

His steps were solid as he approached the tied men lined up in front of him on a chair. He walked around them in circles as he said his lines.

Did you think I wouldn’t find out because I was busy with other things? You must have forgotten I have eyes everywhere” he continued and stopped abruptly in front of them

Do you have something to say?” he suddenly asked the first person and before he could respond, the sound of bones cracking filled the air.

The sound was followed by a roar of painful shout as the man’s arm dangled from his right shoulder. Rocco had broken his arm and disconnected it from his shoulder in the span of seconds and no one dared make a sound.

He moved on to the next and stared at him for a brief second before he lodged a bullet in his thigh, adding to the existing scream in the room.

Bring me the table” he commanded and immediately, a mini table was brought to him.

At his signal, the table was placed in front of the third man and his right hand was forcefully placed on it. His eyes widened in horror at the realization of what was about to happen to him.

Rocco, per favore! Non ho mai avuto intenzione di farlo (Rocco please! I never meant to do that)” he begged and a loud slap swiped across his face

Rocco chuckled at his statement as he motioned to Bojana to bring the evidence and he placed it in front of him.

You confidently wrote a letter that exposed my mission and whereabouts and you are telling me you didn’t mean to do that? Dai! Non farmi ridere (Come on! Don’t make me laugh)” he bellowed

I… wanted.. didn’t..” he was still stuttering when the axe connected to his fingers and chopped it off in different directions.

Blood splattered everywhere, followed by a deadly growl from the man. Everyone gasped in horror. They had always witnessed it happening to others but now that it happened to one of them, they all felt it to their bones.

His shirt was all stained with blood and Bojana didn’t hesitate before she rushed over to clean them up with the handkerchief in her hand.

Look at them closely, this is what will happen to you too if you ever decide to make any smart move on me. Yours might even be worse. I, Rocco Lorenzo, never forgives” he roared and they all bowed in unison echoing “Yes sir!”

Sbarazzati di loro (Get rid of them)” he commanded and went out of the room

Your cloth is ready. Get changed for the meeting” Bojana informed him as they stopped in front of his personal room in the office.


They were on their way to Orange hub and both of them were discussing about the meeting when the car suddenly screeched loudly and came to a forceful stop, making them fall on each other.

Stai guidando con gli occhi chuisi? (Are you driving with your eyes shut?”

A sharp yell from Bojana filled the car as she struggled to disconnect herself from Rocco who held her when she flew at him.

I am sorry, someone suddenly jumped in front of the car” the driver apologized, trying to catch his breath

The morning was already terrible for Rocco and that made it worse. He stepped out of his car to see a young petite woman with her almond hair packed into two equal parts and tied in ponytails. Her face was smeared with remnants of foods and ketchup. She was struggling with what seemed to be a broken pink bike in front of the car.

Such an eyesore.

Do you not look at the road before you cross?” he yelled at her and she screamed back.

That made him shocked and paused for a second. How dare someone like her scream at him? He is Rocco Lorenzo!

How dare you yell at me?” he bellowed but she only scoffed and placed her two hands on her waist

And so what? What if you are Rocco Lorenzo or Choco Lorenzo? Can’t you see what your driver did to my bike? How am I going to fix this?” she lashed out at him

Ever since he became a mafia, never has anyone raised their voice at him or challenged him. The tiny creature in front of him didn’t even bat an eyelash at the mention of his name and that made him angry the more.

Pay for my bike”

He was about saying something when her words cut him short. She stood firmly in front of him and stretched her palm forward.

Your driver didn’t wait for the traffic light. Where are you all rushing to? It’s not like you are eager to die” she added and he was further dumbfounded at her boldness

Bojana was about interfering when Rocco brought out his wallet and placed a bundle strap of dollars in her open palm.

That settles it right?” he asked

She slowly retracted her hand in shock at the sight of the money in her hand. It was enough to buy more than ten of her broken bike and she never believed he could even give her any money.

He was about entering the car when her tiny voice stopped him by telling him not to go for the meeting which caused him to turn and look at her. She stood there staring at him silently as her polka dotted gown danced in the cool breeze. Who was she that she knew that he had a meeting to attend?


Rocco and Bojana got to the meeting point with Matteo and they exchanged pleasantries.

Just like you have requested, I didn’t come with a company” he told him and Matteo nodded with a smirk as he raised his glass towards Rocco for a toast

I doubt we have anything to toast to. I have limited time so I would be glad if you skip the unnecessary pleasantries” he slammed and Matteo smiled

Of course, you are Rocco Lorenzo. It would be weird if you do anything easily” Matteo cackled and rotated the cup in his hand in a circular motion

Rocco, dodge!” Bojana’s voice suddenly rang through and they both squatted in unison

In a split second, the wall was burst open with a bullet, followed by a loud bang. Before they could register the moment, the whole building was filled with bullets coming from an unseen location.

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