
Chapter 4

Isabeau's POV

The doctor arrived and assured everyone that I'm fine. I also convinced them of the same, trying to act as normal as possible now that I finally understand the situation. I know the truth about Leo and what she really thinks of me and I hate her now, for all the terrible things she did to me in my past life but no matter how much I can't stand her, I must act normal in front of her and everyone else. I can't let her suspect that I already know her plans, she's a smart girl and she could easily come up with a new plan, something I won't be able to predict or stop. That would only make surviving more difficult.

As far as I know, I have only two major doom flags; Leo and of course Alaric. Leo might have done all the plotting but Alaric is the one who ordered my death.

I can certainly come up with a way to deal with Leo but what about Alaric? What should I do about him?

"We'll have to come up with a plan very quickly. A major event that leads up to our doom is coming up in a month." Aello notified me.

I tried to remember what it could be and then it finally hit me. I'm turning 18 in a month and I'll be getting married to Alaric on the same day!

No! There's no way I can marry him! I have to stop this marriage at all costs. My marriage to him was the beginning of my downfall so I absolutely cannot let it happen. But what do I do?

I tried to stop the marriage in my last life but I failed and it was for a different reason. I knew Leo was in love with him so I wanted her to marry him in my place but our parents blatantly refused.

The chances that they'll agree in this life is probably zero so that's out of the question.

I must find a way to stop this marriage, my life depends on it.

If I can't get my parents to end my betrothal to him, then I can get him to call it off on his own. If he decides to break the engagement of his own free will then no one can force me to marry him but how do I get him to reject me?

"I don't think putting a stop to this wedding will be a problem." Aello suddenly speaks.

"Why do you think so?"

"According to Leo's confession before our death, she'd been poisoning Alaric's mind against us for a long time so I believe he should already hate us by now." She states.

"You're absolutely right! That means I don't have to do anything too extreme. I could just walk up to him and ask him to call off the wedding, he hates me so it shouldn't be a problem." I speak delightedly with a clap of the hand.

If I can succeed in this, the likelihood of my untimely death decreases. I have to go see him right away, every minute is precious.

I quickly change into something suitable and make my way to the palace, hoping things will go my way.

When I arrive at the palace, I'm directed straight to the garden where Alaric seems to be engaging in a duel with one of the warriors in training.

He easily dodges a blow, taking advantage of his opponent's opening and striking him in the stomach, which forces his opponent to back away in pain.

Alaric had always been strong, it was part of the reason why I was so drawn to him the first time.

He finally seems to notice my presence and as expected, he doesn't seem too happy to see me. At least the feeling is mutual in this instance.

"Isabeau, to what do I owe the sudden visit?" He asks, not sparing me a glance as he continues sparring with his partner.

"Nothing much, I have something very important to discuss with you so I'd like you to lend me a little of your time." I request and he sighs, finally pausing.

"I'm afraid you came at a bad time but since it seems urgent, I'll hear you out at least." He says and I'm barely able to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

He gestures to the other guy who takes his leave and he leads the way while I quietly follow him.

We both take a seat at the patio, which gives us a clear view of the beautiful garden.

A few maids soon appear and serve us some refreshments before taking their leave. 

Alaric silently sips on his drink, not being polite enough to acknowledge my presence. His behavior and arrant arrogance makes me want to punch him but I hold back.

I can't help but ask myself. How on Earth did I fall in love with someone like him? Was I so blind that I never saw how shallow he was until it was too late?

Now that he's seated in front of me once again, nothing about him appeals to me, not anymore.

This is the same man who I used to adore, little gestures from him would leave me a blushing mess, just being in the same room with him used to excite me to the point I thought I would faint.

I worked hard for his love even after marriage but never once did he look at me with passion in his eyes. 

Even when I made the first move while we were married, he always rejected me and cast me aside, all the while holding my sister in his arms and showering her with all the love that was meant for me.

