

I laughed again atop the bed hearing the girls talk about what they’d seen earlier. After being taken from the room leaving harry, they brought me to floor were all the other humans were allowed to reside. The men were separated from the women and each room had three beds. It didn’t bother me that I now had roommates, it was better company than what I was accustomed to and the girls were welcoming, having high spirits and constant chatter. It pulled my mind away from the gloomy thoughts I had thinking of this place. Of me ever thinking that I'll never see my best friend again.

Maria worked in the kitchen, she was proud of her post, being a pastry chef, while Jane worked as one of the maids. I had no occupation in the house. At least not yet. Every day when they left, I was stuck alone until they either returned at the end of their shift, or when we all had lunch. The only other company I had was the occasional run in with Harry and he was always flustered. I will admit that being here makes me feel out of place and fake. The girls have wonderful posture and hairs are kept groomed to an acceptabple standard, when I've forgotten all of that over the years. Scrambling and hiding to preserve my life feels like something I've done for eternity, now having everything at my fingertips this easily feels like a nightmare.

I don't air my thoughts though, choosing to keep them close to me as I stare through the lonely windows, watching as everyone worked their asses for to earn their keep. Even if no one was willing to admit to it, that's exactly what they were doing.

That and I didn't want the others to think me queer, their already wondering if I'm for real or not sometimes.

Maria pounded the covers of her bed falling to the floor dramatically as they continued to laugh, I smiled, they were now talking about Hayden’s failed flirtation with a human. I wasn’t expecting them to flirt with humans, considering the fact that they should have been scared of them, but taking a look at the two girls before me I realized why. Not everyone was scared, at least not anymore. But that didn’t go for me. I was still scared, I still hated them and that was never going to change. Not today, not tomorrow and not ever! Though we weren’t harassed, and things just seem to be completely wrong in every way than I expected it to be, I still hated it. I hated that I was alone, even with the girls here, I hated that I didn’t know if Thomas was alive, or dead or was fearing well and I hate the fact that I was stuck here with some dumb arrogant asshole of a blood sucker! Though I’ve never seen them try to extract blood from every one of us. I was now starting to wonder if what Harry said was true, that they were actual vampires. Thomas had kept saying they were blood suckers, but he called everyone names after a while. Still, Hayden did toss me to the ground like a feather.

Our eyes snapped to the door of our room as it swung open suddenly, Harry’s panting form almost falling to the ground as if he’d just rushed up the steps. Maria and Jane ran to his aid, while I peeped over from where I sat on the bed. He already had enough help getting him up to his feet, he didn’t need me too. Harry’s face was pale, his hair messy, much more than usual and he walked over pulling a chair to sit. I stared at the girls with as much wonder as they had, glancing at me before shrugging.

What was his dramatic act for? And most importantly how the hell did he escape Hayden’s grasp considering the monster always had him busy.

“what’s going on Harry?” I asked since he hadn’t said a word walking in.

He stared at me a grim frown on his face before his eyes dipped back to the girls.

Okay then, not like it mattered. The girls shrugged likewise realising he was being stubborn.

“I don’t know why Hayden just doesn’t give up, ” said Jane returning to their conversation. “He might be handsome but, charm doesn’t always work on a girl. ”

She laughed but Maria pouted folding her hands.

“Speak for yourself Jane, if he so much as bat and eyelash to me, I’ll die. ”

They both started to laugh again. I smiled. I concurred with the fact that he was handsome. Haydes miled more often than not, as opposed to the other suits prowling around all the time. But that smile most of all made me weary of him. The fact that the smile can become a murderous grimace, just as it had that day, I almost lost my head to him.

“You’re both very foolish to be thinking he’ll ever take a human for a girlfriend or be the least interested in either of you, ” Harry finally spat distastefully.

The girls stared at him in horror, at the bitterness of his words.

What was his problem? It was better than moping around drugging through the hard labour of the house without having something to dwell on, even if it was nonsense fantasy.

“He’s not the type of guy you’d want lying in your bed when the night comes, trust me. ”

“What’s your problem Harry?” I asked placing my hand on my hips sliding from the bed. “It's just idle talk, let them alone. ”

He turned on me like a panther pouncing on his next meal.

“Oh you’ve got much bigger problems Victoria. ”

I stiffened at his statement.

“Wha…what do you mean by that?” I stammered disliking the scared look in his eyes.

“He’s here, ” he finally said. “Aiden’s here. ”

I felt like a truck hit my body and fear ran up my spine hearing the words fall from his mouth. Oh no. I’d forgotten about him. My body felt immediate cold standing there as if somehow, I was transported to the north pole. There had to be some way to get out of this! Hide, runaway. I started sulking remembering Harry’s first words. If I did anything wrong, I’d have to deal with Hayden again and he was the last person I wanted to interact with again so soon.

