance," Spinster said to him.

Lucas was curious to know what he found out. "So tell me what you found out," he inquired from the detective.

"Well it's not something big. I investigated
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