
Word Gets Around Town

         The small group followed Ty up the few stairs into the packhouse. It was chaos. Clearly, they were moving into the space. Boxes and bags were everywhere, and the furniture needed to be setup properly in the building. Large men were busy dealing with this, while in what Rose believed would be the dining room, a group of people she knew very well grumpily harassed several other men. The men didn’t respond; they stood there as if they were on guard and didn’t answer anyone’s insistent questions. She had to be careful not to get the blanket caught on anything on the way there.

         “What is going on here?” Ty didn’t waste a moment. His tone went straight to that of an alpha. It told everyone in the room, he would not accept any back talk or disrespect. The fact he wore only a blanket didn’t matter a bit. What Rose liked was that he chose not to focus that tone on an individual. He used it to take command of the room and to cut through the chaos. “Why are you all here? Can you not see that we’ve taken possession of this territory and are busy making it our own? Not everyone at once. I will hear each one of you one at a time, but make it short. I’ve a lot to get through tonight.”

         “Are you really the son of Alpha Russell?” Kelly Long, a long-time resident of Mayes Grove and the town clerk. Rose knew Kelly for ages, and Kelly lived in fear of her father stomping around the town hall mixing everything up by putting his two-cents worth in where it didn’t belong. She pitied the woman because she had to clean up whatever mess her father left behind.

         “If you want to know the truth, why ask me? Go ask my uncle Roger Higgins. He’ll vouch that I am who I claim to be. Next?” Ty didn’t seem to have much patience at all with these people.

         The next person was someone Rose went to school with, even though her father hated her doing that. Brett Dunn, high school alpha and the guy every girl at one time or another prayed would be their fated mate. Not such luck for anyone so far. He was still looking for his mate. “So, are you here to fix this mess? I mean, are you taking back the Hollow Wood Pack and the town? If so, when and do you need any help?”

Brett, butted heads with Rose’s father on a regular basis. It appeared to Rose that she could only see one reason for it and that was her father saw Brett as a potential rival. Rose could understand why Brett would have an axe to grind with her father.

“That we can discuss after this in private. I need to know more about you and your motives before I say yay or nay. Questions?” Ty pointed Brett to the far side of the room, before he turned to the next person and looked the little old lady in the face. “Gabby, my sweet dear. I remember you. How are you and what can I do for you?”

“I’m doing well, Tyler, dear. These fools wouldn’t accept my word on your identity. They all wanted to complain about how you walked in and expected to take over. Though their hearts are in the right place. They didn’t want a stranger doing that and complicating your return.” Gabby Lynn was that little old lady who’s home was in the centre of town on the Main Street for ease of getting around in her old age. She made it her business to know everyone and everything. Gabby was one of the few people her father avoided in town, because she knew where the skeletons were buried.

“Wait. Are you saying he really has a claim on the control of the Hollow Wood Pack?” Rose couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It didn’t make sense. Nothing did. The crazy stories and now this. She couldn’t quite catch her breath, between wanting to cling to Tyler and run from him. Rose was afraid to believe the facts she knew and how they lined up with their stories. What gave her pause was his claims she knew nothing about. Now here was sweet little old Gabby verifying these claims.

“Oh yes, Rose sweetie. He’s got every claim. Your father never told you what he did? Of course, he didn’t. That would besmirch his reputation and image with his dishonourable actions. But why are you here? Tyler? She’s the enemy.” Rose gasped, she couldn’t believe Gabby saw her as an enemy.

“Gabby. She’s mine, not his. Understand?” Tyler’s voice was deeper than before and held a tone that shirked no questions or protest. “Before you ask, no, he doesn’t know, and I want it that way.”

“Oh, dear, that complicates everything, doesn’t it? Well, I guess we all win some and lose some. At least, she’s not like her father in disposition. Perhaps you can save her from the damage he’s done to her.” Rose stood there and listened to Gabby’s words horror struck by their meaning. Truthfully, nothing Gabby said, was new. She’d thought all of it at some point. If anything she’d heard in the last few hours were true… Then she was better off here.

“I can’t believe what you people are saying. My father did what was necessary to keep the peace here, and this is what he gets? Yes, I agree he’s not the easiest person to get along with, but he’s done a hard job no one else wanted to do.”

“Now we’d believe you if you knew the truth, but you don’t, and we can’t agree. Your father was to assist with keeping the peace, not run the entire show. He should never have been alpha. Beta yes, alpha no. He’s killed others for far lesser crimes than he’s committed over the years.”

“When did all this happen? Why am I finding out about it now?”

“You’re the pup of a monster. Telling stories about him to you would endanger us and you. So, no one dared to say anything before this. Now, with the rightful alpha of the Hollow Wood Pack here, we have a chance to fight back.” Brett informed Rose in a tone that exposed his anger and hatred to her. It made it clear to Rose, she was far out of her depth in this matter.

“Someone needs to explain to me what happened and when. I’ve never wanted to leave this place more than ever.”

“All in good time. Now, is everything good? Alright. Jay, it’s your turn to shine. You get to interrogate him and get his story down. I want to know everything there is.”

“Right, on it. Come on, dude. What’s your name, by the way?” Brett followed Jay from the room without a farewell of any sort.

“Now, please be careful what you pass on in town about this. I have plans I’m not ready to share. I don’t want any of this getting back to Russell before I’m ready.” There were nods all around from the visitors. “Good, then they will escort you safely from my territory. Have a good day.”

The guards escorted them from the room, and Gabby gave Rose a reassuring squeeze on the arm. None of this made sense. Comforting the person she just called her enemy? Rose needed to stop overthinking everything.

Ty’s hand felt hot against her back, startling her out of her thoughts, and charging up her hormones. Gods, just a touch on her blanket covered back had her all but panting again. “I’ll show you to our apartment and you can get dressed.” Our apartment that sounded so odd to hear?! Other than her few friends, she felt alone before this.

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