
Chapter 2


It was already 1 am when I arrived home. Mom and dad couldn’t believe when they saw me.

"Sweetheart," my mom softly uttered before hugging me. I wasn't able to stop myself too. I ended up crying because of what happened.

I thought it was the end for me. Indra and Aziel were both wrong when they keep on reminding me that the clock birthmarks on my left palm will definitely indicates my death.

If that's the case, why am I still here? Why I am still alive and breathing right now?

"What happened...”

She wasn’t able to continue her sentences right after staring at my two palms.

"It's gone. W-What happened to our daughter, Gregor?" she keeps crying while asking.

"Sweetheart, will you tell us where did you go earlier?" I nodded at dad. I also told them to stay calm before I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

After making sure that they were already in the state of calmness, I started narrating what happened.

"I was sickly worried at Callie so I went the veterinary clinic where I met Dr. Alvidarez. I can’t also believe about it.”

I told them everything in detailed. I saw my dad massaging his forehead while still thinking how I escaped my death.

"This is the first time I heard about this case. I'm really scared," mommy sobbed without letting go of my hand.

"Don't worry about me, mom and dad. Everything will be alright," I consoled just to lessen the pain in their chest.

Everything was still a mystery for me. I did everything to find answers by searching people through the internet who had the same case as mine. I made myself busy all day and all night by reading random blogs and stories. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the answers that will satisfy my curiosity.

I was about to turn off my laptop, when a link popped up on my screen. Without any hesitations, I opened it. There were only few words listed on this page. It says that there is an unknown author who wrote a mysterious book which contained everything about death, clock birthmarks, soul mates and ill-fated relationships.

I spent time searching for it. The title of the book is Hidden and just like it's name, it was nowhere to be found.

My mom and dad also accompanied me to the clinic where Callie used to check up but Dr. Alvidarez was no longer there. Same goes to Dr. Montressor.

"Let your fate find its way, sweetheart. I believe that you'll see him for the second time," dad comforted. For countless times, I stared at my palms

If Dr. Alvidarez was meant for me, does it mean that he had no clock birthmarks too?

A week had passed since I started became clueless about my life. Last school year, I already pulled out my requirements and paper that contains my personal information at Aestwood College saying that I will be transferring to other university. I didn't tell my college professors and block mates the real reason why will I leave. I don't want them to worry or give me sympathy just because my clock birthmark dictated that I'll die at the age of 18.

"I can give you a ride," daddy offered. He was about to get his car key if I didn’t stop him.

"Dad, just take care of mom. After a few minutes, Aziel will be here," I smiled just to stop him from getting worried. Because of being thinking too much about me, mom gets sick. I don’t want to leave her alone there.

"Wazzup, Amor!" Aziel gushed before going to my direction that’s why I suddenly stop from thinking. He messed with my hair again— the thing that he always does.

"Just drive slowly,” daddy reminded him.

“Aye, captain!” Aziel answered back who seems too happy.

Before leaving, I went to our full length mirror only to see if I look alright. I just preferred a casual wear today— black cropped long sleeve, high wasted jeans and my white sneakers. To complete my student look, I wore my ID.

Aestwood College has strict protocols regarding this matter. Even if you plead or cry in front of the security guards, they won't let you enter unless you are wearing what they had required.

I was about to open the front seat of the car when my cousin interrupted.

"Sit at the back, Amor. I will fetch Lissy first before we proceed to Aestwood,"

I suddenly became annoyed. He just laughs at my reaction.

I'm a little bit jealous at Lis. Right after Aziel and her became together, we seldom go out. I thought that I will quickly move forward from Indra's death because Aziel is here for me without knowing that I'm also losing him.

I can't blame him if he had more time with Lissy compared to me.

"Goodmorning, Relle," Lissy greeted.

“Good morning,” I reciprocated her smile.

Aziel opened the door of his car for her. When she's already inside the car, they made a quick kiss infront of me. I just decided to dart my eyes outside rather than watching their never ending sweetness.

"I think she's jealous, love,” Aziel uttered who keeps making fun of me.

The travel didn't last long. We left early so we’re not interrupted by the never ending traffics. When we're already at the Aestwood, I proceeded right away to my department.

I'll go to Business Majors Department, Aziel on Engineering while Lissy is on Department of Chemistry and Physics.

"Relle, let’s see each other later,” I smiled at Lissy.

"Okay, I'll see the both of you after," I answered back without looking at them who’s probably having an intimate scene again.

And since I'm an early bird, the enrollment didn't take longer like what I am expecting. I just submitted the additional and necessary requirement and filled up some forms.

My professor was too surprised after seeing me. I just told him that I change my mind that's why I'm not transferring anymore. I can't tell him that the date of my death changes. I'm so sure that this issue about me will blow up. I just want to have a normal and peaceful life here.

After a few moments, Aziel texted me that's why I became busy replying to him. I failed to look where I am heading that’s why I bumped into someone. My phone fell so I immediately pick it up. Thank God, the screen was not broken.


Can you make a quick reply? What took you so long?


My phone fell. I bumped into someone.


And you didn't saw his face again?


What about him?



I suddenly became annoyed. I can't believe that I will receive that kind of reply from him.


