
Day Dreams

Julian had run into a store on the outskirts of town. After giving him my sizes and a vague description of what I would wear, he headed off on his little mission. I was still in my clothes from yesterday, blood stains now dried. His solution to the problem? Buy me something to wear for the day and head out to a mall for some actual shopping. I had protested at the idea of walking around looking as if I had painted with someone's blood. Julian had agreed and off we were. I hadn't allowed myself to think of the situation we were in. There was no news from my pack, not that Julian would tell me if something had happened. All he wanted was for us to have a normal day. Get to know each other. Whether we were mates or not, I would be stuck around him from this point on. Julian had promised that my future would change, regardless of the status of our pendants.

I waited for close to an hour, getting restless. Julian couldn't possibly take that long to find me some jeans and a shirt.

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