


Oscar, her former teacher, regarded her as his pupil. The years she taught at the preschool made her many friends. Her life had changed a lot and now she was more at ease. She didn't think so much about her old life in the mafia anymore. Her son was more independent and was the darling of his grandparents. Her mother had retired and took care of her grandson while she was at home, picking him up from school when Cloe didn't arrive on time.

Cloe was a strong-willed mother who loved to indulge her son but kept a firm hand on him and sometimes watched him sleep for hours. He reminded her too much of his father; his smile made dimples like his father's and even his front tooth was curved and looked like it was overlapping. It was complete perfection to her and her heart skipped a beat when he smiled and she saw that little tooth trying to climb over the other. It might sound crazy, but she felt it.

"Mum, did you know that Victor not only has a tablet, but also
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