
Chapter 33 What Can You Do To Me?

Seeing this photo, the surrounding students felt so disgusted that they almost threw up their breakfast.

"Oh my God! This room is so weird! They really pay no attention to their personal hygiene. How can we get along with them?"

"Yes. So disgusting!"

"Is it still a place for people to live?"

Hearing the discussions from the people around, the four people of Room 501 darkened their faces.

They remembered very clearly that they had cleaned up the room in the morning before they left and that all the floors and the beds were neat and tidy.

The important thing was that no one in their room ate sunflower seeds, no one littered waste papers, and moreover, no one smoked.

So where did this garbage come from?

If it wasn’t for the picture which showed their room, they would really wonder if the Students' Union had made a mistake.

"What the hell is going

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