
chapter 6

I thoroughly manage myself to get up, with my legs that are shaking seriously. " What are you f**k doing?" I stood at front of Melanie.

Lucas hit me away, and then speak in a louder voice. " Hey bitch! Kindly go away from my wife and don't try to touch her...."

" My wife!" I whine amazingly in bitterness. The first thing l think deeply in my mind is my family. I trace my view to look at them. But the moment my eyes clashes my dad's view, l find it very difficult to explain what l saw.

My father frown his face, and his eyes were become an absolute reddish.

I blinks twice whether am dreaming for what I view but l truely find out it's real.

Silent clash all the way for some minutes, Lucas call the priest attention to conclude the massage. No single pity on his eyes and although without even looking at my direction again. I have ever known the kind of hatred that Lucas is throwing on me had reached to this level. Which kind of disgrace I'm facing, and what ever l had did to Lucas that permit him to treat me in this shameless act.

I cried till my face became a small ocean for how it wet with tears, my cheeks has wet and immediately l had a serious headache.

All this happens when I'm still on the ground by their side, I couldn't even know whom come to my back, and randomly hold me up.

My legs are seriously shaking, the two of them were hold me. I stretch my arms on their shoulders, while walking on tip toes.

I known the moment that l walks like six to seven fits, then by then l lost myself.


The sunlight and the little hot that traces my face, l feel it and enjoy the light slowly. Yesterday in the night l suffer with a fever, l can remember the time l wake up in the deep night, while breathing became harder to me. Now that l get recover from the fever, l fully enjoy with the sunlight.

I surprisedly open my eyes slowly, I couldn't be doubt for my room, immediately when my eyes are open l understood where am I. I immediately recalled what had happened, it feels like my world had just stopped. The moment I even remembered that am pregnant it's the worse part in me, because I don't even know how to start it again.

I'm so desperately scared of facing my family with this issue, after the shameless rejection I had faced recently just yesterday. I couldn't imagine how papa and mom are going to look over this issue.

The slay voice that snap into my ears had stop this up and down thinking. I settle myself properly after taken the sheet away from my warm body.

"Is dad" I say to myself so desperate. "Hummm!" I drop warm breath.

"In my life, l have ever faces this kind of disgrace while in front of family and friends. If you know that you're not ready for this marriage why can't you stop since before yesterday...."

This statement that passes through my ears are deeply going round in it. I'm so surprised on how my father blame me for what happened yesterday, because it's not totally my fault.

I was even thought they're the first people that will kindly come to my rescue after this this difficult time.

My father pull the door inside and step into my bedroom immediately.

My eyes is full with tears, and the tears began shedding when l look at his face. I immediately trace my view on the floor, because l know that if l can continue keep looking at his face, that's how I'm going to continue crying.

"You invite trouble with your arms towards your my family. What have we done to you Jessica? You fully make us weak while other people are laughing at us."

A voice passes from his back that quickly allow me to raise up my head.

"Of course! She had done it. It's our fault that we didn't understood. Jessica had been informed us that she has a plan for her self. We didn't understood but we don't know the plan till now. Her plans are all about disgracing her family."

It's my mother that's proceeding, the moment I feel the extreme anxiety, because if my father doesn't understood how I feel, how could she not?

" Well done Jessica, you had finally disgrace us, but you're only going to choose another family again."

Then, my father continues. " The only thing that remains for you is to go away from us."

Immediately when he end the statement, he turn back. And then my mother continue.

"This is what you choose to yourself, such wealthy, kingdom and a blessed handsome guy all you decide to leave them, that's how you will end up without having a mate. So we think is more better to leave us and continue with what you really meant by yourself."

I couldn't talk, I'm only looking at them, because I can't no more continue tracing my view towards the floor. I want to make a full confirmation of my confusion. Because one day I can't differentiate for what they're doing now.

"Mom" I speak out in a shaky voice. "Please you have to understand the situation I'm in now. Lucas is just a wicked guy that you have ever known. He was betrayed me, and all what had happened between us, it was an accident."

" Accident! " Mom repeat in a questioning manner in bitterness.

"Jessica am I your mate? that you can even think to look at me together with speaking to me that what had happened between you and Lucas it was an accident?"

My dad start talking again, " the painful part in this situation is he had even marked her, and slept with her again. She's no longer a virgin......"

At this point my dad is about to start shedding tears. From his voice I can notice how painful he was. He immediately leave the bedroom and went to the downstairs. I could snap how he's walking so hasty on the staircase.

This is very painful, I continue crying with more tears.

"The only decision that's better is that: Jessica just go away, make us a very distance between."

My mom too leave the bedroom. I ask myself confusingly. "should I leave the house? But, where am I going to?"

I'm just after asking myself without knowing any answer.

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