
Chapter Eleven: Malachi's Madness


I was in a panic, every cell in my body felt like it was going in thousands of different directions. I could only think about was River, and Victor taking her. I didn't know everything he would do to her, but I was sure he would rape her just yet. Not till her birthday, so I had a few months to figure out where she was. Doing this would take every resource I had. Morgan was almost as panicked as I was, his newly found sister was just ripped from him. That fight was obviously just to keep me distracted while he hunted her down and it worked. Only a few lycans lost their lives, but only a couple of vampires escaped.

I gathered more of my wolves to my house, within days it was crawling with lycans. I needed to find Victor and kill him painfully and then needed to find my mate. Not just my mate, but the love of my life. God, I loved her so much and I hadn't taken the moment to be brave enough to tell her that.

I was in the living room waiting for everyone to settle
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