
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The car pulled up in front of a huge mansion in the middle of the woods. He got out of the car and opened the passenger's seat before extending his hand for me to take, which I reluctantly did. My heart began beating faster and faster every seconds that passed. Before this huge mansion, we entered a very huge golden gate with a name “Exodus” engraved atop of it. I couldn't hide my amazement. It seems like I'm entering a very prestigious manor that only rich people could go in.

I'm overwhelmed.

Just... how wealthy is this guy right here?

Fresh yet harsh wind hit my face as soon as I got out from the car. I closed my eyes to savour the feeling. The smell of wood and leaves invaded my nostrils, sending delightful sensation throughout my body. I've never thought that being in a place like this are as pleasing as when I am in a library. It almost feels painful to be in such a beautiful place like this.

I sluggishly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was his handsome face. He wore a small, tight smile on lips. His eyes were shining in content and admiration as his silver eyes locked to mine. My heart skipped a beat as the wind brushed off his hair on the forehead. It seems like everything became blurred and all I could see was him as his beautiful smile that captured my heart the second time I have got to see it.


We both snapped out from our trance when someone exclaimed coming from the house. Looking where the voice came from, my eyes landed on a beautiful girl around 9 years old running furiously towards our direction with her arms widely open. A sweet smile was plastered on her lips as her eyes shone brightly.

“Rebecca, be careful!” Alpha Reui said as he catches the beautiful girl on his arms. They almost stumbled at the impact.

“I've missed you!” Rebecca exclaimed as she hugged her brother tightly and showered him with her kisses all around his face.

Alpha Reui laughed in carefree manner and forcefully peeled his sister from his body. His sister pouted her plumpy red lips and crossed her arms in disapproval. Then Reui wiped his saliva-covered face with the hem of his shirt, which made Rebecca to stomp her feet.

“Why did you wiped it?! Didn't you missed me, too?!”

“Silly. We have just seen each other a month ago. It's not too long,” he said and chuckled, messing Rebecca's hair. “Anyway, I bring someone special with me...” Reui's voice trailed off as he snapped his gaze on me and flashed a panty-dropping smile.

“Who—” Rebecca stopped midway when she followed her brother's gaze and her silver eyes met mine.

I flashed a shy smile.

She gasped and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God!” she exclaimed and ran back towards the house. “Mom! Rainer! She's here! She's here!” she frantically shouted, sounding so excited and hysterical.

My brows furrowed.

Reui shook his head and chuckled at his sister's escapade.

“That's my sister,” he said as a matter of fact.

I shrugged. “It's not that it wasn't obvious. You two looks alike. She's beautiful, anyway.”

His smile widened even more.

“Alpha Reui.” A tall, attractive man came and stopped in front of us, bowing his head a bit as a sign of respect to Reui. He looks like about the same age as my mate.

“Hector, how's the pack going?” Reui asked casually as they shook their hands together. I felt his arm wrapped around my waist in a way that seems to be blatantly claiming me in the eyes of Hector.

I gasped and gritted my teeth, sending a deadly glare towards possessive alpha next to me.

“So far, so good. Nothing's to worry about,” Hector spoke. I glanced at him when I noticed him staring at me.

Reui growled and spatted, “Don't look at her. She's mine.”

Hector looked away and stood straight, clearing his throat. He nodded his head and pursed his lips. “She's a rogue—”

“She's my mate.” Reui emphasized the word ‘mate’ and growled lowly.

Hector, again, nodded his head and glanced at me, showing a formal smile. “Hi, I'm Hector, the beta of this pack. Nice meeting you...?”

“Katia.” I extended my hand for a handshake but Hector didn't make any move to accept my hand. Embarrassed, I pulled my hand back and cleared my throat.

“My apologies for not accepting your hand. Your man right there might kill me if I touch you,” he said, his smile widening.

My gaze went up to Reui, who only rolled his eyes and snorted. I nodded my head, stopping the urge to smile.

Hector and Reui began talking about pack stuff again.

“Where is she?”

“She's here, mom! I swear she's here! Reui finally brought her home!” Rebecca's frantic voice startled us. She was dragging a beautiful woman around mid-forty with dark brown hair and big, blue eyes.

The woman's eyes landed on mine and a smile grew on her pale lips. I immediately had a hunch she's the mother of two—or three perhaps, since I saw a young boy behind her having the same features as Rebecca. They must be an identical twins.

“Mom,” Reui croaked and smiled to his mother.

