
Chapter 4

King took the gem which was the only way to marry his Larena.!!!

The King sent Larena, a beautiful white, long-feathered wedding dress!! It was so beautiful and eye catching that Larena could not move her eyes from it!

 Everyone in the palace had now started preparing for the marriage of their beloved king!

The king came to the marriage hall and started waiting for Larena!

The king's gaze was stuck on the gate of the hall! He was waiting for his love of life to come and make his her!

Larena finally arrived!

As soon as she entered, his eyes stuck on her! He couldn’t remove his eyes from her!

Ryaln looked at her and he kept looking at her! "Oh my god, she is looking damn beautiful!!

She wore a long white gown and her face was covered by the long white veil that gave him a glimpse of her face! Her hair was left open and she had a cute tiara on her head!

Rylan could clearly see his big bright eyes through the veil. For him her eyes were like a lake and he wanted to drown in it! He was going crazy over her more and more!

His heart started beating furiously! He tried his best to control his heartbeat but failed! Even he could hear it now!

Larena finally arrived in front of him! She slowly looked up and her eyes met her, soon to be husband! She got goosebumps and shivered all over!

Ryaln was looking so handsomely charming and His eyes were narcotic, it felt like it was making her dizzy, just by looking into them!

 He  was wearing a royal black suit with a white shirt under the suit and there was a rose in his upper pocket, which she had given him!

His fragrance made Larena intoxicated. She said to herself 'It might be the fragrance of love!' She thought to herself and they both were immersed in each other’s eyes!

Priest coughed a little to bring them back into this world again and said "My Lord and My Lady... we are all set for the wedding!”

The priest handed the gem to the king and told him to touch it on Larena’s forehead.

Rylan followed his words and did the same as he told him to do!

He took the gem near her forehead and as soon as it was in contact with her forehead skin… The gem disappeared!

The Priest said, "The gem is now inside the new queen's forehead, in the middle of her brows!"

Larena couldn’t understand what was going on but her heart was ready to believe in her unconditional love unconditionally. She was still in a dilemma when someone announced!

"All Hail to our king and queen(new)."

The people of that kingdom gave a name to the gem " The Gem Of Love."

Everyone was so happy and were dancing and eating here and there, celebrating the happiest day of their lives, totally unknown to the future!

The night ended and they both had the best night of their lives together! 

They both were so happy and were planning for their future by having kids and making their kingdom more prosperous and full of joy. 

The whole Kingdom was happy! Everyone was satisfied with their new Queen! 

She was kind and always helped people who needed help! 

She was always active in the work of the Kingdom and there was no single person left in the Kingdom, who was sleeping with an empty stomach!

The whole Kingdom of Rylan was living in peace and harmony until one day it finally came to an end!

King Rylan and Queen Larena sat on their respective thrones and had reports of their kingdom! 

There was no problem reported as they were all happy.

There was happiness everywhere!!!

But their happiness did not last for a long time.!!

The Vampire King, named Mason, was planning something evil. He wanted to dominate the whole world and had decided to start with the water realm, the Kingdom of Rylan!

They have heard about the gem of love..which has the power to rule over the water realm and as well as the world!

Mason was a very powerful vampire! He wanted to rule over the whole water realm.

He was preparing himself and his soldiers to attack the kingdom of Rylan! 

Rylan got the news about the evil intentions of Mason.

He also started preparing his army for a big battle.

Rylan was a little relaxed because he made a giant gate for entering the kingdom and It was very difficult to break the gate for anyone! It was made by his powers and it was nearly impossible for any intruder to inter as they will!

Everyone there knew that if Werewolf vs Vampire happened, What would be the consequences!!!

Rylan already knew about Mason. He knew he was an evil and greedy person and he could go to any length to get what he wanted

"Totally heartless person" He murmured to himself! He knew that there were two possibilities… Either they will win or lose but if they lost this battle then the people of his Kingdom would suffer and that was what he was worried about!

He knew that Mason never cared about anyone! Neither his family nor his friends!! 

He had killed his own elder brother "Aaron" to get the throne. And now he was ruling on his brother's kingdom.

He was already but his heart was still unsettled!

On a black night, Mason and his army finally attacked the kingdom of Rylan!

Mason stood in front of the giant gate of the kingdom.

His army was totally busy in breaking the gate and the side walls of the kingdom. 

But no one was able to break it as it was made by the powers of Rylan, so finally, the Vampire King cast his spell, as he had already heard about it, so he had come all prepared!

After his spell, The gate started to break and after some more effort the giant gate finally broke and fell.!!

Rylan got to know this, And he understood this problem was not as small as he thought! He had faith that the gate would not be broken easily. But who would have thought that he had come prepared here!

The Rylan’s army came in front of the Mason’s army.!!

And a brutal fight started.!!!

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