
Chapter 13

"Only Hunter can explain it to me." My mind told myself.

I must focus and connect with him through the mental links. But before I could close my eyes, the man moved. He yawned and stretched his arms. He suddenly rose from sitting and glanced from the direction where he came from, then immediately run. He must have realized what happened earlier. He brushed the twigs of the bushes that obstructed his way. His moves are faster now, maybe because his strength was renewed after that long nap. Where is he going? Doesn't he even have a car in the warehouse where they imprisoned me? It seems that the path he's leading is unlikely to be a road. I kind of understand him. He might have lost his mind when he saw me in my sharp claws and narrow reddish eyes. I followed him closely, still hopping from branches to branches. I think we're getting near the highway because I can already hear the sounds of passing vehicles. He climbed into the highway rails and waited for vehicles to pass by. He bent down resting his palms on his knees. He was panting heavily and drops of perspiration is running down his temple and neck. He looks terrible and pitiful. After a few moments, I can see an approaching cargo truck. The man waved both his hand, signaling for help but the driver didn't bother to stop. Another heartless creature. 

"Shit!" The man exclaimed in frustration.

"It's okay, just wait. Someone might help you." I talked to myself again.

Another vehicle showed up on the horizon. But still, it didn't stop for the man. I didn't know that there's people like this. Why are they denying to help him? If I happen to be one of the drivers of those vehicles, I would surely stop to ask what's going on and lend my hand. This scenario only proves that there are really bad people in any world. 

"I think I should help you get a ride," I told him but it's only me who can hear my words. 

I sensed a speeding car approaching our direction and so I focused. When I saw it getting near and not changing its speed even after seeing the waving hands of the man, I used my telekinesis and stopped its wheels from moving. I pulled over right in front of the man.

"Jesus Christ, thanks so much! I thought there's no one here to help me." 

He said almost crying. He went to the door of the passenger seat expecting to be opened by someone inside. But the driver won't open it. Of course, who will ever think of having a stranger sit on the passenger seat of your Lamborghini? Not to mention that he did not stop on purpose. I can imagine how the face of the driver looks like and I want to laugh out loud. Using my supernatural ability, I turned the door lock open to let the man enter.

"Thank you so much!" I heard the man saying after getting inside.

"Who are you! Get out of my car you asshole!" An arrogant voice of the driver shouted at the poor man.

"Huh? But you let me in, didn't you?" The man clarified with confusion.

"I didn't!" The driver shouted again. "Now, get out of my car or I'll kick you out!"

I will not let him kick the man. To be honest, I want him to get to where my companions are and so I can save them and rest on my smooth and puffy bed. 

"Enough for so much talking," I said to myself.

So, before he could kick my kidnapper out, I turned his hands into the stirring wheel and sped up. I quickly teleported at the back of the car. I escaped being seen in the mirror and just kept quiet so they won't notice me. 

"What is going on!?" The driver was so scared of what is happening.

"I don't know, you're the driver!" The man in the passenger seat is confused. I can read his mind asking, "What's wrong with this man? He's acting so weird."

"Holy shit! I will be dropping you by the town. If you're doing any black magic with my car, please stop it  'coz I'm fucking scared!" The driver yelled furiously.

"W-What are you talking about?" The other man said with questioning eyes. He scratched his head unintentionally. 

"The car is moving on it's on!" He yelled again.


"I'm not kidding! The car is seriously speeding on its own, man!" The driver snapped its palms on the stirring wheels. 

"Are you on drugs?"

"What!? I am not!"

The two of them kept arguing. I just remained silently sitting at the back seat, trying hard as I might suppress my laughter. A driver is a young man. He's maybe nineteen or twenty and seems to be a brat. While the man whom I am trailing with is in his thirties. 

"Take me to the Tucky Corporation warehouse." The older man commanded.

"I'm not taking you there. That's directly opposite from my route and is very far."

"Then at least drop me by the Lesley Hotel." The older man surrendered. The young man is stubborn and is not willing to help and agreed with the older one, as it favors him.

"That is better." He said with his furrowed eyes and pressed his lips afterward.

At last, they agreed. Tucky Corporation. Did I hear him say it? I know the Tucky's. I've already met them at parties several times when Martin and Margarette were still alive. Is Tucky responsible for the kidnap of Catherine and Isabel? If that is the case, then must I conclude that they are in any way connected to this syndicate? Why am I facing so much why's today? Before I could think of it further, the Lamborghini pulled in front of the Lesley Hotel. This is one of the well-known hotels in West Land City.

"Thank you for giving me a ride." The older man said while getting ready to get out. 

"Hey wait!" The young driver called him. 

"What is it?" The old man asked patiently.

"What happened back in there? Were you using black magic?"

"You were just imagining."

He shrugged his shoulders and swiftly walked away. He couldn't tell the man about what happened in the warehouse, or he could be imprisoned for kidnapping. Besides, he won't believe what he witnessed. I went out from where I'm hiding and patted his shoulder.

"Don't mind him. He's just too exhausted to answer your queries."

He jerked from his seat and his jaw dropped after learning my presence. I immediately got out of the car before he could react.

"H-Hey! How did you get inside my car!?"

I heard him shout before I turned to the corner of an alley.

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