
Chapter 10 Hailey's Table

Lunch came. As usual, I was the last one to exit our room and head for the cafeteria. As I got there, I saw that there was a commotion going on AT MY TABLE. 

Two first-year students, both girls, were carrying their tray of food and were seemed to be blocked by a few groups of girls that I recognize. Alexandria, Courtney,  and Wilma. I don't want to brag or anything but those three girls are the head of the Hailey May Collins fan club.

I'm not bragging at all because I don't like it. Basically, they are just a group of Hailey wannabes that try to act like me but ended up looking like total b*tches. Plus, they are a wee bit aggressive. They tried to befriend me once, but I wasn't interested. 

At first, I thought that it would be the end of that stupid fan club but it only grew more. Alexandria even dyed her blonde hair red to match mine. Courtney’s closet is filled with clothes that my mom design in order to dress like me while Wilma tries to imitate my character.

Out of curiosity, I approached them in a calm and expressionless manner. I saw one of the first-year girl's eyes widened when she saw me. The three girls must have noticed her reaction because they followed her gaze. Their eyes immediately brightened and they all wore bright smiles on their faces as they greeted me.

"Hailey! Hi!"

"Have you had your lunch yet?"

"Do you want some pizza? I'll get you one."

Ignoring their greetings as I addressed both of the freshman girls, who are now looking anywhere but at me. I returned my gaze at the three idiots. "What's going on here?" I ask.

Alexandra, with her beach wave red hair, glared at the two freshman girls before looking back at me with a kind smile. "Miss Hailey, these two girls" She gestured towards them. "Took a seat at your table! It's outrageous!!" She said angrily and the other two minions nodded their heads in agreement.

I shifted my gaze towards the freshman and they seemed to cower even though I did nothing but look at them. "What are your names?" I asked. 

At first, they didn't speak and they seemed to hesitate when Courtney decided to speak. "Didn't you hear what she said? She asks for your names. Answer!!" She told the two making them flinch. I quickly fixed Courtney a glare to shut her up.

"I'm Luna Valdez." The first girl said. She has dark hair and tanned skin. Her eyes are a dark shade of brown that you would have mistaken as black if you don't look closer. By her accent, I can tell that she's Asian.

"Kimberly Maxon." Unlike the first one, the second girl was obviously American. She has blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, pale skin, and blue eyes.

"Are you two new here in Waynard High?" I asked.

They both nodded and Luna then said, "We're sorry. We didn't know that this was your seat. W-"

"Liar!" Wilma cut her off and glared at her.

"But it's true." Kimberly said as she sided with her friend. "We really didn't know. We just transferred." 

"That doesn't give you an excuse to just sit at anyone's table." Said Alexandria. "You should know about Waynard High before enrolling in this school." 

As the two sides argued, all I wanna do is sigh and roll my eyes at them. Seriously, why are they making such a fuss about the table? My eyes started to wander and I noticed that we were making a scene as all the eyes were on us. 

This isn't good. With all this ruckus the Student Council might make an appearance sooner or later.

"Enough." I said and let out a sigh of relief when both sides stopped and looked at me expectantly. I turned to Luna and Kimberly. "You two can sit on my table for today." As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw their eyes widened while the minions reacted violently.



"Miss Hailey, you can't do that!!" I frowned and look at the minions and making them cower at my look.

"You said that it's my table, right? So I can do whatever I please and whoever I want to sit there. And besides, it's not really my table. It's the school's property. I didn't buy that. You all just labeled it like mine in the first place so deal with how I handle what you've given me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and eat outside." I said and started to turn when I noticed almost everyone in the room seemed to be staring at me in shock. 

Initially, I was confused, but then I realized that everyone in the room must have heard my speech. My heart started to pound in fear.

I didn't say anything weird now, have I? 

Keeping my expression calm and collected, I started to head towards the exit. But as I looked up, I saw that the student council was already at the door, looking at me. 

I held my chin up and continued forward. I thought that they would block my way but they didn't. They simply moved to the side and let me pass, but I didn't miss the mocking salute that Xander gave me. 

"Way the go, Hailey!!" And then there were a series of cheers as I left the room and groaned.

Great. My popularity level seemed to rise yet again. 


I went to the school field and started to walk towards my usual spot where I used to hang around when I just want to be alone and breathe some fresh air. I sat and leaned my back against a tree. For a moment there, I just stared at the view of the place. Since the spot where I am sitting was slightly elevated, it gave me a nice view of the soccer field. 

The boys are on their break so I can only see the girls playing. From the looks of it, I can tell that they have some new recruits on their team and their team captain, Stella Antoinette Stan, was talking to them. She's a senior like me and quite popular in the school for being smart, friendly, and sporty. She also has the looks to die for. Long white-blonde hair, blue eyes, and slim figure. Although guys seemed to pursue her, she has this tendency to turn them down.

My stomach started to growl bringing me back to the present. Grabbing my bag, I started to shuffle through it until I found my sandwich. But just before I get to have my first bite, I heard something on the other side of my tree.

"Ahhhh!! This is life! Who knew this place existed?"

My eyes widened as I recognize the voices and I abruptly got up and peaked to the opposite side of the tree and saw, in my horror, the Student Council on a picnic complete with sheets and a basket. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sheen was on his back, Leo laughing at Sheen's ridiculous position, Sandy preparing the foods, and Xander, with his back to me, was sitting quietly.

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