
Part 15

In a deserted area.

The next morning, I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair. I was stunned to meet Julie sitting on my bed with her phone. She looked up when she saw me and smiled. "Finally, you're leaving this house for good. I can't believe I'm finally seeing you leave." I shrugged and wiped my body with a towel. "Is that why you're here?" I asked.

I pushed up my track pants. "Yes. Just the satisfaction that you're almost ready with your bags." She looked at me steadily, biting her lower lips. 'She's beautiful!' I heard her through her mind. I smirked.

"You can leave or you wanna watch me dress?" I asked with a sly smile. "Bitch.!" She cussed and left, jamming my door behind. I scoffed and turned to my mirror, I absentmindedly ran my hand over my birthmark at the back of my neck. I turned, carried my bag and walked out of my room. 

Being driven i

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