You're just over reacting!

I didn’t reply back after that. What he is saying made no sense.

I wasn't able to see the face of that man who accidentally bumped me earlier. The only thing that I know is that, he was a bit taller than me. Probably, it was just a kind of coincidence again. I bumped into him because I'm using my phone while walking. Another thing, how come that he's my other half? Besides, my clock birthmarks are already gone. 

I suddenly became afraid about the possibilities. Having a blank birthmark on my right palm means, I'll stay single until the end. What about on my left palm? Does it mean that my death is not anymore predicted?

Will I die anytime?

"Relle!" someone shouted which snapped me back to my senses. I saw Lissy running towards my direction.

"Did you wait for too long? I’m really sorry. It was all because of Alton,” she complained.


"Alton Alvidarez, my blockmate last year," I can’t believe about what she said.

My dad was right! If we're really meant for each other, destiny will be the one to find its way.

"Is he here? Do you have his contact number?" I suddenly blurted out. She was suddenly surprise because of the way I acted.

"He already left earlier, Relle...but I have his digits,” she searched something on her phone before forwarding it to me.

"Thank you, Lis. I'll just go somewhere. Enjoy your day with Az. Bye!" I excitedly exclaimed before leaving her behind.

I immediately find a place where we could meet. I just decided to go to Grind House, which is the nearest restaurant from Aestwood. After finding a comfortable spot, I started typing.

To Dr. Alvidarez:

Hello! What's up?

After five minutes, I haven't received any replies that's why I composed another text again.

To Dr. Alvidarez:

Are you busy doc? Can we grab some lunch outside?

To Dr. Alvidarez:

I got your number from my friend.

To Dr. Alvidarez:

Can we meet?

To Dr. Alvidarez:

Hi doc! I want to discuss something urgent.

To Dr. Alvidarez:

Please, reply. Asap!

I waited for almost thirty minutes but I received nothing. I decided to text Lissy to ask if she forwarded me a wrong number.

To Lissy:

Lis, are you sure that the contacts you gave me was right? Dr. Alvi was not replying.

After a few seconds, she replied.


I'm sure.


By the way, why are you calling him doctor? He's still undergraduate, Relle.


Besides, he's not into medical field.

I suddenly reminisce our first encounter. We already met in the veterinary clinic. He even gave me a piece of paper that contains the list of vitamins and supplements Callie needed. Does it mean that he lied to me? Should I call him on his first name instead?

To Dr. Alvidarez:

This is Elspeth Amorelle Keene, the owner of Callie if you still remember. Proceed here at Grind House. I’ll wait for you.

I almost fell asleep while waiting for him. After some minutes, I saw Dr. Montressor. Behind him was the man I am waiting since earlier so I immediately approached them.

"I reserved a seat. I knew you'll come," I concluded while grinning. His forehead creased upon seeing me.

"We met again, Amorelle. I never thought that you knew my cousin. Can you join us for a lunch then?" I nodded at Dr. Montressor before pointing out the tabe I reserved again.

This is what I've been waiting for.

After we ordered our meal, he started asking me.

"So how did the two of you meet?" he questioned, pertaining to Alton and I.

"Something came up to Callie again so I went to your clinic then I met him. Your cousin is really good assisting customers, Doctor. He looked so handsome wearing his dark blue medical scrubs," I stated which made him chuckle.


Alton remains in silence.

"Honestly what he did is wrong because he doesn't have license to perform such. Is Callie alright?"

"Yes. Thanks to your cousin, doc."

He plastered a wide smile that makes his left dimple more visible. I just wish that Alton was like him too. I'm sure he's more handsome when smiling.

"Please refrain yourself from calling me Doc. It will be better if you'll just drop the formality since we're outside the clinic. Just call me, Led."

My smile became wider after hearing those words from him.

"Okay, Led."

"Brother Led," Alton corrected.

"Call him brother Led," he repeated twice wearing his blank expression.

"I forgot that I'm six years ahead. He's right, Amorelle. Consider me as your brother,” he chuckled.

Our conversation goes on. Brother Led is in the middle of telling me about them being a family of doctors when Alton's phone rang. I was wrong when I thought that we'll have a longer conversation. Alton’s phone keeps on ringing.  He told us that he had to fix something urgent in Aestwood.

He just left without talking nicely to me.

He didn't even say goodbye to me.

"Don't worry, Alton is kind. He's just in a bad mood, today."

I waited for him for almost an hour but he left too early. I haven't discussed what I need to tell him. I don't know why I felt this way. I suddenly became too interested with him.

After a few moments, my phone vibrated. A smile suddenly curved on my lips right after seeing his name registered on my phone.

Dr. Alvidarez:

Is my baby alright? Can you send me her picture later?

I don't want him to wait any longer that's why I immediately took a selfie. After that, I sent it to him.

It took too long for him to respond again. Is the picture that I sent ugly?

Dr. Alvidarez:

I'm referring to Callie.

The smile on my face was immediately replaced by jealousy. I thought Lissy will be the only girl that I will be jealous of. What I thought is wrong.

Dr. Alvidarez:

Don't forget to send me her picture later. I miss my baby.

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