“Why is that of any importance Harry?” asked Jane staring at me then back to Maria.

They didn’t understand because I’d never mentioned why I was at the house in the first place. Practically it was a secret between me and Harry and since we never brought it up, it fell to the back of my mind, but now the nightmare was back.

“Because she got assigned to him. ” he responded his voice lacking the bitter lustre it had earlier.

Both women gasped huddling together before a frown splayed against their faces.

"Assigned?" Maria repeats quirking her eyebrows in my direction.

“That’s strange, ” commented Jane.

“why, why is that strange?”

I needed to get all the information I could about this man before I was rushed off to his aid. I barely heard anything about him since the time I spent here, it was almost as if he didn’t exist.

Was he a murderer?

A sadist? Did he tie everyone up and torture them?

“Well for one, ” explained Maria. “He’s never here. ”

“And he doesn’t care about anything that goes on in this house. Not to mention the last person that was assigned to him, ” added Jane with air quotes. "Is dead."

I gasped. What kind of monster was this Hades person?

“And he’s also not a very nice guy, ” said Harry finally.

That was it I was a dead woman. Another Hayden. Shit!

Jane walked over rubbing my shoulder that was now slumped with worry. What was I going to do? First Hayden, now Aiden? How many screw overs were I going to have before the world decided enough was enough? What I had to just die? Is that it? I shouldn’t have lived? I should’ve just allowed the flames to swallow me whole? This is so damn unfair!

“He’s not very human oriented, I mean, the only human that’s been here that he so much as said two words to was actually Belle. ”

I looked up, my eyes glazed over with tears.

“Belle?” I inquired through sobs.

Harry nodded. “A member of the Chancey family. ” He explains standing up. “But we all know how that ended. ”

“Does anyone know who did it?”

Jane clasped her hand over my mouth glancing around before placing her mouth to my ear.

“You can’t say that aloud Victoria, ” She said in a hushed tone. “No one’s allowed to speak about it and trust me you don’t want to be in Aiden’s bad graces with that. ”

I swallowed grimacing at what she said. What the hell was going on? What were they trying to hide? What did they do to Belle that they didn’t want anyone finding out?

Harry gave me a grave look that forced my sleuthing mind back into the box it crawled out from. He reminded me of Thomas in that regard. But I had to get some information about my sister, anything. I couldn’t just let it pass. I decided then that I wouldn’t bring it up for a while, I’d let it blow over and then ask about it when they were more receptive. I wonder if I could get my hands on some alcohol, a little gin could loosen up anyone.

He walked back to the door steadily then glanced back at me.

“I came to tell you so when they finally came to get you, you’d already know what it’s all about. ”

Harry disappeared leaving me in my worry, then the tears fell I couldn’t control it any longer. I slumped at the base of my bed crying my eyes out. I was going to die here, just like my sister, and no one would care.

It was dinner time when I saw everyone again, the entire staff of humans had gathered in the large room at the buffet tables in lines waiting to be served. My plate had more food than I’d eaten in an entire year being locked away and I quickly scarfed it down, no one paying any attention to how fast it disappeared. It was days like these that made me forget where I was and who held us. Especially me. No one else felt like they were captives, maybe because they probably weren’t chased down an alley, caught, drugged and taken here against their will. But that was my story, that and the fact that I was locked away by my parent’s.

I glanced around the hall as the music played and they made short order of the food before the frolicking began. They danced and sang, telling jokes and getting drunk. The suits weren’t anywhere near us at this time of the night, we were left to do whatever we pleased, or maybe they left to do whatever they pleased. I could never wrap my mind around it. I pushed back my chair needing to use the bathroom, leaving without anyone noticing. I headed to my room, turning on the facet while I stared in the mirror at myself. My brown hair had grown a little longer and my skin had regained colour, at least that’s what I thought I should look like considering I could only faintly remember my last reflection I saw.

It brought back the memories of spending time with Thomas, him calling me names and promising that I’d eventually get fat and I laughed, thinking back how I’d mistaken him implying that he’d impregnate me. How sad, now for sure I will never get pregnant being in this house. Who’d risk it anyway? It would be cruelty to bring a child in this world.

I glanced back to the room hearing a firm knock against the door. I frowned. The girls never needed to knock before and the only guy who came to see us was Harry and he’d die before he knocked. We were all convinced he was just trying to get a peek at us naked at some point. Turning the facet off and wiping my hand, I headed over opening the door slowly before letting out a gasp.

A suit….

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goodnovel comment avatar
I love this’s a very interesting one

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