
The Meeting

It was already afternoon, Riona sat in her garden with dirt on her face and white mask from wiping it with her dirt-stained hands. She was crouched on the floor, wearing her garden attire while she watched a video that directed her on how to plant a sunflower from scratch. She should have worn a glove.

She was so engrossed in her work that even if she wasn't getting it despite following the video exactly, that was the thing about protube videos. Just a tip the servants would come later to replant them but she didn't know that.

Riona sensed Kiara coming even before she was near her. Her training was short but not for nothing.

"Do you need something?" She asked without turning to face her.

"You seemed so into your work, I didn't think you would notice me."

She had changed gradually, her senses sharper now all thanks to the one man she wills herself to forget every time.

"You have a guest Riona so go make yourself look presentable."

"What? A guest," she turned to face Kiara who was already leaving.

No friends or family or someone that even liked her so who could it be? Riona mentally went through all possibilities of who this guest could be but came out empty. Her story had gone way off track since meeting Lennox, Marshal hadn't even approached her once which made her wonder why.

She went to her room, took off her mask, and cleaned up quickly before putting on her mask again and changing into a casual dress that complimented the cool weather. She let her hair free and picked up her mother's ring from her dresser but decided against wearing It although she took it with her.

"Your guest is waiting in the meeting room." Kiara had come to tell her after she was dressed.

She nodded and went south down to the pack meeting room. Getting close she perceived a very familiar scent that got her stopping in her tracks with her eyes about to pop out of their sockets. Thinking quickly, she masked her scent but still stood frozen In the halls.

Was he really here? Maybe she was wrong but it was him because her wolf whined and there was an overwhelming feeling about going into the meeting room. She couldn't just go back, it would make him suspicious especially if he had already smelt her. Just go with it.

She reached out for her mask to make sure it was still in place before walking to the meeting room.

"You are the Luna... Riona?"

She held back a sigh of comfort after hearing his deep voice she missed for just two days.

He was there but why? How did he figure out that she was here?

"Who are you? state your business," she ordered with her voice strong then inwardly smiled at how well she could handle her situation despite her feelings.

His brows lifted and a smirk spread on his lips. He knew.

"I am here for you," he said. "My mate."

Her heartbeat skipped as their conversation dragged on, could he hear it?

"Your mate... me?" She went to sit, not trusting her legs to last long if she kept standing and talking to him.

She took the seat furthest from his. "Are you crazy?"

"Elena, it really surprises me you turned out to be a Luna with quite a reputation."

She had a reputation? She doubted alpha Drake would squeak a word about their encounter for the sake of his ego he wouldn't even squeak a word to his men.

"You are mistaken, my name is Riona, not Elena and I am not your mate," she gritted out, trying to play the part of a pissed-off person.

She had enough, her body was out of control with his scent everywhere, and infecting her with needs she could not act on. Riona stood, surprised that she was even able to considering how weak in the knees he got her. She turned to walk away from him.

He stood her in her tracks. "Take off your mask," he ordered, his words hard and compelling.

Riona snapped, "you are in my territory now, you can't order me and I already said that I am not you mate." She said slowly, almost spelling her words out.

Then she turned to face him with a warning glare to keep away but Lennox had moved closer into her personal space the moment she wasn't looking.

It was bad before but now he was within her reach, her wolf was clawing at her.

His closeness irritably registered in her body and soul. First instinct was to pull him closer and get lost in his embrace but she clenched her hands hard feeling her mother's ring in it, her hands by her side not giving in.

Taking slow steps closer to her to eliminate any space between them, he leaned forward and she could feel the heat of his body, his breath on her face as he backed her up against the door. Their eyes locked on each other, a silent battle none of them were willing to lose.

Just a little longer, she could do this. Her breathing picked up, coming out harsh and uneven, and her legs as she feared gave out with the need to touch him hitting her harder than before but she held on to the door.

"Then why do you hide your scent?" His dark voice was even darker as he rasped out his question.

Her lips parted the slightest bit. Nothing to say her tongue darted out to lick her now dry lips. She watched him watch her and his hot gaze followed the movement of her tongue on her lips and she could have sworn he leaned closer to her. A shiver of pleasure went through her as she took a deep breath, his scent filling her senses but she didn't breathe out. Don't give in.

They remained frozen at that moment, none of them willing to pull away from the electric-filled moment with sparks flying.

Riona's eyes widened and she let herself breathe. No! He is trying to seduce me into submission. She turned her face to the side, looking away from him.

"How unpleasant," she whispered.

Her face flushed as she put her hands on his chest to push him away but paused when she felt the hard muscle under his shirt flex at her touch.

"I will be staying here for the time being." She heard him say in her daze of feeling him up.

Get a grip. "What!"

"You claimed not to be my mate so I will stay and look for her, do you have a problem with it?"

She looks at him bewildered at his audacity. Who does he think he is?

"Of course, I do not want you here." She raised her head trying to match his height. "I can't let a stranger into my home and endanger my people."

A slow smile spread on his kissable lips, one that reached his eyes and almost made Riona swoon. A charmer. He watched her outburst and imagined her protecting his people just like that, a true luna.

"Why the mask?" He asked instead.

She went silent at his question. What did he care, it didn't concern him. Just get out.

"Fine, you can stay for just a month." She yielded to avoid the question. "If you don't find her with that month then you are never to return here again."

"Oh, will find her," the intensity of his gaze shook her to her core. "And when I do she won't be able to get away from me."

A man on a mission, what did I get myself in?

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