

It is my birthday in a few days. You probably think it is a big deal, but not to me. The day which marks my entire existence would be the same day my heart stops beating, the day my body would separate from my soul once more. I was going to die.

For most people, birthdays call for celebration, to celebrate life and our loved ones, but for me, it spells death, grief. It was not something that happened every year, just as birthdays had stages, so did my death. It first happened when I turned sixteen.

From a young age, there was always a strange occurrence that always happened on the eve of my birthday, a heavy storm. I don’t know why, but Lincoln and I always loved it. We would go and sit at our favourite spot as the clouds gathered, and we would wait until the rain poured over us before rushing back home.

However, that night was different, and I will never forget the horrified look on Lincoln’s face when everything unfolded. We never told anyone about it, but it drove a wedge between us, and even today, it still haunted us.

“Hey!” I was pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice, and I smiled in response as I sat up straight. “A little birdie told me you were here, so I thought I should come and say hi. Are you good?”

I had just finished doing a heart scan, and the doctor did not say anything he hadn't said in all my previous appointments: “Everything still looks good so far, continue taking your meds and eating healthy, and you should be fine for a while. Try to take care of your heart until you get a new one.”

He did not have to say it, the words hung in the air like dark clouds, what he meant to say was that if I was lucky to get a new heart.

I wish he knew that I did not want to be fine, I did not need a new heart. What I required, not even this hospital could give me.

“So, what did the doctor say?” Alex asked, leaning against the bed.

I exhaled softly. “What else could he possibly say, Alex?”

He watched me as I climbed off the bed and fumbled to put on my boots, there was no pity in his eyes, just wonder and admiration. I guess that was the reason I did not turn down his friendship. I met Alex almost a year ago, he was a new resident doctor at the mediclinic, and he was the sweetest guy I've come across in a long time.

“My shift just ended, how about we grab some coffee–”

“I can't drink coffee,” I reminded him.

His face lit up with a bright smile, making his bronze skin pop. “Okay, you can order whatever you want,” he clarified, a sense of humour in his voice. “There's a new restaurant in town, they even cater for vegans.”

I slipped on my jacket and picked up my handbag, not forgetting to grab the new bottle of pills my doctor gave me. “Fine. But as long as it is not one of those restaurants that charge an arm and a leg for a glass of water.”

He threw his head back and howled in laughter, and a small smile tugged at my lips as his sparkling brown eyes stared at me. His body was shaking, I was even afraid that he was going to have a seizure from laughing.

I left the hospital and waited for him outside their gates while he changed into his regular clothes and signed out.

He finally joined me and we walked to town. The hospital was secluded, it was about a fifteen minute walk from the city. Our city was huge, and it catered for almost all the surrounding kingdoms since it was literally in the centre of the entire island.

There was one gigantic mall and three other shopping centres, an airport and a hotel, a recreational park, and tons of corporate buildings. And we had a few colleges and one university.

This entire area was a small island to the world, but it was home to us, and it was huge, between seven different kingdoms and a city, I would say we are pretty well-off considering the fact that we were an independent “country.”

Thankfully, the restaurant Alex mentioned was not in the mall, I was not looking forward to skipping around many people today. The restaurant was located opposite the park

“Alex, are you certain this place is not expensive? I know you earn well and everything, but it still doesn't make me feel better,” I rambled on as we finally reached the place.

I was impressed by their service upon arrival. In all my life, I'd never had anyone take off my coat or jacket, if anything, I'd spent a great deal of time taking people's coats whenever they arrived at the palace. For once, I felt like royalty, and it brought a smile to my face.

“If I knew this was going to brighten up your face, I would have brought you here a long time ago,” Alex said once we were at our table.

I chuckled. “That's if the restaurant existed back then.”

He tilted his head from side to side and. “You have a point. But still, I would do anything to put a smile on your face.”

The fact that he was watching me did not help the situation, my face fired up, and I had to hide behind the menu while skimming through it for some healthy meals.

Luckily, Alex did not say anything else, he was also focusing on his menu. I don't understand why I was acting like this, I mean, I'd never looked at Alex as anything else besides a great friend and the brother I never had.

