
17. You are pregnant aren't you?

Oh no what if they figure out that I was lying about being a Virgin and ---- no! They won't find out! I am obviously not pregnant plus it's too early to tell, I mean it was only last week that Micheal did the thing to me.

I shrugged my shoulders eating the delicious pancakes.

I looked at them both only to see them looking at me but they quickly averted their gazes looking else were.

I nervously swallowed the tea  finishing up with my breakfast but for some reason I didn't feel satisfied and I was suddenly craving smoked chicken dipped in ketchup.

Why on earth was I still hungry even thought I have eaten three pancakes and a big cup of creamy tea and on top of it I am also craving for smoked chicken??

I looked at my brothers and they were still looking at me with their brows raised and arms crossed.

"You are pregnant ain't you?" I almost chocked on my spit hearing Santiago point out that I am pregnant

"What? No! pshh! me? no way I am not pregnant! I am

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