
Wolf howling at the door


I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. My wolf drove me insane with the need to mark her. Irritation drove me to get a drink. I found a bottle of vodka, opened it and drank straight out of the bottle.

Sal found me in the study sprawling on my chair, my feet up on my desk.

“Drinking alone, are we?” he smirked at me. It wasn’t something I usually did.

“Shut up. I need this.” I took a long drink out of the bottle. Motioning to the drink’s cabinet, I told him to help himself which he did.

He sat down with a glass of bourbon, placing the bottle in front of him.

“What have you got for me, Sal?” I asked.

Sal took a long sip of the bourbon, closing his eyes in appreciation. “This Snake Man is a real piece of shit. Seems like he has connections in government. “

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, not only are they into human trafficking, but also assassinations.” Sal lit up a smoke, passing me one.

“Interesting.” We had our work cut out for us. I wanted to obliterate their organization.

“You want to pay them a visit?” Sal asked, his eyes glinting like steel.

“Not right now. I want to take their operation down, bit by bit. I want them to come to me.”  I took the last swallow of the Vodka and threw the bottle against the wall where it shattered.


Later that night I went to my room. I heard Darina moving about in the adjoining room. She was pacing like a caged tigress. It was almost midnight. Probably planning ways to escape, I guessed.

My wolf also paced in my mind, growling and threatening to take over if I don’t make a move soon. Patience, I tried to soothe the beast. She doesn’t feel the mate bond, we must give her time to adjust. He was having none of it.

Breaking out in a sweat as he tried to push through, I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The cold water hit me like a thousand needles. Panting I fell to my knees on the tiles, letting the water punish me. He retreated, growling threats at me. I stayed there for a while until I was as cold as ice.

Sleep didn’t come easily. I tossed and turned, throwing my bedclothes all over the room, until finally I gave up. I opened the adjoining door and slipped inside Darina’s room. It was dark and silent. The moonlight, the only light filtering through the lace curtains, shone on her sleeping form. Her long blonde hair like liquid silver in the soft light lay strewn over her pillows.

For a while I stood watching her, listening to her easy breathing and steady heartrate. I was mesmerized by her scent, sweet cherry wine and chocolate. Before I could stop myself, I was next to the bed about to touch her shoulder. She was deeply asleep. If I could just lay down next to her, maybe she wouldn’t wake.

Damn her! This woman was driving me crazy.

Trying not to touch her or move the bed, like that was even possible I probably weighed more than two of her put together, I laid down on the opposite side of the king size bed. I turned on my side to watch her sleep. I longed to trace the shape of her mouth with my fingertips, feel the silkiness of her hair between my hands. But for now, I had to be satisfied watching the rise and fall of her breasts, the cleavage just peeking out from her nightdress. So tempting…

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


“Oh, my God! What the fuck are you doing in my room!” Shrill screaming woke me from my sleep.

I opened my eyes to see Darina scuttling off the bed, clutching the sheet around her, like she was naked, which she wasn’t.

I yawned and stretched. That was truly the best sleep I had in a while. Lazily I smiled at her horrified face. She looked adorable.

“I live here.” I couldn’t resist teasing her. “I can go wherever I want.”

“Get. Out.” She pointed at the door. Her heartrate sped up, there was nothing my werewolf hearing couldn’t detect. A part of her was aroused as well, I could smell it.

I never liked being told what to do. Slowly I got up, stretching my shoulders and neck. She moved away, ready to retreat into the bathroom, but I saw through her defense. Before she could even think to dash towards it, I had her in my arms.

She struggled wordlessly, pushing at me, her mouth set in a hard line.

“You’re only hurting yourself, Darina.” I said, grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms behind her back. Her breasts jutted out against my chest. I could hardly breathe for wanting to taste them. Her harsh breathing made it even more difficult as it made them move against me. I was hard as a rock.

“Don’t hurt me.” She said, her voice hoarse with emotion. That touched me.

I could never hurt her. She was my soulmate. My very human soulmate. I looked into the depths of her beautiful grey-green eyes and all I saw was distrust. She had no reason to trust me. I understood that. Trust had to be earned.

I let her go.

“Get dressed. I want to show you something.” I sat down on her bed.

Darina stared at me, and I saw a thousand questions go through her mind.

Well, I haven’t got all day, fetita.” I motioned toward her closet.

“I would like some privacy,” she demanded, looking at me down her pretty little nose.

“Use the bathroom. You don’t get to tell me what to do.” I smirked at her.

She mumbled something I was not supposed to hear. “Fucking pervert.”


She got dressed very fast, skinny jeans, a figure-hugging top I didn’t like, her hair in a ponytail and sneakers on her feet.

“That’ll have to do.” I said and took her arm, leading her out the door.

I walked her to the stables. I wanted her to see my horses. There were six of them, thoroughbred Arabian with Demon being my personal favorite.

Along the way we were greeted by some of my men. I hardly acknowledge them and I sure as hell didn’t appreciate the way they were eye-fucking Darina. I placed my hand on her lower back possessively. I felt her spine stiffen, but she didn’t slap my hand away. Little triumphs… My wolf purred satisfied.

“You have horses.” Darina noted. “I love horses. They are sensitive creatures.”

“That they are.” I smiled slightly. “Do you ride?”

She shook her head. “No, I have never.”

I watched her face light up as we walked into the stables. The horses neighed and snorted when they caught my scent. It took a lot of patience from my part to get them to get used to my scent. I was a predator after all. But being Romanian, we have a special bond with our horses, werewolves or not.

“Oh, my goodness! He’s gorgeous.” Darina said in awe as she spotted Demon.

“He knows that. He is vain.” I snickered.

Demon lifted his head, ears turned to the front because he heard his name and shook his head. His black mane lifting and falling back onto his proud neck. I went over to him, and he put his head on my shoulder.

“Can I?” Darina asked, her hand hesitated. She longed to touch him.

I took her hand in mine and placed it on Demon’s neck. The sparks travelled down my arms, and I wondered if she felt it too.

“What was that? Static?” she said and frowned.

“Something like that.” I said. I didn’t take my hand away immediately. She felt it. My heart all but leapt out of my chest.

She turned her face to me. “I didn’t figure you for a horse lover.”

“You don’t know me, Darina.” My voice betrayed how badly I wanted to kiss her. I couldn’t take my eyes of her smiling mouth.

Her face colored a rosy pink, and she removed her hand from mine.

“You are very handsome.” She told Demon and he rewarded her by touching his nose to her face. She giggled and I found myself being jealous of my own damn horse. Fuck.

“He likes you.” I told her, scowling at Demon who neighed back at me.

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