
The mysterious death of Lord Reginald: Sister Margaret

Thomas Kent was waiting at the threshold of St Mary Magdalene outside of his uniform, his short afro-textured hair was now on display, and he was noticeable for his light green coat.

His presence there was not unnoticed by some of the people walking by treating him with suspicion, if not he was outright ignored.

At the stroke of 6:25 Elizabeth Carter was now on the horizon and walking towards him with a determined smile.

"Miss Carter" he gestured a welcome as she arrived.

The young lady accepted the greeting by gracefully offering her hand "Oh Please call me Elizabeth, I would much prefer that." she much rather have him call her by her name.

After kissing her hand he answered in kind "all right then…Elizabeth" he was a bit nervous but the blond aristocrat found it charming "you may call me Thomas."

She blushed a little bit "well then Mr Thomas" she said giddy "shall we go in?" As she crossed the threshold and walked towards the door of the church.

"Won't we wait for Lord Lewis?" Thomas walked tentatively behind her.

"Oh don’t worry…" she said amused "like I said before he is not known for his punctuality, and if we were to wait for him, it would be night and the minister would scold me for being late, so we will press on and he will join us when he can."

They entered the holy place and Minister Smith was standing in the middle of the hallway of the church with an unsatisfied expression bordering on anger, with benches at both sides of him, and a catholic nun a couple of feet behind him.

This is how she knew she was in real trouble.

"My dear pupil…" trying to sound neutral "you have been quite busy I see using the name of the Lord to gain access to a ‘Den of Sin’ and the Chief of police comes to give me notice, such the commotion is that a member of the catholic church is here to advise in supernatural matters." The visible part of his neck showed a pronounced vein and his eyes betrayed him.

Elizabeth gave a charming apologetic face (one that had helped her out of trouble before) "I apologize to you and the Lord for such a distasteful lie” the minister's expression softened "and to be fair we do suspect that something unholy could have taken place Reverend."

The nun took a couple of steps forward, and with a firm but calm tone she spoke "would you be kind to introduce us?!" She was anxious to be part of the conversation.

"My apologies sister" he directed himself to her and then back to the youthful pair "This is sister Margaret from Saint Mary Matfelon of Whitechapel."

The fourth-year-old woman greeted them politely, she had a stern air to her and was clear that she was a 'no-nonsense' type of woman, she had a small scar that when from her cheek to her neck.

"What would be that my children?" She said going straight to the point "what made you believe something of the unnatural order was involved in Lord Reginald's undoing?"

Elizabeth took the lead in explaining "Lord Reginald had two holes in his neck, his body looked like he had been dead for years but he had only died yesterday. There was no significant amount of blood on the floor and no explanation of this world can explain it, that’s why I have come." 

Thomas corroborated the story and detailed the scene shortly after Elizabeth stopped speaking, the Reverend was mortified but the nun silently heard them and processed the information as quickly as a sponge.

When both of them finished exposing their case the minister turned to Sister Margaret, mortified at the lady’s words and opinions "I apologize on behalf of my student, she does let her fantasy run wild." he gave the young woman a scolding look.

But calmly and firmly the nun answered "I believe that your student might have accidentally stumbled into a sound hypothesis." everyone present was shocked that a catholic nun was agreeing with them.

"Minister, would it be an imposition to speak to your pupil and her companion about this matter?"

"Not at all," he said perplexed.

The Reverend left them, and Sister Margaret walked them through the house of worship, letting the colour light from the windows pain the floor.

 "Interesting turn of events…" she said cutting the silence and looking over at her companions "That an act of rebellion could be used to weed out evil."

Thomas cleared his throat and dared to speak towards the imposing nun "What makes you believe we have discovered something of importance?"

"The description of the corpse points towards a creature removed from humanity, only fangs can cause such a death, something that can only hide in the shadows…a monster that must be rooted out from this earth and sent to the hades."

She spoke with such clarity and firmness, sure of her judgment having only their words to go on. 

She was affirming the undisputed existence of creatures of the dark that could be considered myths or folk tales, but in her words, they became a reality, and after what they witnessed they were compelled to believe her.

"What is your suggested course of action, sister?" the blond Lady asked trying to make herself useful while coming to terms that what she believed in the past to be cautionary fairytales could be a reality.

"Find the creature, identify it and eradicate it" she stopped in her tracks and stood in front of them once more "you might believe my assumptions to be fantastical but let me assure you right now: I have seen these creatures in my lifetime, I have fought them..." her tone was unchanging and cold, but filled of an unflinching sense of truth "I see a threat, a clear one. You must go there and do as I said or more lives will be lost."

At the presence of the woman who demandingly urged them to take action, they nodded "Go back to that place will strike again…I promise you that."

Thomas and Elizabeth gazed at the pious woman and chose to trust her

"When you have seen the creature come back to me and we will find a way to end its killing streak" she looked at them, they looked scared but she recognized a fire in them and a willingness to help; they would not dare speak so she decided to help them "you may be excused."

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