

I spend the rest of my time reminiscing over Desmonds words and all I have just learnt. The white witches name is 'Madre' ~ sounds like mother.. Yuck!. The creatures are called 'fratellos' ~ what an odd name. And did Desmond just insinuate the possibility of my death at the hand of these monsters!? ~of course he did. Who knows what to expect from this nut hole anyways!? 

I don't like it here one bit. I wonder what my parents must be going through. They must be out of their minds searching for me. Harry clearly isn't behind this. And somehow I wish he was. Then I'd know getting out would be alot easier. 

And ugh! How did I not think of this!?. My driver. Poor Mr. Simon must be in alot of trouble. They might be thinking he kidnapped me! Oh dear LORD, help that poor man out of any trouble he may be in. 

I look down at my hands and I sight that hidious scar. The one Madre inflicted on me. I forgot to ask Desmond what it s

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