
Chapter 3


I woke up and the sun was up and burning bright through my window; I loved having a big window above my head so that the natural light could freshen and brighten my room; most of my room was pretty basic, with a King-sized bed and a fluffy black rug, a white desk with a desk lamp and my laptop, I groaned in agony as it dawned on me that it was going to be another scorching day in the wonderful Mexico City. I got up and got dressed for training, tying my hair up into a high messy bun and slipping on a pair of black tights and a grey vest; walking into the dining hall I felt all eyes on me, it was weird; the pack was not looking at me in disappointment or disgust but in admiration, I knew they liked me, but this felt different and guilty to admit but I liked it. I grabbed a slice of toast and spread some strawberry jam on it and walked out back for my training, all the while those eyes watched my every movement. I shook my head; something was seriously wrong with them today.

Toni, my trainer was waiting for me already and had set up some obstacles for me to do, which was odd since we only did some sparring and a few weighs.

“What’s going on Toni?” I questioned, and he looked at me and smiled as if he had won a noble prize or some life goal award.

“I am going to train you to start unlocking your full potential”

Toni was not a fan of Olivia, he despised her and wanted her to be removed as Alpha of the Night terrors; he followed her instructions out of ranking and the fact that she held the Alpha position, what was worse, was that we were always being watched by Olivia’s puppy dog and mean girl Cassidy, but today she was not here.

“heard you basically challenged Olivia last night.” He teased

I palmed my face, “shit, that was not my intention. Is that why everyone is looking at me differently?”

He nodded, then looked at me and paused, then looked away.

“what?” I asked him


“Something” I pressed on

He sighed, and then shook his head as he sat down on the mat, he waved me over to come and sit next to him. Toni was a man of thirty-five and had a beautiful mate and was the father of two beautiful girls, two years older than me named Antonella and the other about to finish high school named Antonia, Toni had rippling muscles and well defined ab’s, his salt and pepper beard made him look attractive and he had a chocolate brown tan, his eyes were black and he had no hair, Toni was like the brother I never had, he filled that small gap in my heart and his wife Alba was no less than a big sister to me; when I had nobody else to turn to, they were there for me, they were my family. Olivia only took me in, Toni and his wife gave me a home in their hearts.

Toni looked at me and took my small hands in his large ones, his black eyes looking straight into my brown eyes, I felt as if he could see my soul and read my every thought.

“Z” the nickname almost everyone called me, and Toni started it.

“Yes” I answered looking at the worry that warped his face

“Do you know the difference between a born Alpha’s eye colour and an Alpha”

“Yes, a born Alpha has blood red eyes and specks of gold if born from to a couple of two Alpha’s: The Alpha female and the Alpha male”

He nodded his head

“Why do you ask?”

“Zephyra, what I am about to tell you, will shock you and might cause you to rebel, but promise me you will stay calm”

“Toni, you’re starting to make me scared and worried”

“Promise me!” for the first time ever Antonio raised his voice at me.

“I promise” I whispered

“The first time you shifted, your wolf was of a reddish grey and your eyes were blood red with specs of gold; Olivia ordered us to leave so not many of us had the chance to look at you properly to know what wolf you are, but your aura was powerful and dominant. I looked up the wolf I suspected you were blessed with and my suspicions were confirmed; not only were you born with the Celtic wolf goddess Morrigan, but you were born to Alpha parents; something exceedingly rare in our kind”

I stared at him and burst out laughing, rolling on the grass, I then sat up

“Good joke Toni”

His face was straight and unwavering,

“I am not joking Zephyra, till date why do you think Olivia makes me train you under the watch of Cassidy? Your training is not even enough for a human to defend themselves… you are strong, but not to your full potential and I am forced to hold you back as an order from Olivia… You don’t even know the colour of your own wolf fur coat!”

The impact of his words hit me like a ton of bricks, I suddenly had more questions about my parents… about me… about my wolf.

“Fine, then if I am such a powerful wolf; why have I not been able to hear her in my head?”

“you only shifted once; the connection is there but a wall is blocking it because you did not shift after coming of age”

I took a deep breath and the world around me seemed to become a blur; my whole existence feels like a lie.

