
Chapter 89

~ Hazel’s POV

In a huff, I lumbered out of bed and stomped over to the chair. My curiosity gnawed at me wondering why on earth did Louis need to see me so urgently. Grumbling under my breath, I told the maid to show him in. A few minutes later, Louis was ushered into the room. I gestured towards a seat opposite me, trying to appear composed. Turning back to the maid, I barked an order to fetch drinks for both of us.

The maid scurried out, leaving me alone with Louis. My glare could’ve curdled milk. “Alright, Louis,” I growled, “what’s the big emergency? You practically woke me up!”

Louis looked genuinely apologetic. He gave a small bow. “I wouldn't have bothered you during your rest unless it was serious, Your Majesty. There’s a young pup, from the Shadow Moon pack that was found dead near our border.”

“And it seemed like the Alpha of the Shadow moon pack won’t take it easy with us,” he added and I knew he was referring to Dolph and then I became calm and listened attentively to him.

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