Our waiter returned to take our orders, I settled on a salad and a glass of water. Yes, a glass of water. And Alex orders several foods my doctor would consider unhealthy.

“Have you ever dreamed of a life outside this? Outside this city, outside your kingdom, and out of this island?” He asked. “I mean, you have spent your entire life here. By now you have been through all seven kingdoms, and you know this island from shore to shore.”

I sighed and stared out the window. He was right, there was no place I didn't know within this island, and for a while, I wanted to go away and see the world, but I stopped dreaming when my father passed away. We had made plans to travel the world together, we had already travelled throughout Azania. Yes, strangely, this island was known as Azania, and my parents thought it was a great idea to name me after it.

It was not weird considering the fact that people barely referred to the island as one, as outsiders did. We just called it the island, or referred to each part individually.

“My dad and I planned to see the world together, I know this place inside out. I find it funny whenever I see tourists, I ask myself what it is they see here that they don't have in their country. They are fascinated by the silliest of things.”

To tell the truth, I was intrigued. I wanted to see their world. Often times I found myself wondering what would happen if I chose to get on the ship that carries tourists and leave with them when they finally bow out of the island.

Our food finally arrived, and I thought I would get a heart attack from just one bite. I had managed to avoid eating out for some time, but every once in a while, I appreciated a meal or just a plain salad that was not made by my mother's hands. No offence, really, I loved her food, but a little difference would be good.

“What about school and a career?” He prompted.

I shrugged. “I've never thought about it, at least not in a while. I never got time to think about career aspects,” I admitted.

Alex smirked. “Maybe you could be a doctor like me?”

“Hmm…” I shook my head, taking a huge gulp of my water. “I could never! I don't think I have it in me, the thought of holding someone's survival in my hands… I would never be able to live with myself knowing I failed to save someone's life.”

“Yeah, well, that's the hardest part. But then again, you can't save everyone.”

“True. Either way, I'd prefer an outdoor career. My father always told me wild stories about this island. I would love to somehow rediscover all that for myself.” I smiled at the thought.

“So, an archaeologist? Or maybe geologist?”

“Or both.” I winked at him, and he laughed.

We were seated next to the window and had a clear view of the park across the restaurant as well as any activities outside the restaurant. So, imagine the look on my face when I saw Sam crossing over from the other side of the street.

My stomach churned in dread. Dear God, please don't let him be coming for me! My prayers were futile as he walked into the restaurant and headed straight for our table like someone had told him exactly where I was seated. I frowned, my body involuntarily turning around to skim through the half-empty room, and my eyes landed on Prince Lincoln Zion.

He was going on as if nothing were happening, but I knew he had something to do with this.

I turned to Sam with a brittle smile on my face. “Sam, what are you doing here?” I asked, although I already had an idea.

There was not even one single flinch on his face. “Azania, don't make this any more difficult, let's go,” he demanded.

“I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sam, but I'm not going anywhere with you.”

Alex was mum, but I could tell he was annoyed and somewhat confused.

“You don't have any other choice, Azania. In fact, you only have two options, either you walk out of here on your own two feet, or I carry you.”

That sounded like an order straight from the devil's lips. I looked over his table again, and this time he looked back, it was brief and yet so daring and proud.

Hot anger coursed through my veins, I would get him for this. Sam touched my hand, and I pulled away and pushed back my chair.

“I wall perfectly well on my own,” I grounded. “I'll meet you outside.”

“The orders were that I walk with you all the way to the car.”

“Azania, what's going on here?” Alex finally asked.

I shook my head at him. “It's a long story, I'll tell you later.”

“Okay, I'll give you a call later, and I'll come to see you somewhere during the week.” He stood up and kissed my cheek, and the look on Sam's face made me dread looking over as his highness.

I collected my jacket at the door and marched to the car, leaving Sam behind.

He finally came by with the prince and his companion. Lincoln was looking at me, but I didn't even bother looking up at him, I was beyond pissed.

Sam unlocked the car and rushed to open my door. “Let me–”

“I am more than capable of opening my door,” I bit off, shoving him back before opening the door and climbing into the front passenger seat.

