


It was funny how I was now kissing the same man who just recently saved me from being kissed by another man.

But it was worth the comedy.

It was wrong, my brain was constantly reminding me but my heart.. Which was mostly what I ever listened to, told me that fisting his shirt and wrapping my limbs around his waist while letting his teeth mark my sensitive flesh was in fact, the 'most right' feeling in the world.

He finally ended his sweet assault, but insisted my legs stayed wrapped around his lower abdomen.

"Who was he?" His voice came, thick with his reckless Italian accent and sexual frustration. I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment as I realized I'd have to talk to him about Manuel.

"He.. He's just a friend," I whispered in response, which was partly true, except, he was a friend but with.. benefits. We had agreed that we would be at each other's beck and call whenever, aside from in the public, but Manuel had started displaying affection which was why he t
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