
Chapter 3

We went back home and he put makeup on me and let me say I couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror it was like I was a different person. 

I then put on my dress then he put heels in front of me. 

'No.' was all I said.

'You are not going to wear my dress with your sneakers.' he says while he points at me with his finger and the other hand on his waist.

'Your dress?'

'I payed for it so yes mine.' he says while glaring.

'I can't walk in heels Ron.'

 'Well there's a first time for everything so put them on.'

'Now!' I put them on and stood up when I tried to walk I was stumbling and I almost fell at one time.

'Okay we need to go now.' he then pulls me and drags me out of my room.

'Hey slow down I'm the one in heels here.' I state he doesn't answer but he slows down, we then got in his car and he started driving this time there was music and we were singing out lungs out, we had horrible voices but that didn't stop us. 


We then got out of his car and when I looked at the building in front of me it was really fancy and filled with paparazzi wow he really was famous. 

'Come on!' Ron says and I follow him and it wasn't easy with the heels I had on. 

When we got to the building the security guard asked for our passes and Ron showed him along with our identification. 

'Enjoy the show.' he smiles at us, he just went from Mr scary to sweet. 

When we got inside every where I turned a saw beautiful women I felt myself becoming self conscious. 

Lost in my thoughts I didn't see where Ron had gone that little... Ditched me. I then start walking around and I kept stumbling and that earned me a few looks. That's when I decided to take off the shoes. 

I then saw people gathered around a circle I went to them and when I got there I gasped it was Ace. He was smiling at some girl, that smile could have women at his feet me included.

He really had changed alot he had his blonde hair with his ocean blue eyes, well built too he was tall but not really tall well taller than me. He was all muscle. 

My heart started beating fast, I was suddenly nervous and scared what if he doesn't recognize me. 

'Izzy I've been looking for you everywhere where did you go? And why did you take off your shoes?' I hear Ron ask but I really was not paying attention to him I was focused on Ace. 

'Earth to Izzy.' he starts snapping his fingers in front of my face that's when I popped out of my bubble. 

'What?' I ask slightly annoyed that he dared to disturb me. 

'Jee stop eye raping the poor man.' he says and that had me blushing and he looked amused at my reaction. 

'I was not.' I try to defend but we both knew the truth. 

'Sure you weren't.' he says but I could hear the sarcasm in his words. 

That's when he started pushing me closer to the front, I tried to stop him but he was stronger than me. 

'Ron what are you doing?' I ask my heart rate increasing. 

'How the fuck do you expect him to notice you when you are at the back and his surrounded by fake barbies at the front?' I just kept quiet oh god I'm not ready for this, come on Isabella he probably doesn't remember you just chill. 

When we got there I earned a few looks from the other girls. I heard his deep voice while he was taking to Ron, his voice had changed too. 

Ron then shook his hand, I was looking down that's when I felt a little shove on the shoulders. 

'Okay you can do this it's just a handshake.' I say in my mind I took a deep breath and looked at him and smiled and shook his hand. His eyes were just as I remembered them ocean blue. 

'Izzy? My Izzy is that you?' he asks me eyes wide open while smiling and I felt my heart flatter he called me his Izzy. His. 

'Ace h-hey yeah.' I say awkwardly and I heard Ron groan right besides me. 

'Wow how long has it been 2 years?' 

'3 years actually.' 4 months and 26 days but I didn't say that part. 

'Wow you have changed into a beautiful woman.' he compliments and I felt myself blushing. 

'Th-thank you.' he then eyes me up and down and smirked then he looked at me in the eyes. 

'How about you guys stay a little longer I would love to hear what you've been doing all these years.' 


'Sure when you are done we will be right here.' Ron answers for me. 

Ace gave me one last look before looking away and I was just standing there frozen in spot. That's when Ron ushered me away and went to the bar. 

'He remembers me.' I mutter. 

'Ron he remembers me!' I say a little louder and I was all smiles he had made my day. 

'See how much of a great friend I am you should start paying me at this point sweets.' he says as he blows his nails. 

I just smile at him, he then ordered a margarita and some juice for me, I was really in cloud 9. 

After a few hours a security guard came to call us and told us to follow him. I was sceptical at first I don't really trust people easy but he told us that Ace sent him the moment he mentioned Ace I knew I would follow him. 

We followed him, then we climbed about two sets of stairs then got to a room and he typed in a code then it opened. 

When we got inside it was really a luxurious place and so clean you could see your reflection. 

'Ahh there's my favorite girl.' Ace says while holding a glass and it looked like there was whiskey in there. 

'Hey.' I say shyly. 

'Well please make yourselves at home.' he says. 

That's when we went to the couches and we sat down. Ace then came and set next to me. 

He then put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me his breath really reeked of alcohol but I really didn't care. I was so nervous I have never really been this close to him. 

'So how have you been to?' he asks me giving me one of his killer smiles. 

'Nothing really I'm just in college.' I say next thing I knew his thumb started moving on my thigh and I felt my heart rate increasing. We just look at each other. 

'Well I'm sorry to disturb your little um session but it seems like you are forgetting that you are not alone and as much I'm into that can you please stop eye fucking each other in front of me.'  I look at Ron and he just shrugs his shoulders and continues sipping his champagne where the fuck did he get that. 

' I'm sorry I was just distracted by this little beauty.' Ace says while looking at me and in my head I was screaming of happiness. 

'how is your sister?' he asks and I felt myself smile more. 

'She is great still annoying but she's great.' he chuckled and boy oh boy did I love the sound that came out of his mouth. 

He chatted for a few hours. Ron because grumpy and decided to take a tour of the apartment but then again I was really paying any attention to him. 

' Look at that it's 10pm it's getting late.' he says checking the time. 

'Wow I didn't realize time, it really does go fast.' 

'Well I should get going.' I then stood up. 

'Can I at least have the pleasure of getting your number?' he asks but I think he already knew I was going to give it to him. 

I then held out my hand and he put his phone on my hand still smirking. I then programned my number on his phone then I gave it back to him. 

' well I better get going can you go get-'

'the guard already went looking for him.' he says. 

He then came closer to me but put his hands on both of my cheeks and lowered his head, I closed my eyes and waited for the kiss. Only he kissed my cheeks well more like the corner of my mouth. I opened my eyes and blushed. 

Before we could say anything to each other Ron came downstairs and he was really wasted. 

'Izzy baby did you fuck him yet did you tell him you still have your -' he pauses then looks around then looks back at me. 

'Your V card.' he says and I groaned and I'm sure I was red as tomato when I looked at Ace I saw him raising a brow at me oh earth swallow me now. 

*The saddest thing I have ever done was to beg someone to love me the way I loved them-*

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