
Do you know if he is dead?

Here's what happened last time on The Werewolf's Superiority

We are hiding in the cave, huddled together around a fire to keep us warm. Steve and I walk deeper into the cave to look for more wood. Steve has disappeared in the cave system. The cave leads to a split, and I walk down the right side. I start to feel uncomfortable and move back. Steve grabs me from behind and tells me that something is in this cave with us. Whatever it is, it grabbed Steve and pulled him into the cave. I take his backpack and take the team with me, and we leave the cave.

I look at everyone with happiness coming out of my every being and say;

"See everyone. We have arrived!"

Everyone starts running towards the dig site. I call out and say;

"Don't run. Stay together. Everyone?"

No one listens and starts running to the site. I look back at the cave, and I think to myself. I do not want to be eaten by an animal here. I also need to start running. I scream;

"Hey! Wait for me!"

I get to some of the people that can not run that fast. We see the lights coming closer and closer. I notice the security guys all standing around, flashing their flashlights around looking for us. They see us and call out;

"This way."

Gratefully we start walking to them. One of them walking towards me asks;

"Dr. Andrews, so glad that you are alive. My name is Ryan Campbell."

He sees the backpack on my shoulder and asks;

"That is Steve's backpack. Where is he?"

I shake my head and say;

"He got pulled into a cave by some fucking animal."

He says;

"We have to go and look for him."

I tell him;

"If you go when it is dark. You will surely die as well. Take a team and go and look for Steve in the morning or what's left of his body."

The guard looks at me as I am walking towards the camp and says;

"Wow, that was nice. Have some respect for the dead, won't you."

I scream back at him;

"You do not know if he is dead, ass."

I walk into the gates and walk to the main house. I open the front door and fall down on a lounge chair. I am so tired that I fall a sleeping almost instantly. I'm woken up by noises that sound like a constant thumping that starts softly, then becomes louder, and then softer again. I open my eyes and see that it is people walking on the wooden floors up and down the corridor. I sit up straight. I hear a female voice behind me asking;

"Are you Dr. Michael Andrews?"

I answer;

"Yes. That me."

I feel her sitting down. She starts saying;

"What a privilege to finally meet you. I have so looked forward to be working with you. My company wanted to fly me to Argentina where you were digging, but there was a storm, and I couldn't make it."

I open my eyes and look at her up and down. She is blond, blue eyes, a white button shirt with a safari hat in her hands. She is a beautiful lady. She extends her hand towards me and says;

"It is such an honor to see you in the flesh."

I greet her and say;

"And who are you again?"

"Dr. Chloe Addison."

I tell her;

"Okay. Dr. Addison. So, I had one of the worst days of my life yesterday where I saw a woman fell to her death, and my personal security guard was dragged into a cave by a beast that most properly had the intention of eating him. So, if you wouldn't mind, I need to wake up, get a cup of coffee and find some anti-depressants and then you can come and talk to me again."

I stand up, and I look at the expression of shock on her face. I start walking away and say;

"It was great to meet you and talking to you, really."

The expedition leader walks over to me and says;

"Dr. Andrews. So, where are we going to start our first dig today?"

"Not sure, Roman. Have you scanned the area with the Ground Penetrating Radar yet?"

"No, sir. We are waiting for you."

"And what if I died yesterday. Would you all still wait for me until I am raised up from the dead before you start working?"

"No, sir.'"

"So, go find the radar and start looking for digging sites. Mark them, and we take digging in the most important sites first."

"I will do so, Dr. Andrews."

Before he leaves, I ask him;

"Where can I find coffee?"

"In the kitchen of the main house."

"Thank you."

I turn and walk back into the house and head straight to the kitchen to get some coffee. I pour myself a cup and down it. I pour myself another one and drink it slowly. I hear Dr. Addison saying behind me;

"So, are you awake now?"

I smile at her and say;

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really, no."

I walk to a bathroom and tell her;

"Please do not follow me."

She nods and says;

"What dinosaurs do you think that we will dig up?"

"I am not sure, to be honest. But, I am hoping we can find some new species."

I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. Dr. Andrews tells me;

"I am so excited."

"I can see so. Do you ever stop talking?"

"I talk when I get nervous."

"Okay. Are you coming?"

"Oh, yes."

We walk out of the house. I stand and look where all the is. We walk up a hill, and I see the expedition leader is busy with the Ground Penetrating Radar. I ask him;

"So, anything amazing yet?"

"No, sir. Only small fossils so far."

The security comes walking to me and say;

"Good morning Dr. Andrews."

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, thanks. Your name again?"

"Ryan Campbell."

"That is right. Ryan."

"So, we took a unit to look for Steve, but there are only stains of blood on the floor and walls."

"I told you."

"But we killed the beast atleast."

"What was it?"

"A large bear."

"A bear?"

"That is right, Dr. Andrews."

"Well, that is great news that it is dead. Sad that you couldn't find your friend."

Dr. Addison next to me stars crying and says;

"That is so sad."

I shake my head and ask Ryan;

"How is the perimeter?"

"We got the entire perimeter cornered off. So, nothing will be able to come in without us knowing about it."

My radio goes off. I hear Roman telling me;

"Dr. Andrews. I need you up here."

"Why, what is up?"

"I will not be able to explain it to you. You need to see this for yourself."

"Where are you, Roman?"

"I am halfway up the small part of the mountain."

I start walking to him. It is a quick twenty-minute walk. Dr. Addison continues to talk to me while we are hiking up the mountain. As I get to Roman, I ask him;

"So, what do you see?"

"I am not sure what it is, but the radar is going craze."

I take the laptop and say;

"Show me."

"It is processing the data. Give it a few more seconds. Wait, here it comes."

Everyone stands behind me, wanting to see what the image is. We are trying to make out what it is, I say;

"It looks like an entrance of some sort. Start digging here. Let's see what we have found."

Dr. Addison says;

"Wow. Our first mystory. It is so exciting to be here."

Roman takes out his radio and call in help from the Mini Digger. He says;

"Digger will be here in five or ten minutes."

"Good. Mark this and start checking for fossils until the thing is here."

I whisper to Romand and say;

"I need to give Dr. Addison something to do so that she will shut up."

I give Roman a sarcastic smile. He says;

"I will try my best, Dr. Andrews."

I hear the digger coming up the mountain. I help guide him closer. I give him the stop signal and walk over to the driver. I tell him;

"So, the entrance is almost five meters in the ground, so start slow, and I will check each time how deep we still need to go, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

He starts digging, and I keep on checking. I tell the driver;

"Three more meters to go."

He nods and dig's again. I tell him;

"Slowly now, we do not want to break anything, okay?"

The digger moves back, and I check the depth. I tell him;

"You can move back. We will use hand tools from here on out."

I pick up a shovel and start scraping off the ground until I hit something solid. I look at the rest of the people around and say;

"Now, this is a find."

I take a brush and start cleaning the door so that we can see.

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