

My hands stop shaking when I make it to English class. Students are already filing in, the exhaustion of the day creeping into their faces and their sluggish movements although the afternoon has barely started. I hang back a little, searching the crowds for Bibah or Evin. I find neither. Instead, a heavy hand wraps around my shoulder, and the million dollar cologne alone tells me it’s Ben.

I glance up at him sideways, not even bothering to offer a smile because I know it’ll look like I’ve swallowed a cracker fished out of an unflushed toilet. “For once our golden boy is early to English class.” I comment as I swat away the hand he tries to ruffle my hair with.

“It’s once in a blue moon that football practice gets canceled early.” He replies, stealthily snaking his other hand towards my hair. “A good thing since I get to see more of my golden girl.”

I smack the other hand away.

He pouts, and somewhere in the heavens a baby cupid sighs because he’s oh so dreamy. I know, I see it all
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