
Chapter 13: Trouble with Friends


Taking a seat next to Aria, she pretends not to notice me, so I scoot my stool closer to hers and wrap my arm around her while the other kids are too busy chatting and eating to pay attention.

“What’s the matter, Ari? I whisper in her ear to avoid drawing the attention of the other kids.

“Nothing.” She sulks.

This is her typical response. She always makes me press is a little before she’ll open up.

“Did you have a rough day at school?”

She stares at the counter in front of her and doesn’t respond, so I press in a little more.

“Was someone unkind to you today?”

She still doesn’t speak, but she shakes her head.

I know Ace was having trouble with some boys in his class, maybe she heard something that upset her.

“Was someone unkind to one of your siblings?”

She shakes her head again, and I’m at a loss for what the problem could be, so I pull her in tighter for a hug and kiss the top of her head.

“Well, then what’s wrong? You know you can always talk to me, right?”

She no
Anja Ulven

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