
*The blood shot Full Moon*

The Blood shot Full Moon

What do you do when the person who can make you stop crying is the one who made you cry?


"L_Luna" I quickly bowed, hopefully it could minimize the amount of slaps and kicks I was going to receive. 

"You made me shout and strain my voice bitch!" she gritted through her teeth I gulped audibly.

"I_I'm sorry Luna" I stuttered pathetically, two slaps were thrown my way.

"The next time I call you and you don't respond, I'm going to make sure you go back to the dungeons where you belong, you pathetic, disgusting bitch."

She said as she spat at me. I flinched visibly when she mentioned the dungeons.

I never wanted to step foot there again, the events that took place there shook me to my core.

Nodding frantically I said " Yes, yes, Luna, it won't happen again."

She hissed at me and walked to the stairs with a bottle of water. Some times I really think she's a snake in human form.

Looking at the big wall clock I saw I was way behind schedule so I hurried up before the pack woke up to torment me further.

    After I was done, I went to trim the gardens and water the them. It was around 12: noon and the sun was bright.  The scents of different flowers equipped my nostrils as I hummed a melody my mom would sing to me. When I was almost through with it, another omega came and said it was time for omegas to eat.

I hurried up because it was the only food I was allowed to eat in a day.

You'd clearly see the difference between I and other omegas because I was more skinny and they were much more cleaner than I, since they were allowed to take a bath and I wasn't, and I was also given a smaller portion of food than the others headed to the dinning at the omegas quarters there, 

Omegas lined up at a table where several partitions of food were being placed on their trays. I was late so, I stood as the last person when it felt like almost forever it was finally my turn and I couldn't help but put on a smile, but it quickly vanished when I saw that there was no more food left for me.

Dejectedly I turned back to leave but was stopped when Maria, the head of the omegas brought out a tray and gave it to me saying she saved some for me. I smiled at her warmly, but she frowned, telling me to run off before someone saw her showing kindness to me and reported her to the alpha.

Thanking her, I walked off silently to a table trying to eat fast before trouble came.

I never had the best of luck because just then,

a warrior came and all the omegas bowed out of instinct.

All were wondering what a warrior would be doing at the omegas quarters.

I bent down immediately and continued with my food silently praying that no one noticed me.

As I stated before,

Luck was never on my side so it didn't come as a surprise when I heard him slowly muttering where's the brute. I could only hear him 'cause of my werewolf senses which was more enhanced than that of the omegas since I was an alpha blood.

There was only one brute and that was me, I looked up to see the warrior searching for me until he's eyes landed on me. He frowned at me, 

"the alpha wants to see you" he scrowled.

I, in return stood up, completely nervous as to why the alpha wants to see me.

As far as I know I had been good through out the week so I was confused as to why he summoned me. 

"What the hell are you waiting for?" The warrior screamed sending me death glares which I physically flinched to.

"I-I-I am sorry" I muttered but knew he heard me. 

I hurriedly moved to him as he started walking to the alphas office that used to sometime be my fathers.

It brought tears to my eyes, but I tried regaining my composure when I heard the pack warrior knock gently at the alphas saying I was here.

"Come in" 

The voice sent shivers down my spine but in a bad way. As I stepped into the office I kept my head low.

I wasn't allowed to make eye contact, it was a sign of disrespect.

"Greetings a-alpha" 

I stuttered. Stuttering has been a way of life for me now since I hardly ever spoke to anyone. 


The alpha gritted his teeth acknowledging my presence. The aura he purposely emitted from his body to oppress me didn't affect me as much as it would a normal wolf since I was naturally, an alpha blood regardless of my current rank of being an omega. but he didn't have to know that.

"Your going to turn  eighteen soon, precisely next week, 27th of September. On that day if you see your mate....

I'd have been flattered that my uncle still remembered my birthday if he didn't alter those next words.

reject him."

My heart shattered into a million pieces with those words, my uncle really did want to ruin me.

Though I doubted my mate would even want me, I had this little spark of hope in me saying that my mate would come and save me from my misery, 

from this pack but now, my hope withered. 

I knew I couldn't disobey the alpha so I just nodded with unshed tears 

"Yes alpha"  I muttered, but knew he heard me. I wanted this to be over soon so I could go to the store and cry my eyes out. 

Then it hit me like cold ice, he knew, he knew I was that I was hoping my mate would save me.

He knew my hope was the only thing keeping me sane,

the hope of meeting the only man who could love me when others despised me. 

He wanted to take my mate away from me.

" I expect the best from you whore, immediately you see him, reject him. Do I make my self clear?"

He said with a smirk clearly enjoying the view of me shattering piece by piece.

"I understand alpha" I said. " if I may be excused.." I said while tears flowed down my cheeks.

"You may" with that, I ran out of the office as fast as my wobbly legs could carry me.

He used his alpha tone on me when he told me to reject my mate but it didn't affect me 'cause he wasn't an alpha blood like I was but with my current rank as an omega, me and my wolf were obliged to obey.

I went inside the only place that I could call mine, my room. let me rephrase that, the packs store which had the oldest of boxes to keep me company.

On reaching there, I slammed the door and slide down leaning on it.

Then___ I let it all out. 

I let out those feelings bottled up for months. I lost control, I was broken.

I was supposed to be somewhere else.

Today was a celebration no pack ever missed,

Today was the blood shot full moon. Even though it never appeared again werewolves and witches celebrated the day their prophesied Queen was birthed.

Even though both witches and werewolves had different ways to celebrate this day, it was still the first thing the both celebrated at once.

I too believed in the one prophesied about as she seemed to have brought both werewolves and witches together even if it was an inch closer without even showing up yet.

I should be out there working my ass off but I for once ignored my so called duties and half expected someone to barge into the store shouting profanities at me.

I let out a breath of relief when no one came.

Soon I heard joyful shouts and knew the celebration had started.

I placed my head on my knees crying as I suddenly remembered my discussion with alpha Bryce. I couldn't bring myself to accept that I would be left without a mate.

My heart felt like something was clawing at me, suddenly everything went silent. I could no longer hear the noise coming from the celebration.

I quietly looked up and gasped at the sight in front of me

Everything in my room was floating on the around even the small iron box I couldn't lift was on the air.

I let out a small whimper as I pressed back into the door wishing it would hide me right now.

A witch was here.









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