

The hospital was nothing like the one he was used to back home, where the receptionist was more plastic than the purified water dispenser.

Here, there was no openness, no space, nothing shines or has the smell of disinfectant. Instead, the way in is down a long hallway so narrow that if a wheelchair or trolley were to come to other way, he’d have to dip into a side room to let it go by.

The walls were once painted, he could tell that from the cream flakes that remained, though mostly they show the grey undercoat or perhaps the concrete beneath that.

The floor was uneven from so much traffic with both feet and wheels, and it’s darker than a mausoleum. The air was stagnant like it had just went into pit.

There was no hand sanitizers on the walls, how they prevent the spread of germs here, he wonders—possibly they don’t. From ahead come muffled voices, some angry, some placating. He bite down on his lip, it wasn’t going to be fun here.

In one hand, he had a bag of burger and fries, and sprite from McDonald. And bouquet of lilies in the other hand. He walked through the general hospital of Alabama and made his way to the nurse’s section.

He hated the strong sense of smell he had and how horrific the smells of the hospital were. There was loud noise of phone ringing, beeping of the heart monitor, people talking—Blake wanted to go crazy at the moment.

Everything seemed to stop all at once when he spotted his mother. He smiled and waved at her. She gave him a quizzical look as she approached him.

“Blake, what are you doing here?” She asked him. He has never visited her at work—it was astonishing for him to just randomly stop by. But she knew the purpose of it.

“Mommy,” he called out. “I just stopped by to drop lunch off and see how you’re doing at work.”

“It looks like hell in here, by the way,” he spoke in a low tone. “It’s giving me this creepy feeling at the back of my head,” he added. She rolled her eyes and took the paper bag and flowers away from him.

He followed her to her office and watch her as she dropped everything on her desk.

“So, mom…”

“I’m not giving you my car, Blake.” She had her arms folded over her chest as she gave him a pointed look. Blake wouldn’t just walk in here with a bouquet of lilies, and burger and fries in the name of ‘checking up on her’.

“What? No… I wasn’t here for that. Why would you think I was here to borrow your car…” he scoffed fretfully as he indiscriminately shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Then why are you here exactly?” She questioned, shooting a brow up, waiting for his answer.

“Okay, fine. I’m here for that. But please don’t say no. We’re going out to see a concert with Tyler and some of my friends.”

“Hmm? Really? You expect me to believe that?” Her pointed look was making him uneasy and he was on the verge of being broken through. She always knew how to break through him and get her ways.

He heaved a sigh of defeat. He knew there no way he was going to outsmart his mother, knowing she was a psychologist and she’d definitely find out the truth sooner or later.

“Tell me the truth and I might consider that,” she assured him.

“Okay… I’m taking a girl out on a date. Ice cream date.”

She gasped, clasping her hand over her lips to hold back the excitement that she couldn’t essentially kept buckled up. “Oh my God, my baby,” she cooed as she opened her arms to hug him. He had no choice but to hug her back. “You’ve finally moved on from that girl, Emily.”


“I don’t care what her name is but I’m so happy for you. What’s her name? Where did you two meet? Is she younger than you or same age? Is she beautiful?” She bombarded him with questions she knew he wasn’t going to answer.

“Mom,” he sniveled out of aggravation. “I’ll explain everything to you but I’m running late already. I’ll pick you up when we’re done, okay?”

He grabbed the keys and hastily made his way out of the horror-looking hospital.

He got home after 6 in the evening and had his shower. He got ready in a long-sleeve blue shirt and black denim jeans. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, thinking of what she’d think of him when she sees him. Would she compliment him? Would she notice his new cologne? Would she even like his new cologne?

“Don’t you think this is too much for an ice cream date?”

He shoots his head toward the door and his sister was standing by the doorway. “How on earth did you know about this?” He was slightly annoyed by how his fifteen-year-old sister was always being too nosy in his personal life.

“Dude, I’m finally going on a date with her—I might have a shot with her…” she mimicked, throwing her arms in the air. “You’re loud and the walls are thin. You should be lucky mom and dad don’t hear you from their room.”

She folds her arms over her chest. He rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing. “Get out,” he told her, not looking her way.

“I hope you get her pregnant,” she blurts out on her way out. “Lily!” He said sternly. He heaved a sigh and shook his head. He didn’t have time to deal with her shenanigans now. The goal was to impress Aurora and make her fall for him.

And now that his sister has mentioned it—he thought of the possibilities if he did get Aurora pregnant. For him, he’d be happy to have a child as he loves kids. He doesn’t know what she might think or how her parents that he hasn’t met yet would react. He was sure they wouldn’t be happy about it.

His parents might not be happy about it also. Their first concern would be how were they going to take care of the baby? Simple, he already has a job and he was doing well with savings. He’d even get a second job or just work double shift to earn extra for her and their baby.

He shook off the thought and looked at himself one last time before rushing out. There was so much worries if he ends up getting her pregnant but he was already running late to pick her up.