He moved away and opened the passenger doors for the royals, and then hopped into the car and drove off.

Again, the ride was quiet. That was until my phone rang, my mother's name showing on the screen.

“Mama,” I answered.

“Sweetie! You were gone by the time I woke up. How are you?”

“I'm okay, Ma. How are you?”

“Good. What did the doctor say?”

I sighed. This question again! “What else could he possibly say? The usual.”

There was a pregnant pause before she spoke again. “That's okay, I guess. I was just checking up on you, Shekinah must be wondering where I am, I have to go,” she said hastily.

I straightened up on my seat, hoping that I heard wrong. “Ma, did you just say Shekinah? You are with Queen Shekinah?”

“Uhm… yeah. We are about to have some lunch.”

I shut my eyes tightly, massaging the bridge of my nose as a sharp pain hit me. “I don't know how to feel about this blossoming friendship of yours,” I admitted. “Should I be worried?”

I could just see her shaking her head. “No. Why should you be? Speaking of blossoming friendships, how is Alex?”

I groaned, not caring that I was actually a guest in this car. “Alex is fine, Ma. I was just with him.”

“Did he ask about me?”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course, he did. He also said that he would be stopping by to see us during the week.”

You know that feeling when the steam scorches your skin? It felt even worse when I felt Lincoln's eyes drilling holes into my back.

“And, what did you say?”


“Nothing? Azania Eva Kunene!”

I shrugged. “What, Ma? What did you expect me to do? Invite him over for dinner?”


“Mama, I'm sure you don't want to keep the queen waiting, we will talk about this later. He said he was going to call me, so you will have the opportunity to invite him yourself. Love you, bye.” I hung up before she could say anything else. “Sam, could you drop me off at the cemetery, please."

Sam gave me a brief look before turning his eyes to the road ahead. “Are you certain? I can drop you off and come back to pick you up later,” he said.

“Just drop me off and stop complicating things. If I wanted your help, I would have said so.”

Our cemetery was located just outside Zion on the route to town. It was a bit far from home, but by now I had all the shortcuts figured out, and I knew how to get there quicker.

We finally arrived, and Sam pulled up on the side of the road. I hopped out of the car and shut the door, and then I walked away without looking back to see whether they left or not. My bad because the minute I heard the car come to life and looked over my shoulder, Prince Lincoln was standing on the side of the road.

Why did he get off the car?

That was the first question that came to mind as I hastened my steps towards the cemetery gates. I greeted the gatekeeper on my way and went to find my father's grave.

I felt like an intruder with each tomb I passed, it was like staring at death in the face. This was her home, and she made it look like the perfect haven, a place where everyone was dying to have a place. And she was mocking, mocking me as if to remind me that I did not belong here, it was laughing at my sham of a life.

Locating my father's tomb was not a task, he was buried among the noble. I guess being the King's advisor worked in his favour in the end, he had a dignified burial and was not scattered among the commoners. He had a beautiful tombstone too.

His area was clean, mom had been here a few days ago, we always kept his resting place clean. My mother even planted flowers for him.

I sat on the base of the tombstone, running my fingers across the writing. 'Richard Thomas Kunene', it read, 'A warrior, a friend, a husband, and a father. Forever in our hearts.'

The irony in that, I am a hundred percent sure that the only people who still carry him in our hearts are my mother and me, everyone else forgot about him as soon as he was laid to rest. Even the King had already appointed his successor the following day.

“Hey, dad. It's me. I know the last time I was here, we did not talk, but I didn't want to say anything in front of mama. And I'm sorry that I haven't come to visit you in a while, just that this place is somewhat haunting to me,” I choked. My throat burnt, and my chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath. “I wish you were here with me, in person. There's so much I want to share with you. There's a lot going on, and I don't understand what's happening. What do I do? Why me?” I demanded. “Did you always know? Was that the reason you taught me everything you did, were you preparing me for something?" I couldn't stop the tears from pouring out. “Daddy, I'm scared. I can't even talk to mama about it.”

I don't know what frightened me more, me telling her my struggles only to find out that she does not know, or maybe telling her and finding out that she knew all along. I think it would break me more if she confirmed my worst fears.

