
Chapter 02


After taking a shower, I threw on another sweatpants and a black crop top. I gathered my inky hair into a high ponytail, keeping any stray tendrils away from my face. I hardly wore my hair down because of how thick and heavy it was. However, I couldn't bear to part with the length which sat just above my tailbone. My legs were long and my long hair created the illusion of an equally long torso.

My body was corded in muscle but still held onto its feminine curves. The strain of growing muscles caused an array of stretch marks to ripple over my skin under my arms and over the twin mounds of my ass. I was proud of my stretch marks. Whereas some might have been ashamed or embarrassed by them, I saw them as natural art displayed on my skin. They were beautiful and added texture to an otherwise soft surface.

"You ready?" Denver asked, peeking his head into the room—since I moved most of my things here, it just made sense to get ready here.

I gave myself a once-over in the mirror. My dark eyes—close to onyx like my mother's—barely held a spark. A smile flashed in and out of existence. My hands quivered. My heart crashed into my ribcage with the force of a battering ram.

"You're going to be fine," Lex cooed, coaxing me into a sense of calmness, "Denver is going to be beside you and I'm never leaving you. Take deep breaths. You can do this."

I watched Lex's golden eyes swirl with my inky ones in the mirror, "I can do this," came my quiet confession but I didn't believe the words even when they rolled off my tongue.

Nevertheless, I pivoted and marched my ass out of the room. I had a plan. That plan couldn't unfold if I caged myself into this room like some wounded animal.

"Let's get this over with," I hooked my arm with Denver as he proceeded to escort me down the hall.

"They just pulled in," Denver whispered through a tight smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked, mirroring his hushed tone while ensuring to nod with a warm smile at any pack member who passed by, "Did they...arrive together?"

"Yes and no. They arrived at the same time but not together. You're going to flip when you see them," he had a bounce in his step and a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Have some patience," squeezing my hand, Denver said, "I'll tell you this, the fucking tension could put you in a chokehold, and not the kind you like."

His suggestive words sent a rush of hot blood to my cheeks, causing me to sputter out my next set of words.

"I...I don't like to be choked."

To be fair, I wouldn't know what I liked. Being the alpha's daughter meant no one was brave enough to even lay a finger on me beside Denver who was like a brother to me. Even if I had any romantic feelings for Denver, we both knew we couldn't act upon them, not unless we were fated mates. Being a higher rank meant I needed to be wed to someone who ranked the same. It would ensure that our bloodline would grow to be strong and powerful.

"Never understood that concept. Power is given to those who deserve it. It's not based on bloodline," Lex grumbled as she paced in my mind.

"Unfortunately, choosing mates by rank has created unfathomably strong bloodlines," I retorted in my mind.

"And the cost was losing the ability to find your fated mate. It's believed only those who have proven themselves worthy can find their destined half," Lex always spoke as if she had a well of unknown knowledge residing within her.

We were born with our wolves but they only emerged when we either needed them the most or were sixteen and older. It was said that our wolves had a direct link to the Goddess Celine herself—the Moon Goddess. They kept in contact with her on our behalf.

"The Goddess Celine must not think I'm very deserving," I muttered to Lex.

"You never know," she was still clawing onto her hope relentlessly. I wished she would let it go.

"I don't peg you as the vanilla type," Denver whispered into my ear as we began descending the stairs.

Another rush of blood tinged my skin pink and I rolled my glossed bottom lip between my teeth to bite back the shy curl of my lips.

Only, when my gaze snagged onto the group waiting for me at the base of the winding staircase, my heart plummeted.

Every set of eyes openly glared at me, nostrils flaring and mouth set into thin lines. My mother and father shook their heads in disapproval which had me strangling the ever-living life out of Denver's arm.

Beside them, Denver's father clenched and unclenched his jaw in time with his fists. Edward Rhodes was a year younger than my father. His gray hair was buzzed but, otherwise, he looked like a photocopy of his son—older of course. He and his chosen mate also had a daughter, Denver's younger sister, Alia.

When my feet left the last step, the sound of my blood rushing through my veins was like a deafening drum echoing its rhythm around my eardrum. My mother spoke but her words were distant and lulled.

Then, my father stepped forward, prying me out of Denver's hold so he could tuck me under his arm—no doubt this was an excuse to get me away from Denver. My father was never the touchy-feely kind of man.

"Kara, I'd like you to meet the two Alphas," he gestured to two tall men who were flanked by wolves from their own pack.

It wasn't how tattoos licked every inch of visible skin on one of the massive men that dried my mouth. It wasn't how both were the definition of handsome either. My tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth wasn't a result of having nothing to say neither was it a result of fear.


I was left utterly dumbfounded because these men were... they were...

This was too insane to even think about, too absurd to be reality. This had to be one big joke. Denver would leap forward at any second to tell me about how this was all just some elaborate prank.

However, as the second hand ticked on and an entire minute was squandered on my incredulity, I began to realize that this wasn't some sick joke.

"This is Alpha Orion Kessler from the South portion of the Greystone pack," my father introduced as he gestured to the non-tattooed Alpha. He then shifted his attention to the grim Alpha with tattoos swirling over his pale flesh, "and this is Alpha Miles Kessler from the North portion of Greystone pack."

It all began to make sense. No two alphas were equal in strength. No two alphas would agree to such absurd games. But these identical twins...

They were competing against one another, not for my hand or my pack. Their land was divided because they couldn't settle on one ruler or agree to share leadership. This was another way for them to show off who was better of the two.

