
Chapter 3: Reunion

X had closed the door to the room, and waited till the footsteps of Alyshia had disappeared. He slowly took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He had found a vacancy at inn and knew that he would have the opportunity to finally rest. Even though the battle was not long, it had been many weeks since he had a proper night’s sleep. Ever since he his parents had died, he had gotten very little hospitality from anyone. He knew that there was none among the people he met that has that same appearance that he had. X felt that because of this he was always an outcast.

His parents kept a lot of information hidden that was about their past and who they are. All they knew is that his surname is Han and he was the last of direct decedent. Only once had he herd a little bit about his people. It was over herd them talking in the middle of the night. He knew that he had relatives, but the only clue he had was they too also possessed a unique color of eyes, the same way the had a stormy grey color. The only person he knew with the same color of eyes was Kon his father. His mother was an exception, she had an Electric Violet color.

These thought brought him back to the inn keeper, Alyisha. Her eye color was purple, yet he had never met anyone with a such color of eye before. The closest that he had seen was his mothers, Lia. Even then Lia’s color was more blue than purple; never a straight color purple with such a hue. Is she related to him? Did she have ties to the Han’s? Why has he only seen her now?None the less, all the questions would not bring fourth any answers.

He slowly got undressed and neatly folded his clothes and placed them at the foot of the bed. He survey the room rather quickly, noticing there was not much in there. The room had been arranged to meet the bare minimum for people. There was a table near the corner of the room, with only one chair. The chair was made to face the door. On the other side of the room, stood what looked to be a rocking chair, with a little table beside, as if meant to hold drinks. However, the rooms had not window in it.

X was slightly more relaxed after he noticed that there was not a single window present. It only meant to him that there was one way in and one way out. None the less, X still pulled out his blade and placed it underneath his pillows. Only the handle would stick out. This was the only possession that came directly from his father. As the Eternal Depths Sapphire’s was a possession that was his mothers. The blue jade he possessed was more of clan heirloom, for his mother that anyone of the Han Clan would have something that was made of it.

X’s father once told to him, that the blade was made for his grandfather when he was old age. Thus the blade not not a sword, but more of machete than anything else. It was made so to reduce its weight, but its weaknesses could be straightened with supreme technique. The blade was almost rectangular, if it were not for the slight curvature. The spine of the blade was a little thicker than a wasabi pea. Even though the spine was so thick, the edge of the blade would rival the finest fibers. It had the ability to split hair in half, even a single fiber of silk could be halved. The front of the blade was as equally sharp.

The machete did not have a hilt, as it was one solid piece. The only transition was that the tang of the blade was instantly turned into a handle. It only had one nock in it and it was right before the transition, on the same side of the blade. The nock was about the size of an index finger’s first knuckle, triangular in shape. Even though it was with out a hilt that nock had saved his life a few times, for no matter what was parried, the nock would catch it.

From what he was aware of, every weapon had to be maintained. This was one factor that was unequatable when it came to the Transcending Ice Crystal Machete. It had never once been maintenance. No matter what duty if had performed, it never needed to be tended too. X also had never seen another weapon like it in his entire life. He slowly drifted into sleep in mid thought.

A soft shuffle was herd, immediately X had awaken. He had already grabbed machete, before he opened his eyes. It was this very instinct why he was still alive. Survival of the fittest one would say. He seen a slender figure standing before him. The room was dim for only two candles had managed to stay lit. The figure stood there, as if a statue. Slowly he got up and readied himself for anything that may be unexpected. He asked “Who are you and why are in my room?”. X knew that there was a possibility that someone had wandered into the wrong room for this was an inn. For he did not want to slay someone who was innocent.

“I am here to inform you that amoung the men you slayed, one was named Samuel. He is the only son of who they call lord Henderson. Samuel’s right hand man and a fleet of warriors are in pursuit of you. Do not worry you have about two days before they encounter this place.” The mysterious person said. The voice was soft, almost alluring. “Why have you come to tell me?” Questioned X. “You and I are alike, more than you think. What was once lost shall be returned.” Whispered the mysterious figure.

Slowly the mysterious person stepped back, before removing the hooded cloak. He started to lower the machete, seeing that this person did not have any vile intentions. Once the translucent blade was sheathed, the mysterious figure took a step forward. He gasped as he could not help but to jump form the bed. The Mysterious person who stood before him was a woman.

There was a long scar that ran along her face, it stretched from her right temple down to the center of her chin. The scar did nothing to hinder her beauty. Her hair was pulled back, and was braided. Only her bangs moved freely as they caressed the sides of her rosy cheeks. She had pale skin, that which could not be hidden in the darkness. She wore an old fashion robe that was fastened by three purple jade frog buttons. Outside of the buttons the robe seemed plain. Her hands stuck out of the sleeves just enough to catch a glimpse of her wrist. One the left side was a blue jade bracelet!

The dim lighting could not conceal the excitement that he wore on his face. “What is your name, my lady?” X asked politely as he bowed. Mid bow he had not realized how he had addressed her and began to blush. “My lady?” Smirked the woman. “My name is Ka-Rin.” Said the woman. “Have a seat Ka-Rin, it would be impolite to not ask a guest to take a seat. You may sit at the table or sit on the rocking chair. What ever you preference may be.” Smiled X as he made gestures towards both locations.

Nothing could surprise X for what happened next. Ka-Rin sat down on the bed next to him and got uncomfortably close, as if she was going to kiss. He immediately withdrew a bit, never once had he had been so close to a lady, let along one so beautiful. He was intimidated  by the distance between them. Gazing back at Ka-Rin, he just realized that Ka-Rin had colored eyes. Not just any color but she too also had grey eyes! He immediately fumbled with his words. “You!…. Grey!…. How?”

Ka-Rin could not help it as she bursted into laughter at his actions. “Since you are having trouble finishing your words I shall help you. Yes I too have grey eyes as you, however mine are not as pure as yours. If you look closely you can see that there is also another color in there.” She replied with a down ward gaze as if she was embarrassed about here eye color. “There is also purple in there.” As Ka-Rin paused X exclaimed, “Alyisha is your mother!” “Yes, she is.” Replied Ka-rin cooly.

X had been taught the importance of family, as he knew there was very little that he had. His parents had only told him that it was just them and that the was the last descendant of the Han Clan. Outside of the conversation that he had overheard, he knew he had relatives but no such immediate family. Judging from Ka-Rin’s facial expression, he knew that his pure grey eyes had meant that he was definitely of pure blood. It was definitely not wrong when he said he was the last direct descendant of the the Han Clan.

She did  not know where to start as there was so much that she needed to tell him. What little time they would have alone together would not be ample. Lord Henderson’s men were still looking for X. They would also have a very long journey to get back to the her residence. She decided that querying him would be the fastest. Instead of explaining everything she would just fill in the missing pieces.

Ka-rin took a deep breath and paused; slowly she let it out. She composed her words as she let them out, “What do you know about your people, the Transcending Ice Crystal, the eternal Depths Sapphire and the blue jade?” X replied, “Not very much. Only that each one was something that belonged to my parents. The blade that I possess was made for my grandfather when we was older. It had been passed down to my father, but when my parents were killed, I had inherited it.” His facial expressions were dark, recalling the grueling scenes.

“My mother Lia, always had the Eternal Depth’s Sapphire. It was not an item that she freely wore though. It was always kept put up and hidden. I only wear it so freely in her remembrance.” X’s voice had started to trail off. “As the Blue Jade, my mother once told me that it was a clan heirloom. That anyone that was from our clan would posses an object made of blue jade.” As he finished saying this, his eyes were hinting at the blue jade bracelet Ka-rin had worn.

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