
You are my women

After Edwards took Lilly to the hospital, Lilly asked him to be discharged, so two days later Edwards carried out procedures for her to be discharged and return to the convalescent home.

Today he went to the company to have a busy job, so only Lilly was at home. She sat in her room thinking about something so deeply absorbed that Benedict Arnold knocked on the door all this time without hearing.

"Clack" the door opened, Benedict Arnold entered the room with a bowl of tonic in hand, went to where Lilly was sitting

- Young lady invited people to take medicine.

- Ah...yeah, I'll drink it later. Lilly startled and said to him

- Yes. Benedict Arnold put down the medicine cup, then turned around and walked out without forgetting to close the door. Lilly walked over to the sofa and picked up the cup of medicine, but didn't drink it, brought it to her mouth, and then she stopped with a crooked smile on her lips. At 7 p.m., at the

Collins Edwards

mansion , he walked out of the bathroom
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