
Chapter 4: Being insulted by an ex-girlfriend

"What are you doing here?" The saleswoman asked in a cold tone.

I looked at her and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? We came here to shop, did unless we come to see the monkey circus?"

The saleswoman was angry but did not dare to scold the customer.

According to her work ethic, she can't kick customers out of the shop.

The saleswoman then gave way for us to go inside the shop, however, while we were choosing clothes, she always followed closely behind us as if she was treating us like thieves.

In her mind, we don't come here to shop, because the clothes we are wearing are so cheap, she thinks we will never be able to buy anything in this shop.

My first younger sister, Lily, surreptitiously pulled my hand and whispered, "Elder brother, let's go to another shop to shop, the clothes in this shop are too expensive."

"It's okay, I can buy it."

I purposely spoke loudly so that the saleswoman walking beside me could hear.

If I took my two younger sisters to buy clothes today, I would have to buy the most expensive ones for them.

My two younger sisters have suffered a lot, I want to make up for them.

The saleswoman heard me say that and immediately smiled mockingly.

She thinks I'm pretending to be rich, she's been working here for a long time and meeting a lot of fake people, and that's why she doesn't believe I have a lot of money.

Lily and Luna hesitated for a moment, then decided to still look at the clothes on the rack, loving beauty is a woman's instinct, they can't resist the charm of beautiful clothes.

Lily touched a light purple ruffled dress, then looked at its price tag.

"Five thousand dollars? Why is it so expensive?"

The saleswoman stepped forward to push Lily away and shouted: "You can't touch the clothes in the shop, if there's any damage, you won't be able to compensate."

I grabbed Lily and glanced sideways at the saleswoman and said, "Do you like this dress?"

Lily replied cautiously: "The clothes here are too expensive, or we should go to another shop to buy them."

The saleswoman hurriedly said: "Yes, if you don't have money, don't come here, go to the popular store at the end of the street to shop."

I shouted: "Your eyes are damaged, your mouth is too rotten, go take a shower before you talk to us."

"You're poor, get the hell out of my shop!" The saleswoman couldn't take it anymore and kicked us out.

"I'm poor, you're homeless." I scolded.

The saleswoman got angry and shouted: "You are uneducated, my shop does not welcome you, get out of here."

I smirked and replied: "You are the uneducated person, when you see rich people, you immediately smile and flatter, when you see poor people, you show contempt and insults. What right do you have to call me uneducated?"

The saleswoman and I had an argument, which attracted the attention of the customers inside the shop.

Suddenly a couple came in front of me, the girl said, "Wow? Are you Andrew, right?"

I looked at the girl I was talking to and realized who she was.

Even though she wears heavy makeup, I still recognize her as my ex-girlfriend, her name is Helen.

Helen looked at me from head to toe like a beggar with a look of contempt and mockery in her eyes.

The man standing next to Helen is her current boyfriend, his name is Kyle.

Kyle's figure was a bit fat, his skin was fair, and his hair was swept back and sprayed with glue to make it shiny.

When he looked at me, his eyes also showed disdain.

He pointed his finger at my face and asked Helen: "Who is he?

Helen crossed her arms over her chest and said in an arrogant tone, "My ex-boyfriend."

Kyle asked in surprise, "Is he the poor ex-boyfriend you mentioned before?"

Kyle then gave me a hateful look, and said, "He's not only poor, but he's also ugly. I don't understand why you agreed to be his girlfriend in the first place."

Helen shrugged and said: "I don't know, maybe because I was young and inexperienced at that time, I agreed to be the girlfriend of a poor and ugly person like him. Now I regret it. , because I'm lucky to meet you."

Kyle hugged Helen's waist and gave me an adulterous smile, then continued to mock me: "I don't know if he has impotence, but when he loves you, he refuses to have sex with you."

Helen pretended to be sulky and hit Kyle's chest lightly and then said, "Oh my god, why are you talking in private in such a public place?"

Kyle smiled and replied, "It's okay, you're not impotent anyway."

Helen said: "When he and I fell in love, he said he wanted to wait until he and I were married to have sex with me."

Kyle said in surprise, "Oh my god, he's not only poor, but he's also stupid."

Kyle and Helen openly defamed me in front of everyone, they didn't care about my feelings at all.

I was extremely angry, my hands cupped into fists, and I was trying not to punch the face of the couple standing opposite.

Lily stepped forward and said: "Enough! After all, you were my brother's lover before, why are you insulting him like that?"

Helen smirked at Lily and said, "Did he and I ever fall in love? Well, I just used him before. Are you Andrew's sister? He hasn't sold you for pocket money yet. huh?"

Then Kyle looked at Lily from head to toe and shook her head and said: "You look pretty too, it's a pity you don't know how to use your beauty, as long as you date some rich man who changed your life."

Kyle then looked at Lily with lustful eyes, he even gave her a sly smile.

Komen (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
wait, I seem to have commented wrong. I was going to tell this story in the previous chapter🥹
goodnovel comment avatar
Roi chân gà
My story is a bit long, please read from the bottom up
goodnovel comment avatar
Roi chân gà
After that I stopped buying it, glared at her and threw the cake back where it was. Until my well-dressed mom turned around and asked, "Have you picked anything yet?" I can only shake my head and drag my mother to another area,

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