
Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Who is Connor?

She sat on the bed with a frown on her face. She was lost in her thoughts. The same question kept reoccurring in her head. 

Was it a dream or reality? 

Annah stood on the bed. She realized there was a throbbing pain between her legs. When she had jumped off the bed to verify if the blue-suited guy was there, fear had made her numb. Now that she was calmer, she could feel it and she hated where her mind was driving at.

She held on to something as she tried to get used to the pain. It felt like her legs had a hangover. She wanted to believe it was just her brain playing tricks on her. 

Annah was the only one in the little self-contained apartment she got when she turned eighteen. She wasn't the type to socialize much, so she spent most of her time drinking coffee and writing. She had no boyfriend or the time to get one. So she found it quite strange when that man said she had a child. 

She pressed her lips together and grabbed her towel from the shelf beside her. She walked to the end of the room. She stripped herself naked so she could shower. She took slow steps so that her movements wouldn’t cause too much pain to her core.

The pain in her left hand was only spreading. She pressed it and it hurt. 

She stood in front of the mirror and she saw red marks all over her body. She frowned as she inspected them.

"It was just a dream, why does it seem real?" She wondered out loud. 

She touched the bruises and they hurt her. "Ouch," She exclaimed as she touched the one where she had been hit with a gun. 

"Or did I do the damage myself?" She asked herself. 

With her naked body, she moved around to find her laptop so she could check the internet. Could sleepwalking lead to self-harm?

She unlocked it and a piece of news popped up. 

It was a girl about the same age as her with a blonde wig. She smiled as she spoke to the person she was interviewing. 

They finally showed the person's face and she squinted her eyes. Her research about sleepwalking had become a long-forgotten task as her eyes enlarged on the screen.

"Connor," She repeated the name on the screen. 

If this was happening to someone else, she would have thought it was an amazing storyline to exploit but it was happening to her and she was losing her mind.

"CEO of COLD Company," the girl said. 

Then she remembered why his face was so familiar in the dream. She had been reading about his company before she fell asleep!

"Maybe that is why I dreamt of him, because I don't see any other God-dammed explanation! But what about the pain? Where is it coming from?" She asked herself. 

"Maybe it’s from yesterday's work," She answered her question and took a deep breath.

Annah went to the bathroom and showered so she could get her coffee. When she was done, she went out and grabbed the hair dryer. 

She checked the scar on her stomach, it really looked like she got it from a baby. It was possible for him to believe that. 

She plugged it in and dried off my hair. 

"But what could a handsome man, like himself, want to do with me? Child? Where did he get that from?" She continued to ponder as she dried up her hair. 

"Why would he want to associate himself with me?" She kept on asking herself. 

When Annah was done, she walked to her wardrobe and grabbed her clothes so she could get her morning coffee. She couldn't live without it. 

She dressed up in blue jean trousers and a white t-shirt. She let her black hair sit freely on her back. She applied a little moisturizer to her lips and one for her hands too. 

She was about to leave when she remembered.

Annah switched on the television so she could watch some news before she could leave. She wanted to see how today's weather was going to be. 

The first face that pooped up was that of Connor. She changed the channel and it was still him. 

Annah read the headline and sighed before she sat to see what was special about him. Why was he everywhere?

“No wonder I saw him in my dreams!” she hissed.

He was receiving a public, 'thank you for clearing up the beaches', it said.  

She adjusted her T-shirt as she listened to him present his speech. He had sponsored fifty percent of all the beaches here, and everyone seemed to love him, but as she watched, her mind slipped back to her dream.

The only thing she heard were the echoes of his pants and her screams as she begged for help…

She shook the dream off her head so she could not remember what happened. She wanted to make it seem that way but there was a gnawing feeling that it was true, it really happened. 

The pain in her legs returned and she held on to something. It became intense as the seconds passed, so she shut her eyes and waited for the pain to go away. As if it never even happened, it went back to normal. 

After some minutes, she took her crocks, her bag, and her phone, with some cash. 

Annah walked out of the house to the nearest Starbucks. The line outside was longer than she expected. She looked up and saw a banner of Connor holding up a flask. He was the face of the company. 

She peeled off her eyes in shock and tried to blink off thoughts of Connor from her mind. When she turned back, it was another person. 

"What can I get for you?" The girl at the counter asked, jerking her back to reality.

"I want a large iced coffee with some chocolate donuts," She specified, and the girl entered her order.

It took some minutes before she was given her food but she didn’t mind. She had more pressing issues to worry about.

She grabbed the food and found a seat in the less crowded area. That was one of the reasons why she enjoyed staying here and she had free access to Wi-Fi since she was a regular customer. 

Annah surfed through the net as she munched on her breakfast. The news was booming with one name. Everywhere on her account. 

"What is the big deal? Or am I just noticing it?" She asked herself as she continued to scroll. She finally gave up. She returned her phone in her bag. 

Annah stared out the transparent window. She was working on a book. She had to complete it soon. Her phone buzzed in her small bag and she checked it. 

It was her alarm to write. She dumped back the phone and was about to start thinking of the next scene she wanted to write in her book when her attention focused on two teenage girls walking into the coffee shop, gossiping and giggling. 

"Omg! Did you see him? He was flawless. I want to see Connor again!" The redhead said. 

Annah could not deny the fact that he was everywhere now because she wasn’t the only one seeing him!

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