The thought of it makes my blood boil. Never again will I let myself be treated in that manner. Now I live for myself alone, only my survival matters in this world.

I no longer have any feelings for this man, it was nothing but childish affection but my death at his hands was enough to cure me of my delusions.

"Are you going to speak or do you simply wish to waste my time?" He snaps and a smile forms on my face.

"Absolutely not, I'll go straight to the point. I want you to call off our Mating Ceremony." I speak without mincing words.


For the first time, I see something other than irritation on his face. His genuine look of shock amuses me.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm pretty sure I used words that were simple enough to understand. I'm no longer interested in marrying you so I want you to call off our ceremony which will be taking place in a month." I reiterate.

"I heard you the first time, why would you make such a request of me?" He asks, his eyes fully focused on me now.

"I believe the question should be, why not? I mean it's not like you and I love each other or anything.

In fact, your behavior towards me gives me the impression you don't fancy me even a little bit so I'm doing you a favor.

I know the arrangement was made by our parents but that doesn't mean we should blindly go along with it. I believe we should be free to decide who we spend the rest of our lives with.

Rather than entering into this marriage which would clearly make the both of us unhappy, wouldn't it be better to go our separate ways?" I ask rhetorically.


When the word hits, the smirk on my face instantly disappears.

"What do you mean no?"

"It's simple, I'm not going to call off our wedding. I'll get married to you on your birthday, the day you turn 18."

"Why? You should be happy with my suggestion so why are you refusing to call it off? Why do you want to marry me?" I demand, absolutely livid.

There's no way I'm going to let him ruin my second chance at life. I won't die at his hands again, I refuse!

"I'm not answerable to you, my decision is final. We'll be getting married in a month's time so you'd better prepare appropriately. I refuse to speak further on this matter." He concludes and stands up.

I follow suit. He attempts to leave but I grab his arm, stopping him.

"You can't leave yet, we're not done talking."

"We're done when I say we are. Now be a good girl and let go of my arm, I don't want to have to use force on you." He threatens and I reluctantly let go.

He walks off, leaving me standing there, defeated.

There goes my first chance. What am I gonna do? How do I stop this? I feel helpless, everything's slowly unfolding in front of me but I can't do anything.

An image of my miserable, battered and half dead self, mocked and mistreated in that cold dark cell flashes through my mind, instantly giving me chills.

I can't let that happen again, history mustn't repeat itself. I'll just have to find another way.

But how do I go about this? Why is Alaric suddenly hell-bent on marrying me when he couldn't even stand me in my former life?

Could it have something to do with his father, the Alpha? Alaric married me the first time only to fulfill the expectations of his father. He must be trying to do the same thing in this life as well, that has to be it.

I can't stay here sulking all day, I have to return home and come up with a new plan as soon as possible. Operation stop my marriage to Alaric is in motion.

I return home and as soon as I'm in my room, I slump into bed.

"What do we do now, Aello? My parents won't call off the wedding and neither will Alaric. I have to take desperate measures. What do you think about getting into an "accident" a day before the ceremony?"

"That won't solve the problem, simply push it forward. If you're hurt before the wedding, they'll just postpone it till you get better."

"That's true. Should I run away on the day of the wedding?"

"That's a little too extreme. Besides, where will we go? Before Leo's evil plans have a chance to kill us, starvation will, if we do that."

"You're right again. I can't seem to think of a suitable solution, I wish I had Leo's devious mind. This wouldn't be so difficult then." I lament.

"There is one other way, although it might be nearly impossible to achieve."

"What? Spit it out, I'm willing to try anything as long as it'll work."

"The Lycan King, Stellan. Leo said he was in love with us in our first life. He's far more powerful than all the Alphas so if we could get him on our side, he could guarantee our safety." She suggests and my lips stretch in a wide grin.

"I see what you're getting at. I'm surprised I didn't consider it first. My job is simple, I have to get the Lycan King to marry me, not only would I be free from my betrothal to Alaric, I would become untouchable.

King Stellan is my salvation………"

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