“Son, how are you? I see you brought a beautiful woman right here. What's her name?”

“I'm doing fine. By the way, she's Katia. She's gorgeous, isn't she?” he proudly said that made my cheeks to burn.

“She is,” the woman said while staring at me intently. “Hello, darling. I'm Reui's mother, Camille. But you can call me Mommy Cam.”

My cheeks burned even more. I nodded my head, flashing a polite smile to her. “U-Uhm, I'm Katia. Nice meeting you, ma'am.”

She giggled and pulled me in a warm hug that surprised me. For someone who's a rogue like me, sure I was greeted warmly with these people.

“I told you to call me Mommy Cam,” she said and patted my back softly. “Welcome to the family, Katia. I hope you would take good care of my son and so he is to you.”

My lips parted and I felt comfort gushed through my veins. I visibly relaxed under her embrace. I didn't know I was tensed for too long until she hugged me.

“T-Thank you,” I cracked an answer. I don't want to be rude to correct her of thinking that her son and I are together. I can't blame her if she assumed, since Reui and I were mates.

“Come. I've prepared something for you, guys.” Mommy Cam held my wrist and pulled me inside the house.

“Mom—” Reui's voice started but was shut off with Rebecca wanting to climb on his back.

I was damn nervous as his mom dragged me inside the house excitedly. I looked over my shoulder to see Reui scratching his cheek in defeat whilst his lips are protruded.

When he caught my gaze, he smiled reassuringly. That immediately put my heart at ease.


“So, tell me about yourself,” Mommy Cam asked as she placed more food on my plate as we ate lunch. I'm a type of person who rarely eats but still able to live every day. I have no appetite, always. But there is something about Camille's cooking that made me drool.

“I,” I started, but I didn't know how to actually respond to her. I tried to find the right words to say before speaking, “I'm a rogue. Never been in a pack before. And, uh, I'm 18. My course is, hmm, nursing. And I... I work after my shift in a book store. If Fernando Agcoili rings a bell, well, I work for him. He pays me weekly, minimum of, uhm, $2,000.”

Mommy Cam stopped and raised a brow. “That old man finally hired someone, huh?”

“I'm his only employee...” I uttered. Now remembering that I'm actually his only employee, I suddenly felt bad because he's going to be alone again. He has no family.

Mommy Cam spoke, “Fernando weren't allowing someone to mingle with his shop, even before after his wife died. He treasured it very much that he wasn't going to let anyone to touch everything that reminds him of his wife.” She stood up and get the peacher of fresh juice from the fridge and pour each of us of it.

Rebecca's twin, Rainer, grinned and said his thanks to their mother.

“What happened to his wife?” I asked. I really have no idea about Fernando's past. All I know was, he's an old, grumpy man.

“She died by an incurable disease.”

I looked down on my plate and felt my heart squeezed at the tragic history of Fernando's life. I haven't been in love before but I could already imagine the heartbreak he's been through. It must be hurt a lot.

“Anyway, enough of the past.” Camille sat down next to me and smiled brightly. “Reui, I want you to tour Katia around the pack house. Lead her to her room and be her aid, okay? I will also ask Ingrid to assist Katia. And you, twins, are going to behave. I don't want any of you two to disturb and annoy your brother's beloved. Am I understood?”

The twins nodded their heads simultaneously. “Yes, mother.”

“Good. Now,” Mommy Cam paused and looked at us one by one. “Finish all I've served. If any one you would leave even a tiny piece of food, are going to wash the dishes. Am I understood, everyone?”

“Yes, mother,” the three of them said, immediately following their mother like a good children they are.

I cleared my throat. “I can wash the plates, Mommy Cam—”

“No!” Reui exclaimed and I looked at him questioningly. He shook his head, his brows were furrowing in disapproval. “You're not going to do it. I will wash the plates.”

Everyone audibly gasped and looked at him dumbfoundedly as if he has grown a second head.

He rolled his eyes and pouted his lips, a blush creeping to his cheeks.

“Wow... that's actually the first time,” Rainer said and grinned, making Reui shift on his seat uncomfortably.

“Finish your food, Rainer, and shut your mouth,” he said. Rebecca and Mommy Cam giggled, confusing me. I thought that Reui is not comfortable washing the plates and was just forced because he doesn't want me to do it. I feel guilty. I cleared my throat again and all their eyes darted on me.

“I will help you, then, Alpha Reui.” I looked into his eyes and flashed a shy smile. “Is that okay with you?”

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