I wasn't sure if that made this situation better or worse for me.

Dipping my gaze to their extended arms with a shake of my head, I said, "No offense but I'd rather not touch either of you. Can't risk one of you being my mate and ruining the games. I'm sure you both have a lot to prove."

Sarcasm dripped from the edge of my sharp smile. In actuality, I wasn't brave enough to accept one of them if they were my mate. It would just be better to avoid touching them if the possibility existed.

Centuries ago, when finding a mate was a more common feat, we could scent our mates. As time went on, that changed. Now, the only way to know if someone was your destined half, was if you felt a spark when they touched you. It made finding one's mate a nearly impossible task.

The tattooed Alpha, Alpha Miles Kessler, dropped his arm stiffly with a grimace but his piercing green eyes flitted with annoyance.

Orion Kessler, on the other hand, emitted a jovial laugh which only added to the constricting tension in the room, "I wouldn't say we have a lot to prove. I can say that we haven't shied away from a little competition, though. Am I right, brother?"

The acute angle of Miles' jaw tensed and then throbbed in response.

"Forgive him. He's always been a man of few words," Orion was either oblivious to his brother's annoyance or chose to purposefully ignore it, "I was told that supper would be served soon. Before then, my men and I would appreciate the chance to freshen up. All of us have had a long trip. We hope you understand."

"We'll have someone escort you to your rooms," Mom was the picture of polite.

"Maybe that someone could be Kara?" Orion's glistening green irises sparked with mischief.

"Oh," Ma shared a tight smile with Dad, "very well then. You three are sleeping in the same wing after all. I hope you don't mind but we stationed your company in a separate wing. We hoped, situating the two of you close to our daughter would offer you the chance to get to know her."

"You trust us around her?" Orion's eyebrows met his hairline, face etched with surprise.

"We trust that she can take care of herself," my father answered gruffly.

"If you did, we wouldn't be here at all," the only words to leave Miles' mouth had me fighting back an appreciative smile.

I liked the silent, brooding alpha who spoke only when he deemed it necessary over the brother who had verbal diarrhea.

"I trust that my daughter knows how to take care of herself. The pack is another issue entirely," my father cut Miles a scornful scowl that could kill.

Miles pocketed his hands, muscle-corded arms twitching as he clenched and unclenched his fists in his jeans pockets, "Lead the way, Red wolf."

My eyebrows dipped into a V, "I have a name, Kara Sommers, use it."

"Kara," Ma chastised, "watch your tone."

It was Orion who spoke, "It's quite alright, Luna Vivian. We will get to know her much quicker if she keeps speaking her mind like this. Isn't that right, Kara?"

The way my name rolled off his tongue made my breath hitch. My tongue tied into a knot and a golf ball-sized lump formed in my throat. I couldn't speak a single word even though entire sentences flooded my mind. My reaction had Lex bristling in anticipation.

"Just take them to their rooms, Kara. The quicker you get it done, the better. Right?" Lex's guttural voice urged.

My legs were moving before my mind could catch up. I pivoted and bounded back up the stairs I had just descended, "Let's go."

"Right behind you," Orion grinned.

Miles wordlessly followed after, a few paces behind his brother.

"So, the guy that was holding your hand, is he your boyfriend or friends with benefits, or are there just benefits—"

"Do you ever shut up?" I interjected Orion's line of questioning.

"No, not really. Silence is awkward and uncomfortable," he explained.

"And your voice is annoying. It's a lose, lose situation," I was coming off as bitchy but I couldn't bring myself to care.

Operation: Making myself undesirable was well underway.

Honestly, his voice wasn't annoying. It was rough and yet light. It reminded me of sunshine and tasted like cotton candy. Orion was simply a sickeningly sweet flirt. Five minutes in his company gave me the impression that this man only saw the brighter side to life where rainbows colored a cloudless sky and sunshine beat down on blinding green grass.

His brother, Miles, seemed to be the direct opposite.

"You haven't answered the question," Miles' broke my reverie. He didn't sound particularly interested in the answer, just irritated by my attempt to deflect the question.

A growl built at the back of my throat, rumbling there before I could stifle it, "Not that it's any of your business, but he's my best friend."

"Looks at you like he wishes it could be more," Miles mused, again, not entirely interested in the topic.

I eyed Miles over my shoulder, "What makes you say that?"

"We all have eyes, Red Wolf, it's only you who chooses not to use them," he retorted.

Was he seriously insulting me?

"I assure you, it's not like that. It wouldn't matter if it was anyway."

"Why not, because of us?" Orion asked.

We halted in front of my bedroom door, "No, because our friendship is far more important and he's meant to be the beta of this pack," pointing to the two rooms beside my own, I announced, "Your rooms. We have co-ed showers down the hall."

"Do you use them?" Miles quizzed with an upward tick of his eyebrow.

"Me? No. I have my own bathroom."

"Good," Orion reached for the door closest to him, "You'll collect us when it's time for dinner, Kara. Won't you?"

"I'm not your servant," I scowled.

"No," his smile was almost sad, "but maybe this could be less unpleasant for us if we don't treat each other as enemies."

"Isn't that what the two of you are?" My gaze bounced from Miles and Orion.

It was Miles who snorted his response, "It's your everyday family bullshit, Red wolf. If he was my enemy, I would have killed him a long time ago."

With those words, they disappeared into their chosen room, leaving me baffled.

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