“You are really just wasting your time.”

My entire body stiffened as if it were going to break into pieces, my heart beating at the pit of my stomach. I could slap myself for forgetting that he had practically stalked me here instead of leaving with Sam and his girlfriend. Or fiancée. I had no doubt that Gladys was already planning their wedding by now.

I quickly wiped away my tears and stood up abruptly, dusting myself off. “What are you doing here?” I asked, not bothering to glance his way, I didn't want him to see the conflict in his eyes.

“I've come to warn you to stay away from that Alex guy you have been spending so much time with, your mother is even planning your wedding.”

My head snapped up, a bitter laughter rising from my throat. It was a pity he did not look as ridiculous as he sounded right this minute. Prince Lincoln had a commanding aura, he made it impossible not to notice him, and his height and broadness did not make the situation any easier. His skin tone was a golden brown, his thick dreadlocks hanging below his shoulders in a tight ponytail, while his face was covered in a dark, well-trimmed beard.

Looking at him, I could understand why the village women thought no one else besides the prince was well-suited for their daughters.

“Lincoln, you have absolutely no right to decide who I get into bed with.”

When my mother said that one of these days my tongue would be the death of me, I guess she forgot to mention that it would be at the cemetery, next to my father's grave in broad daylight. And she most certainly forgot to mention that it would be at the mercy of the crown prince.

I did not see when he left his spot, nor did I hear his footsteps, I just saw a storm of dust where he once stood. Before I could wrap my head around what happened in the last second, he appeared right in front of me, not giving me a chance to escape his wrath.

I always say that I don't fear death, I am not in the least frightened by the idea of dying, but it did not mean I was not haunted by the most possible ways I could die. I spent an eternity trying to understand why I was the way I was, in vain. Until eventually, I stopped asking why and simply embraced myself and learnt how to survive daily.

I had to teach myself how to blend in because my father was no longer here to guide me through the mysteries of my life. So far, suppression was my first resolve, it was my only resolute. I was never a normal girl, and my 16th birthday proved it.

My father used to tell me the story of how cruel the people of Zion were, having a special gift was not foreign in our history books, but the murders of the gifted were common. My father's mother was a seer, and even after she saved a life, many called her a witch, and as a result, she was burned alive.

I minimized the risk of getting hurt by staying away from people, I didn't have many friends and I rarely ever went out except for when I go to work and to the doctor. But there was no escaping Lincoln when he was the one person who knew my secret.

He grabbed my arm in a tight grip with his left hand, and I bit on my teeth as his other hand reached for my throat. He did not even have to touch me, all the energy in my body coursed through my veins all the way to my throat. It felt like I was on fire, I could barely do anything, screaming, swallowing, breathing… he had me exactly where he wanted me. I was his violin, and he was the violinist, I had to play to his tune.

Tears stung at the corners of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I couldn't cry, I had to suppress everything.

“How about a little deal,” he mused smoothly while playing with his hand. “When your dear friend calls you, you are going to tell him that you don't ever want to see him again, do you understand?” His eyes were daring as he looked into my stormy eyes. I shook my head, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “Really? Well, maybe you will understand better when I tell everyone who you really are.” My eyes flew wider as I shook my head furiously. “Oh, yes! What was that story your father used to tell us? Remember what happens to people who play with fire? They get burned. Imagine the community members marching to your house late at night while you and your poor mother are sleeping, and set the house alight… I'd hate to see that happen."

He lowered his hand, and I did not dare let my guard down because something told me he was just getting started, and I was not wrong. Just as I was starting to catch my breath, he pulled me closer and crashed his lips against mine. And I don't know who I hated more at that moment, him or myself because of the way my body responded to him.

I tried to push him away and ended up biting his lower lip, causing him to step away from me, allowing me enough time to distance myself from him.

He chuckled as he touched his lips, and then he looked up with a smirk on his face. "Sleep on it, sweetheart.” He winked at me, and then walked away.

Just then, my phone rang, but I couldn’t bring myself to answer. I turned around and ran in the opposite direction, his words playing on my mind like a broken record.

Remember what happens to people who play with fire? They get burned.

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