
Chapter Nine


"Is there anything with her? You women find it hard to keep your lips sealed. And what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here, are you?"

The anger was quick to surface when my wife approached me with her questions. She had no right to come and ask me such things, she should have known better.

"Sorry, darling." She apologized profusely, moving closer, she tried to touch me in what she thought was a seductive manner.

I stood there, my gaze cold and hard as she stood before me with a smirk on her lips. Her hands ran lightly over my body, tracing the contours of my chest and abdomen in a slow, gentle dance. I felt my body tense beneath her touch, but she refused to break eye contact, determined to make her seduction complete.

The light touch of her fingers made me quiver and I could feel the heat emanating from her skin as she pressed her body against mine. She moved closer still, her breath hot on my neck as she inhaled my scent.

Her hands moved slowly up my sides, finally coming to rest on the stubble of my cheek. Her fingers brushed lightly against it as she leaned in close, our noses almost touching. Her lips were so close I could taste their sweet nectar and I could feel myself melting into her embrace.

I wanted to pull away from her but found myself unable to move. My heart raced as she drew me closer still until I thought I would burst with anticipation. She smiled knowingly at me and slowly kissed my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"You see, I wanted to know why you didn't visit last night. I was waiting. I miss your touch and I-"

"Stop!" I said, interrupting her before she was done.

I was furious. With a swift movement, I removed her hand from my arm and glared into her eyes. My voice was harsh and stern when I spoke. 

"You have no business questioning me like this," I said. "I will not tolerate such, woman."

My wife's expression instantly changed from one of seduction to one of fear and confusion. 

She stepped back, trembling slightly as if expecting me to strike her at any moment. But I was done with her; I had made my point clear and would not be disrespected in such a manner again.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the look of utter shock on her face when I finally found the strength to push her away. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck, her mouth agape and her eyes wide with surprise. I swear I saw a little drool trickle down the corner of her lips.

For a moment, she just stood there, frozen in place, as if she couldn't believe what had just happened. Then, as the realization sank in, she began to sputter and stammer, trying to come up with some excuse or explanation for her behavior.

But I wasn't interested in hearing any of it. I simply shook my head and gave her a cold, hard stare, silently daring her to try anything like that again. It was almost comical, the way she tried to back away from me, her eyes darting around the room as if she was looking for a way out.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, which only seemed to make her more flustered. But I had no sympathy for her. She had crossed a line that she knew she shouldn't have, and now she was paying the price for her foolishness.

In the end, she simply bowed her head and slunk away, like a dog with its tail between its legs. And I couldn't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction at having put her in her place.

I walked back to my chambers, the image of Elsa's powerful resistance still vivid in my mind. I knew that I needed to see the diviner soon, but for now, I needed to clear my head. As I walked, I tried to focus on the sound of my footsteps, and the feeling of the ground beneath my feet. But my mind kept wandering back to Elsa and the strange power she had shown.

I entered my chambers and sat down heavily on my bed. The events of the night had left me feeling drained and confused. I needed time to process everything that had happened, to try and make sense of it all. But for now, I needed rest. I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes, willing myself to let go of the chaos swirling around inside me.


After the woman left, I was caught in the middle of the devil and the deep blue sea. I was utterly confused with nowhere to head. Angering anybody here was something I wanted to avoid at all costs because you never knew what they had up their sleeve and the Alpha's ruthlessness added to my fear. 

I couldn't risk angering the Alpha and potentially putting myself in danger. I had to return to my room and wait for morning to come. I walked back to my room, my thoughts consumed by what had just happened. 

I couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and confusion as I thought about my reaction to the Alpha's advances. 

As I entered my room, I sat down on the bed and tried to calm my racing heart. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had somehow betrayed the Alpha by letting my wolf resist him.  What if he found out? Would he be angry with me? Would he punish me? I didn't know what to do.

For the rest of the night, I lay awake, my mind consumed with thoughts of the Alpha and the woman I had seen earlier. I couldn't help but wonder what she had in mind when she saw me and what she would do with that information. I feared that I had made a terrible mistake by leaving the room and that my actions would have dire consequences as soon as the Alpha heard them.

I snuggled under the pillow, trying to find comfort in the darkness that was creeping in on me. I knew I was safe, but my fear of the unknown was too much to bear. The room seemed to be closing in on me, and I felt a claustrophobic feeling creeping up on me.

The door was locked, and I was alone in the room. I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me, waiting for the right moment to attack. I tried to calm myself down, reminding myself that I was safe, but my mind refused to listen.

I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, and my mind was racing a million miles an hour. Every sound seemed amplified, and I was convinced that someone was trying to break into the room.

I clutched the pillow tighter, trying to find solace in its softness. It was my only companion in the dark, and I couldn't bear to let it go. The moonlight streaming in through the window cast eerie shadows on the walls, and I could barely make out the outlines of the furniture in the room.

The darkness was suffocating, and I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I wanted to scream, to let out all my fears, but I knew it was pointless. No one would hear me, and even if they did, they wouldn't care. I was alone in this world, with no one to turn to.

I felt tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't help but wonder what my life had become. I was trapped, a prisoner in a world that I didn't understand. The thought of never being able to escape made me feel even more suffocated.

I knew I had to find a way out of this darkness, but I didn't know how. I tried to think of happy thoughts, but they all seemed so distant, so unattainable. All I wanted was to escape, to run away from this nightmare. But I knew that wasn't possible, not yet.

So, I lay there, in the darkness, clutching the pillow, waiting for the morning to come. Hoping that the light would chase away the shadows and the darkness that had been my constant companion.

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