

I was at work when I felt it. You know that one feeling when somebody close to you had died? It felt like a part of me was just torn; not complete at all. Like it would never be complete, ever again. I looked around the bar, trying to control the pain I felt. A broken heart is not a joke at all. I had never cried for anybody before, but this pain I felt in chest made me cave in. Erika was making one of the customer’s drinks when she turned my way. I wiped the tears from my eyes and continued working, not even glancing at her.

           “Are you okay?” She asked me.

           “I’m fine.” I said, defensively.

           She handed the customer his drink and turned back to me, placing her hands on her hips. I already knew he was going to bother me about it, so I decided to open up for the first time.

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