
Chapter 28


“You killed the mood.” Wait. What? The heat frosted over as quickly as it had begun. Then it started to blaze again, but not with lust. With white hot anger. The simmering rage was ready to bubble over. Rue sat on her hunches, slightly annoyed but offering me no guidance or support as I tried to keep my emotions in check. He walked away from me, and I felt the heat scorching my blood cells. Humiliation washed over me, and I fought every urge to run, every urge to cry and scream. My face heated with sheer embarrassment.

I stiffly got back onto his bike and grudgingly put my arms around him. I didn’t even want to fucking touch him, but I had no alternative unless I wanted to strip, shift, run back to Blackfern Valley and then drive my car naked all the way home. I didn’t have a change of clothes in my car, so every time I tried to come up with an alternative, it was apparent I was still going to have to drive home naked.

I could have called Liv and asked her to come get me, but I
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