
11: Let Me Take You Away.


I stepped out of the bathroom and went towards the closet. I was looking for something nice and comfortable for me. I pulled out skinny blue jeans and paired it with a black tank top and red and black check shirt. I quickly wore my clothes and dried my hair with the drier. Once I was done, I applied eyeliner and lipgloss. As I did not need makeup, I hardly wore any makeup. I wore my black boots and sprayed perfume on my body. Once I was ready, I grabbed my back and stepped out of my bedroom.

I went downstairs. As I entered the kitchen, my mom smiled widely. She came to me to hug me. But instead of that, I ducked and walked towards the fridge. I grabbed the bottle of milk and poured it in a glass. With that, I grabbed an apple and took my seat towards the mini dining table in the kitchen. "Leyla! Your mom was trying to hug you. And you just ignored her like she does not exist. I am very disappointed in you." My dad spoke in a disappointed tone. And that was when I lost it. I gritted my teeth as I hopped off of the chair I was sitting on.

"Oh yeah! She was trying to hug me. Well, I just did not notice because I am psychotic and I need psychological help. I am a crazy person. That is why I ignored her. Because I don't want her to hug me." I yelled at my mom as I grabbed my bag and went towards the door of the kitchen. My dad grabbed my arm and stopped me. He was angry because I yelled at my mom. Well, if he would know why I was fuming, he would be angry at her too. Only God knew how I controlled myself by the morning.

"What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? Who said you are crazy?" My dad scolded me as he pulled me closer then wrapped his arms around me. 

"Ask mom. She told Kurt that I was crazy. That I write false stories in my diary. She told him that I speak rubbish to push men away from me. She told them that all. Making me look like a liar and a psychopath. And now that I have gotten a date, she is behaving like nothing happened. She wants to hug me after making me look like a psychopath in front of Kurt. And I am sure she said the same to Mrs Rodriguez last night." I complained to my dad in an angry tone.

My dad turned to glare at my mom. How I knew. Because a glass slipped from my mom's hands. It means she was shivering because of dad's angry glare. "What is she talking about, Hellan? Did you actually say anything like that to Kurt or his mother? Don't try to lie to me. You know you can't fool me and Leyla does not lie, you and I both know that." My dad growled at mom. Grabbed the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the kitchen.

"Yes, so what if I have lied to him. At least she has gotten a date because of my lies. You should be thanking me, Leyla. Because I am the reason why you have gotten a man in your life. Otherwise, you would still be alone. Like you always have been." She replied to dad while cleaning the floor. She did not dare to look at dad or me. 

"That's not true. Whatever you said, he was pitying me because of that. If I would not have told him the truth, he would never have even looked at me. So no thanks to you, I have managed to get a date on my own." I yelled at her in an angry tone. I pulled away from my dad and walked towards the door.

"Chipmunk, at least finish your breakfast, honey. You need to eat something before you go." My dad asked me but I shook my head.

"Tell your wife to stop butting into my life. I never said anything to her. I always digested all the unfairs she did to me. But this has crossed the limits of my patience. I am sorry, dad. But I think you should have listened to Grandpa when he told you not to marry mom. Because your wife is definitely trying her best to destroy my life." I replied to him in a low tone then I stepped out of the kitchen. I tried my best to contain my anger. But I could not handle her anymore.

I stepped out of the mansion and started walking towards the gate. Just as I was about to reach the gates, I heard a loud horn. I looked up and found Kurt's car. He stopped the car and I hopped in. "Let me see. You look comfortable and stunning. I better say that you look more stunning when you are comfortable." He complimented me as soon as I stepped into his car. I giggled shyly as I heard his words.

"You know ways to make a woman smile. Thank you so much, Mr Rodriguez. You don't look so bad yourself." I said with a wide smile on my face. He laughed out loud as he heard my words.

"Let me take you away for a little while, Leyla." He said then he drove off. I was looking out of the window throughout the ride. Of course the fight had affected me. I was not planning on starting my day with a fight. And that too when I was about to meet my friends after a very long time. I also did not want Kurt to think that I was with him on this trip forcefully. That I did not want to come. Or I was forced to spend my time with him.

"You look very quiet today. Is everything okay?" I sighed as I heard Kurt's question. I tried my best to hide it but it was of no use. I turned my head towards Kurt as he was waiting for my response.

"I had a fight with mom. I am angry at her because of whatever she did." I replied to him honestly. Of course I could not lie to him. I never lie at all. He stopped the car on the corner. Then he turned to look at my face. He cupped my face with one of his hands while staring into my eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked me in a worried tone. I looked into his eyes. Then after a minute of silence, I nodded my head. He smiled then lightly patted my cheek. With that, he started the car and drove off.

"You know, you don't have to be worried about it any more. I know you are different. And I like the way you are. It does not matter if you have more ghost friends than human friends. Who helps you keep an eye on your opponents." Kurt spoke in a mischievous tone. It almost felt like he was teasing me. I turned to look at his face. He was stealing glances. Our eyes met at a moment then we both lost it. We started laughing hysterically. We were laughing like two crazy people. Everyone was looking at us but we did not care at all. We laughed and laughed until our stomachs started hurting and our eyes watered up.

Hira Baig

Hi readers. I hope you are liking this story. It's going through he fun full, mysterious, romantic and horror too. But I would definitely love to know your thoughts. Because it's your comments that boost our confidence and push us to write more and more. Please let me know about your precious thoughts about my story.

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