It was their first date, he wouldn’t want to ruin things with her. He promised himself to do anything that’ll make her happy and feel safe around him.

He didn’t know why but he feels this strong connection between them whenever they were together. He felt like she was his kind and she understood him even if he didn’t speak it out. She knew how to make him feel better and less of a jerk he thinks he is.

Soon enough, Blake pulls over by the roadside, where they planned to meet. She was there standing when he arrived. He hurriedly came out of the car. “How long have you been waiting?” He asked worriedly, placing his hands on both sides of her arms.

She chuckled softly and shook her head. “I was afraid that I was late. I barely stood here for a minute,” she responded. He breaths out air of relief and finally took in her appearance.

Her dress sucked out his breath and soul, taking it away with it. She was wearing a knee length floral white dress with a sweetheart neck line. She packed her hair in a low pony tail decked it with pink blossoms, making her hair look more picturesque. She applied an equitable amount of rosy lip gloss, making her lips look more plumply and endearing.

“Whoa,” he shook his head unbelievably. “You look… everything than defines beautiful,” he admitted, still taking in her look. She smiled sheepishly, avoiding his gaze as her stomach churned with crazy butterflies.

“You don’t look bad yourself,” she retorted to him. “Shall we?” She added. She loved how he admired her but sometimes she couldn’t handle how he’d just pause to stare at her until she snaps him out of his daydreaming.

He swallowed hard and nodded his head. He opened the car door for her and she entered, mumbling a ‘thank you’.

It was a silent and comfortable ride to the ice cream palace. No one said a word but yet they somehow feel the connection that helped them to communicate even without speaking. Occasionally, he’d take a quick glance at her just to take a look of how beautiful she looked tonight. She avoided his gaze the whole time, his cologne was enough to make her go insane tonight.

“And we are here,” he announced as the car came to a halt. He helped her with the car door before they headed into the diner together. Blake seemed famous there, she thought. The waiters there knew him and they were cool with him.

“I’ve been here a couple of times with my family and some friends,” he whispered to her just as they headed to the booth he reserved for them.

They finally settled down and ordered. Blake helped her in making the choice as she wasn’t familiar with all the flavors they had.

“I once tried strawberry flavor. I liked it but I’d rather try something new,” she said to him, her eyes glowing up with excitement.

He didn’t seem to care about his surrounding or who was looking at them, he just sat there admiring her—wishing to have her all to himself alone.

She could feel his eyes boring into her soul, she looks at him with her widened-eye look. “What?” She chuckled timidly.

He shook his head and lowered his gaze. “You’re just so beautiful and I can’t resist it. I can’t resist not staring at you and appreciate how God took his time to create you,” he confessed. He didn’t care if she’d think he was crazy or he speaks too much. He wanted her to know that he appreciates her and he wanted to be with her.

She beamed, looking at anywhere but him.

Blake leans over the table, softly pressed his lips to hers. He sat back, watching her reaction. He got exactly what he wanted to see. She gaped her eyes as her heart enfolded with strange sensations. Her lips parted as a faint gasp escaped. She didn’t know exactly what to say, she didn’t even know how she felt. But whatever she felt just now, she’d want to feel it again.

“Aren’t you worried that people might think we are kissing in public?”

“Are you?”

She shakes her head sideways as she smiled sheepishly. She had always wanted someone that’d show her love in private or public, anywhere they find themselves at. To appreciate her—Blake was doing exactly what she wanted.

“Here’s your waffles and ice cream. Enjoy!” The waitress offered them a kind smile before leaving. Aurora carefully picked up her cup of ice cream and shoveled a sensible amount into her mouth with her spoon.

She prudently nibbled on it, as if trying to figure out the ingredients used to make the ice cream. Her eyes sparkled with bliss and contentment. “This is good.” She took another scoop. “Really good,” she remarked.

He chuckled softly, staring at her sympathetically. “They have the best ice cream flavors in town,” he said as he took his own ice cream for the first time. He couldn’t afford to miss her reaction to having vanilla and bubble gum ice cream for the first time.

She kept the cup aside and took a bite off her waffles. “Isn’t it so weird that we’re having breakfast for dinner? I love it,” she mentioned and giggled out of thrill.

He knew her for some time but this was the first time he had seen so much joy in her face and voice. Food makes her happy—he observed.

“I have to try yours. You’ll try mine afterwards,” she said stretching her hand took a scoop of his ice cream with her spoon.

He laughed softly—it reminded him of his ex-girlfriend, Ashley. She did that a lot whenever they eat. She’d order salad and still eat off his burger and fries. It was annoying when she did that, but it was cute when Aurora did it.

“I like yours, but mine’s better,” she told him and stuck her tongue out. She scooped her own ice cream and fed it to him. He furrowed his brows playfully and shook his head. “Your flavor just ruined my taste buds,” he said flippantly.

She glared at him friskily and rolled her eyes. “Don’t come back begging for more.”