“I… I need to get away for a while, what you are saying can’t be true”

I looked up and he nodded

“If anyone asks, I will tell them we finished training and you wanted some alone time”

I ran from the training grounds and to the garage, grabbing the keys to my black Jeep; I started up the engine and speed down the long driveway and out the gates; after driving out for about two hours, I came to the small town that I was familiar with called Bernal, it was a beautiful city and very touristy. It is known for its hiking trails and cathedrals; I was here to go hiking; since shifting was going to be even more painful than the first time and I did not want to attract any unwanted attention. I had learnt from Toni how to mask my werewolf scent and I did just that. I parked my car in an abandoned ally and covered it with a bed sheet that had been thrown away, I shoved the keys in my pocket and walked out casually, if need were, I would stay a night or two here just to clear my head. I was going to start my hike at the foot of Bernal de la Pena, many humans have conjured up rumours on its power and the source and indeed it has many mythical and healing powers; but for werewolf folk the powers it possesses were different, we believed that this is one of the abodes of the moon goddess and her husband Endymion live happily. I had come here to experience that; for many werewolf folks, they come here seeking answers about their mates, or when they will bear a child; I have come here to ask for guidance on discovering the truth about my life and to give me the strength to handle it.

After walking from the town square to the foot of the mountain to rest; I had just a little further to go. Once I reached the fountain, I made my wish and sat down resting my legs, I looked up at the sky and noticed that the weather had changed, you could hear the faint rumble of thunder and cool drops of rain that started to fall, in a matter of minutes people were covering their head and running for cover, as the thundering got louder and the lightening started to strike the volcanic plug; the wind had also picked up and started howling, I was heading back when I heard cries for help, I followed the sound and found that a large tree had fallen on top of a man and a group, his friends I assumed from the way they were dressed, trying to pick the tree off him; he was struggling to move and his friends could barely hold the tree up, I ran over and pulled him out from under and that was when the most intoxicating smell hit my nose; the smell of wet sand and a subtle hints of sea breeze; I brushed it off sure that it was the rain that was bringing in these scents. I put his arm around my neck and his friends helped on the other side and we managed to make it to a small lodge called “Montaña mística”.

There was an old lady in the dimly lit establishment, her hair was white, and wrinkles covered her face. Her back was slightly hunched, and her black round framed glasses sat just below the bridge of her nose, her hazel brown eyes looked up at us at the sound of the bell that hung above the door. The concerned look on her face was enough for me and the guys I had helped to understand that the man I was helped was terrible injured,

“come in; quick quick, we don’t have much time”

She ushered us in and led us down a brightly lit corridor and into two separate rooms, the three men were ushered into the first room, the last turned and pulled me and the man that now I was solely carrying into the room, I got in and she closed the door behind me. The man I was alone in the room with was unconscious. I placed him on the bed and toom in my surroundings, the room was large and had a large sliding door that lead onto a balcony, I walked out and noticed that the freak storm had passed, I walked back in the room and noticed that there was only one bed, guess I will have to asl if the couch is a sleeper or if I could get extra blankets and pillows for me to make a comfy bed on the couch. I then went further and inspected the bathroom; it was tastefully done up with marble counter tops and a big shower. All the toiletries were fully stocked up, I let down my hair and washed the dirt off my face, shit! I left my bag in the car along with my phone and purse; I heard a knock on the door and walked out to open the door, I looked on the bed and found my unexpected roommate still unconscious or asleep, I did not actually know. All I knew was that I was getting that same scent of wet sand and sea breeze, it was much stronger though and I did not understand what was going on.

I opened the door to see the frail old woman standing with some fresh towels and extra blankets and pillows,

“Thank you, but how did you know?”

“Dear child, I am a mother of five children, I know what you and your friends needed; how is your boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend?” I asked surprised and confused

She looked over my shoulder and I followed her eyes and landed on my “roommate”

“No, no; he isn’t my boyfriend” I defended

She pushed past me gently and smiled and sat down on the bed beside him,

“You could have fooled me, now bring me some hot water and let’s wipe this muck of his face”

I nodded and went to get some warm water, instead if the old lady wiping, she instructed me to wipe his face and even change his clothes; I did not notice when the old lady left; I was so enchanted by this man laying on the bed in this room with me. He seemed so at peace with everything, and I now know he was asleep, he was werewolf, but I had masked my scent to go on undetected. I took in all his features that were visible to me, he had rose beige toned skin and while changing him I sneaked a peak at his well-defined physique and those rock abs; he had perfect pink lips and high cheek bones and silky soft midnight black hair, he was tall, how tall I would only find out if he stood near me; and his “junk” well… let’s just say he is not lacking at all! I had the naughtiest thoughts running in my head about what he was not lacking and all the things I wanted him to do to me; I ran my hand against his cheek, his skin was so soft and smooth. I heard a slight groan and his eyes fluttered open, my heart began to beat fast, and I had to caress his cheek and speak sweetly so he would fall asleep again and I would not be so flustered,

“Shhhh, you’re safe now.”

“Mate” he groaned out and his eyes closed, he was asleep, and I froze…

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