A while later, they finished having ice cream as they teased each other. Blake did come back for more of her ice cream. She didn’t stop him. She loved that they shared everything.

They left the car at the parking lot at the ice cream palace and decided to take a walk before calling it a night.

By the merely busy roadside, they walked side-ways downtown to a nearby park. He had his hand in his jeans pocket musing whether to speak or not. She seemed to enjoy the silence while she looked around the city though there wasn’t much to see.

There were merely people outside as it was getting late. Some of the shop owners have closed for the day. But time by time, a person or two come passing by them. She still loved what she was seeing. It wasn’t anything compared to what they had.

They had diners, parks, saloons, but it wasn’t anything like out here. Things were different—more exciting.

“My home is not far from here and just by this corner, my working place is there,” he told her, gesturing to a left turn that’d lead them to the gift shop.

“Oh,” she mumbled. This was the talk she has been avoiding—she knew it would come sooner or later. She was never going to be ready for it.

“I want to know more about you, Aurora.”

She looks up at him, halting. He paused and faced her. They were standing by the park entrance. He gently held her hands in his. “I want to know everything about you, I want to know where you live and if you’re being forced to live a life against your will.”

She gently freed her hands from his hold and lowered her gaze. “It’s getting late, we should probably head back…”

She was just enjoying the evening with him and he abruptly ruined it by bringing the one thing she hates recalling, herself and what she was.

“Why are you always avoiding this talk, huh? Is there something I should know?” He attempted to hold her hands again but she stepped back. Her eyes glittering with water.

A great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands. This was what she was afraid of—confrontation. How could she tell him that she’s a werewolf and her entire family live in the woods hours away from this world?

How could she tell him that her father was the Alpha and they expect her to bring home someone like her as a mate. They have already chosen someone for her and she was afraid they might win the battle and marry her off to someone she despised.

Blake was her forbidden mate and she doesn’t know how to handle it. At least not yet. It will be after he finds out the truth and they’d figure it out together. Blake was good at figuring things out for them and she knew he’d find a solution for them to be together.

“Hey, hey it’s okay. I’m sorry I brought this up. I promise to never speak about it until you’re ready to talk about it, Okay? I just want to make sure you’re safe.” He pulled her in nice and tight, and wouldn’t let go for a long time and she wouldn’t also want him to. She loved how his heart was beating steadily with hers.

She hugged him back, closing her eyes and relishing the moment. She felt his hand stroking her back softly. Her head rested on his chest—she felt safe and relaxed in his arms.

Somehow, he took away her pain and made her feel safe. She still felt him long even after he let her go. She hugged herself, still lingering on the unbelievable feeling of his warmth over her body.

“I’m safe, I promise. I have a wonderful family and my parents take good care of me.” She could still feel the guilt of not telling him the truth. He deserves to know but her only fear was he’d give her out or she’d never see him again. She saw the doubt in his eyes but he masked it with a smile.

He brought his hand to her face and wiped the tears away. “I believe you, Aurora. I just want you to know this; you are very special to me and I like you a lot. You are a living breathing angel and deserve every ounce of love and care that you receive. And you’re so freaking cute.” He gently pinched her cheek, making her to giggle.

He cupped her cheeks and gently pressed his lips on hers. She didn’t stop him—she hugged his torso and kissed him back.

“I could kiss you forever.”

“I’d love that.”

His eyes met hers and they shared a smile. “Let’s go home,” he said and laced their fingers together.

Half an hour, he dropped her off at where he picked her up. He hated the idea, feeling she wasn’t safe. He thought of following her behind but it would look as though he didn’t trust her and he doesn’t want to break that between them. If she says she’s safe, then she is safe. “I will be safe, I promise. My home isn’t that far from here.” She kissed his cheek before hopping out of the car.

He watched as she vanished into the woods before he finally left.

She made her way home as so many thoughts scrambled in her head. She had feelings for Blake, she’d not deny that, but some part of her doesn’t fully trust him yet. She felt safe with him, he makes her happy, he makes her forget that she had things to worry about but that werewolf part of her… that instinct was urging her to not trust him… just not yet.

She arrived at the gates of their pack and encountered with Kendrix walking back a fourth.

She grunts softly as she approached him. She wanted to walk pass him but he blocks her way. “Where the hell are you coming from, Aurora? Do you know what time it is?” He spoke lowly. He looked worried—too worried for her to believe he actually cared.

She scoffed and attempted to walk pass him again but he belligerently grabbed her arm. He was so angry and provoked by her attitude.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Kendrix? Let go of me," she demanded and she tried to free herself from his firm grip but he didn't even budge.

"What the hell are you doing out here by this time of the night?” He questioned. He could sense the unacquainted scent off her and he knew she was with someone. “Who the fuck were you with? You were with a man? Did he fuck you…”

A splitting pain erupted through his cheek before he could complete his inadmissibly words.

He looks at her in disbelief. "You slapped me?"

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